Jul 19, 2007 Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 32 29 61 16 976 x2 1952 attic rnd wire-attic dipole W5TVW 19 16 35 15 525 x2 1050 135' dipole @50' *WB8LZG 17 16 33 14 462 x2 924 dipoles @30' W9CC 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 Fan Inv Vee's @35' *KD2MX 19 18 37 12 444 x2 888 ~600' loop @ 30' W1PID 18 17 35 12 420 x2 840 dipole @??' AF4LQ 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 77ft endfed inv-V @30ft W2LJ 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 G5RV @??' KA2KGP 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 gnd mtd vert NF8M 14 13 27 11 297 x2 594 80 ocf dipole @ 35' N4LK 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 ef zepp @??' VE3HUR 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 40 dipole@??'-20 vertical KW4JS 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 88' Doublet at 50' NU4B 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 windom @40' N0JRN 14 13 27 11 297 297 ?? @ ??' N1VWD 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Windom @30' AJ1M 10 10 20 7 140 140 carolina windom @40' K3OQ 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Random antenna in attic. %KC9HGW 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 horiz loop @20' VE3EDX 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 6BTV vert gnd mtd KI4CKT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 inv L at 20' W7JWA 7 7 14 7 98 98 20m Dipole @55' AE5BH 5 4 9 4 36 x2 72 66' INV VEE @ 20' K3PBY 6 6 12 6 72 72 40 inv v @35' W2JEK 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 ef hz@25'-dpl@25' N5SM 5 5 10 4 40 x1.5 60 ??' @??' KB3FJJ 5 5 10 4 40 40 Doublet @ 18' W1OH 5 5 10 3 30 30 40 dblt @ ??' KC2LSD 4 3 7 4 28 28 80m loop @ 30' KD2MU 3 3 6 3 18 18 dipole @12' VA3RJ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 mobile whip on apt balcony@40' N5KEV 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dipole @25' WY7N 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 Mobile GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 31 29 60 19 1140 x2 2280 invv@35'-dpl@40'-cfz@40'-TH6DXX VA3RKM 15 14 29 13 377 x2 954 40/20 vert,parasitic reflector *K4CZ 24 21 45 15 675 675 dblt@45'-dpl@50'-2el@ 50' Check Log (Received Late) Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NJ1W 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 G5RV @ ??' % - QRO station - check log * - Special Award (Most call areas worked) entrants: K3WWP-7, K4CZ-8, KD2MX-7, WB8LZG-7, AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA: K3WWP 2nd SWA: n/a 1st Gain: K4BAI Top score from a previous non-winner: W1PID Special Award (Most call areas worked): K4CZ CW Books on CD (donated by K7QO): K4BAI The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: N4BP - 34 K0EVZ - 10 W1GUE - 10 KB3AAG - 6 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Is there an award for the most lightning strokes logged? I'm sure I heard enough to finish in the top 3 at least. I wonder if it was noisier up here than down south. The southern stations seemed to copy me pretty well tonight. Frankly without my years of copying CW under all kinds of horrible conditions, I could never have gotten 32 QSO's, as there were very few easy QSO's through the QRN. I was really geared up for the contest tonight for whatever reason. I can't win the CD's so it couldn't have been that. I guess I was just in the mood. I had a little problem at first. When I pressed the key to answer N4BP on 20M, nothing happened. It seems I had a bad connection in the straight key plug. I jiggled it around and got it stable for the sprint, but I'll have to look into it and get it fixed right when I get time. Activity seemed pretty good tonight, especially on 40M. 20 wasn't bad early. 80 was just about impossible. I tried a few CQ's, and got some answers, but couldn't copy them through the noise even with all the experience mentioned above. Now I hope you'll all keep me busy processing your logs the next couple days. I wonder who will win the CD's? N5KEV - Well, I tried my first sprint, but unfortunately only hit 1 QSO. I was using an 80M roof mounted dipole about 25 ft off the ground. The propagation started on 20 M as low but got worse as the evening went to 40 M. I used my J-38 straight key, ICOM 756 at QRP power. Maybe next sprint, I'll use my Elecraft 1 outside with a vertical ham stick on a mag mount. 73 and catch you later. Kevin N0JRN - oN A NEW SHIFT NOW AND FIRST OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN AND PLAY WITH THE BOYS. HAD FUN BUT THE NOISE WAS ROUGH. SORRY TO THOSE I COULD NOT HEAR. SENDING IN THE LOG TO SUPPORT ACTIVITY. HOPE EVERYONE HAD A GOOD TIME. 73 JERRY KC9HGW - I got a late start due to dinner plans, then struggled to make my 6 contacts. QRN was lousy here. Thanks for hosting this and TNX to everyone for participating. K4CZ - Kenwood TS-830s running 5w. In NC, conditions were good on 20m but I had S6-S9 noise levels on 40m and 80m. I started on 20m and worked 7 stations (MI, NC, NM, ON, OR, VT)...not sure how N4LK in NC snuck in there on 20m since he's probably about 30 miles from me! Activity slowed by 0100 UTC so I switched to 40m. I had a very high noise level but (thanks to patient ops on the other end) I managed to work 10 stations (FL, GA, IN, LA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, ON). I ran out of stations above the noise level so at 0145 I switched to 80m, which wasn't much better. I worked 3 stations (NJ, NC, PA) and then went back to 40m at 0210. I was able to work 5 more stations on 40m (IL, MI, TX). I could hear with relative ease about half the stations I worked but the other half were very difficult to copy. I have K3WWP in the log but the signal was at ESP level so I'm not even sure it was him...heard what I thought was "WWP" at the end of the call and "PA" for the state. (You sent my call correctly and got my info OK, so it's a good QSO - K3WWP) Despite the conditions at my QTH, it was an enjoyable sprint and I look forward to the next one. Thanks for the QSOs, especially those that required lots of fills. 73, Barry AF4LQ - I got to make the last hour of my favorite operating event and as always it was a lot of fun. Lots of good signals here in KY despite moderate QRN levels. Nice to work some new calls and old regulars too. I worked 40m only, running a K2 at 5 watts, an endfed inverted-V, and used my new Speed-X straight key. Thanks for the fun and Q's and we look forward to the next one. K3OQ - Grabbed an old Bendix straight key for this event. The gap between the contacts were such that it was very cumbersome and I had a difficult time after a while. The adjustments were locked too tight to loosen easily so I put up with it. I will fix that problem later this week. No joy on 20 or 80 meters. No signals on 20 and a 29+ noise level on 80. As usual lots of fun even though I got a late start. KB3FJJ - Rig was ATS-3 running 3.5 Watts on battery power, to a low doublet antenna at around 18' N1VWD - Icom 736 @ 5w Windom @ abt 30' Bencher RJ-1 Straight Key K3PBY - Condx hr in Central Florida were very poor due to high QRN from thunderstorms. Rig was homebrew rx and tx, running 5 wts. My ears took a beating from the static crashes but had lots of fun. Strongest signal heard hr was K4CZ out of NC. W5TVW - CONDITIONS WERE FAIR. STARTED OUT ON 40 BUT ONLY ONE QSO, NO ACTIVITY. WENT TO 20 METERS FOR A WHILE, THAT PETERED OUT QUICKLY. BACK TO 40 FOR REST OF SPRINT. TOO MUCH QRN FOR 80 METER OPERATION TONIGHT! SOME QRN MADE A FEW CONTACTS ROUGH ON 40. HAD A GOOD TIME ANYWAY. LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT ONE, TIME PERMITTING. E. V. SANDY BLAIZE AE5BH - Had a great time even though the conditions were pretty crummy at my QTH. If 20 was a desert, then 40 was a forest screaming with birds, crickets, monkeys, bats, etc... if there was somebody there, I couldn't hear em with all that racket! SRI if I didn't get your call. In the first 20 minutes, I couldn't hear anybody calling CQ NA. I thought I had the wrong night! I double checked and sure enough I had the correct night/time. I called CQ on 40, but the noise on 40 was S9 - S9+ so I gave up figuring I wouldn't hear anybody calling me back. I figured this would be a shutout night, but every now and then there was an opening where the noise would drop a bit so I could snag a Q here and there. CW is just too efficient of a mode to use anything else under such crummy conditions. I was going to try out a 40m vertical using my new Jackite pole, but it didn't arrive until yesterday so I didn't have a chance to play with it before the sprint. My hope is to be able to reach a bit further... but more importantly, "filter" out the noise from the nearby showers we've been plauged with for the past 2 months. KD2MX - Got a late start due to departing t-storm. 20M was pretty much a dead zone except for N4BP so I quickly went to 40M. Lots of static crashes and the band was on the short side. Activity dried up around 10pm and I was getting a headache from the QRN so I called it a night after a check of 80M. Heard only K4CZ but he couldn't hear me through the QRN. Nice to work a few new calls along with as the regulars. W5RCP - Hey John... Good Morning. I think my sprint participation is at an all time low. It appears that Houston has grown in around me and with it all the QRM I can (or can't) stand. I listened a bit last night and sent a couple or CQ NA's but to no avail. The noise in my neighborhood was awful. I'll be moving to Putnam, TX in March '08 where things are very quiet. Hope to do better then. Keep up the good work that you do to preserve CW. We all appreciate you... Ron 100% CW, 100% of the Time WB8LZG - Nice to hear all of the gang on agn tonight. 20m wasn't as good as last month, but still managed several qso's before it faded out around 9:30pm. Lots of activity on 40m with many signals right at the noise level. Heard several ½ calls but couldn't dig em out of the mud. Went to 80m fer a listen, but didn't hear a thing so back to 40m. Expended the last 15 mins of the contest with KC9GZU who answered my CQNA es then proceded to rag chew the rest of the contest away. Don't really mind a rag chew once in a while, still it cost me some other Q's before the end of the contest. Oh well, always next month. 73's till then. Gregg W9CC - 40 meters seemed in good shape again. W2JEK - got on late due to thunderstorms. didn't hear much activity and bands were noisy and signals weaker than usual. WY7N - Like John (K3WWP) I was really anticipating this sprint. However, my results were a bit different than his. The main problem was that a family trip was rescheduled at the last minute. RATS!!! I would be driving through ID and UT the duration of the sprint. I then had what I thought would prove to be a brilliant idea. I WOULD OPERATE MOBILE! Alas, Reality was a bit humbling. I've never operated mobile before. Hats off to those who succeed there. A LOT of antenna testing/tweeking is in my future before I try again. I wonder what challenges Murphy will send my way next month! VA3RJ - True "SOC" style operation. Wrong band at the wrong time! However, did have QSO with Bob, N4BP (SOC #1) to count as SOC meeting. Straight key did not spring apart this time :o) (SOC is Second class Operator's Club - a takeoff on the FOC - First class Operators's Club which honors excellence in CW operating. - K3WWP) KA2KGP - Absorption was hi on 80m. and not a peep was heard, coupled with QRN from those dreaded summer storms made for only 1 80 QSO from my brother about 1000 ft. away. 40 m. was useable, as was 20 early on in the sprint. Finally worked John K3WWP after several months of missing him in the sprints. 2 hrs. of pure fun! 73 KW4JS - I had a swell time working everyone. Conditions were not the best. Thunderstorms in eastern USA caused high qrn at my qth. W2LJ - It was good to participate again! Nice to hear some new calls as well as some very familiar ones. I thought 20 Meters would be better than it was; and 40 Meters was extremely noisy. Seems like not many souls bothered to try 80 Meters, which actually didn't sound all that bad! I'm already looking forward to next month's sprint! KD2MU - I finally worked K3WWP; thank you John. Last month I had 5 Q's this month 3. I'm going the wrong way! Blame it on the QRN. See you next month. VE3EDX - First sprint as a new member. Pleased to work K3WWP. Thanks John. NF8M - SWA: ant 80m OCF dipole at 35 ft KI4CKT - First time I have been able to make the sprint in a while. Enjoyed the contest. Thanks for the QSOs. VA3RKM - It's interesting to look back on these sprints over the last couple of years. We have had wide variety of propagation conditions. This time it was big time QRN. But everyone was patient with repeats. Thanks for the Qs! W1OH - Had about 45 minutes to get on the air tonight, so it was great to run into K3WWP and W2LJ amongst my contacts. And of course, N4BP - if you don't work N4BP at least once in a sprint, something's amiss! Great fun as usual. Thanks, NAQCC!! 73, geoff W7JWA - At about 1 minute before the hour I heard John,K4BAI, come up on frequency and I said Hi and John replied and noted we had about 30 sec.'til the half hour. I thought John would be my first QSO and the the contest started and N4BP called CQ. The needle on my S-MTR banged against the upper peg and the AGC went into a hole to avoid more abuse. By the time it recovered, I had worked N4BP and most everyone else had gone to 40 meters. I never did hear K4BAI again. (I wonder if there is any way to tie a bell on N4BP to let a guy know he is lurk ing in the area and to get the headphones off and the gain reduced before any damage is done) What a great time it was!! Thanks. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, July 19, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: Our special award this month goes to the one with the highest score working the most different call areas in the USA. It's the state that determines the call area, not the call sign number. For example working a W6 in Florida counts for the 4th call area, not the 6th. Prize: Beginning this month we are giving away a set of CD's to one participant each month according to the following rules: 1. The participant meeting the requirements below and posting the highest score will be the winner of a set of CD's in the following months: July, August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. A. Requirements: The participant must be a NAQCC member and can not have won a CD set previously. Previous winners are: (none yet) B. If the highest scorer does not meet the requirements, then the CD set winner will be the next highest scorer who does meet the requirements. 2. Twice a year - in the December and June sprints, the winner will be a participant drawn at random who meets the requirements in 1A and who makes at least 5 QSO's in the sprint. 3. Club Officers (WY3H (ex-KB3LFC), K3WWP, W2LJ, K5DUZ, KD2MX) are not eligible. The set of CD's features K7QO, Chuck Adams' code course designed to increase code speed - in Chuck's words: "At the present time I have a set of CDs that I call Books in Morse on CD. Each CD (there are 8 at the present time) is a classic book in Morse that gives an individual a complete book to listen to for practice receiving plain text. This gives one much more practice receiving plain text for times from 24 hours to 3 days depending upon the text and speeds chosen. Titles include Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz at 10-17WPM, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland at 17WPM, The Time Machine at 20-25WPM, The War of the Worlds at 20-26WPM and 30-36WPM for the two different CDs, Desert Gold at 20-25WPM, and others that you can find at http://www.k7qo.net/ Each month I will give a complete set of the CDs including my code course to the winner chosen by NAQCC determined by the given criteria setup by the contest group. Value of the set nearly $80. The books were created to replace the old practice of copying plain text from news sources at HF frequencies in the 50s and 60s before such transmissions were replaced by modern digital means for ships at sea." I'm sure you all know of Chuck and his work in promoting CW/QRP. Chuck has generously donated the CD's for this prize. We hope that all our CD winners and non-winners as well will thank Chuck for his generosity. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by the following tiebreakers: 1. Most QSO's 2. Most 40 meter QSO's 3. Most 20 meter QSO's 4. Most 80 meter QSO's 4. A coin flip Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on July 25, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |