Jun 13, 2007 Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 32 30 62 18 1116 x2 2232 1 attic rnd wire-attic dipole KA8MPT 28 25 53 16 848 x2 1696 g5rv @25' KD2MX 19 17 36 13 468 x2 936 ~600' random loop @30' *WB8LZG 20 19 39 12 468 x2 936 # 450' wire @70'(see soapbox) AF4LQ 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 77ft endfed @30' KB3AAG 26 25 51 14 714 714 80M loop @30' KE3V 15 14 29 12 348 x2 696 260' horiz loop @20' KC2EGL 15 14 29 11 319 x2 638 folded dipole @ 35' KB3LFC 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 ~50' rnd wire @20' N4LK 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 EF Zepp @??' W2SH 12 11 23 10 230 x2 460 80m horiz bisquare @ 75' KA2KGP 12 11 23 8 184 x2 368 5 Band gnd. mtd vert. KD2JC 12 11 23 6 138 x2 276 G5RV @25' N9KR 14 13 27 10 270 270 ef zepp @25' KB9BVN 12 11 23 8 184 184 Attic Dipole AD7AN 11 9 20 9 180 180 G5RV SteppIR vertical N1VWD 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 windom @30' N3AQC 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 ~50' rnd wire @20' *WA3FIR 6 6 12 6 72 72 20/40 dipole @10' K3OQ 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Random antenna in attic VE3HUR 5 5 10 5 50 50 dipole @??'-vertical AE5BH 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40M INV VEE @18' W1SRB 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 80/40/20 multibnd dpl @ 45' KC2LSD 5 5 10 3 30 30 80m loop @30' W9CC 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 FanDipole @35' KD2MU 5 4 9 3 27 27 dipole @12' N1LT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 WINDOM @??' $K1EV 29 26 55 15 825 x2 1650 40/80 dipole @50' $-Check log, received after deadline. GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K5GQ 17 15 32 16 512 512 1 ?? @??' N5SM 5 5 10 4 40 40 inv v@??'-7el yagi@??' # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Portable operation) entrants: WB8LZG,WA3FIR, Special Award (Portable operation) winner: WB8LZG Key collecting books winners: KA8MPT WB8LZG The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason:SOAPBOX: KB3LFC - Got into sprint late. It was good to have worked all members. The last half hour I interspersed the club station N3AQC whenever possible. And yes, for those who asked (several times), my number really is 1, that's O-N-E, 1. Overall this was a great sprint and we thank everyone who participated. My first QSO was with N4BP on 14.060. All the rest were on 40M. K3WWP - An interesting sprint. I made 2 QSO's on 20M, then all the rest on 40M. I heard a couple stations on 80M, but very weak under the summer TS QRN I had here. I'm pleased with the amount of activity, and like Tom, I also thank all who participated. I think I'm going to have a lot of QSO's to cross-check this time around. It's going to be interesting to see the scores come in to see who wins the books. I strongly suspect N4BP will be one of the winners, but I really have no impression who might be the other winner from listening on the bands. It was nice to have these 4 QSO's in a row in the middle of the sprint - W2SH, N3IJR, KC2EGL, KB3AAG. Why? I've had eyeball QSO's with all 4. Then later I worked KE3V whom I've also met in person. KC2EGL - All operations were on 40M tonight. The sounds of CW was playing all over the band. Thanks to all who worked me. John K3WWP you always seem to find me no matter where I am. Thanks my friend. Tonight was good practice for field day. I will be operating CW during feild day under the club call of K3TTK. If you hear me pounding CQ please feel free to answer. I will operate QRP for the first 15-30 minutes of feild day. Then it will be 100W for the rest of the event. Brad N1VWD, thanks fo hanging in there. Things kept going from good to rough during our exchange. Key- Magnetic Camelback straight key (designed by KG4AAU) Rig- Kenwood TS-480SAT (@ 5W of course), to a Palstar Antenna Tuner. Hope to see more of you next month. KB9BVN - First sprint and first QSO's with my brand new K2! Too bad the bands were not fullly cooperating. I worked for an hour and had to go to bed so I would be at work on time. Thanks NAQCC! KC2LSD - I did hav much time to contest this time around. But I had fun working four memebers. 73 Cody KD2JC - Lots of fun. Wish the QRN would lighten up, but that will come this Fall. My hat of to WA8REI for his time and patience in completing the contact. My apologies for not recognizing Tom, our club president. Long live CW and QRP. K3OQ - This month I pulled out an old key that I had used a LONG time ago in my Novice days. A cheap J-38 style that came with the old Heathkit code practice oscillator. It had been so long since I had used a straight key, I am surprized anyone could copy me. Only put in a partial effort due to other things going on around the house. Had a good time. CU next month. N1VWD - Icom 736 @5w Windom ant up abt 30 ft. Rough night, very few signals had to repeat many times to get through. KD2MU - K1 WITH DIPOLE AT 4M WB8LZG - This months contest was just the ticket to get ready for Field Day. We have a baseball diamond at the local elementary school that has the light poles disconnected from the power mains, with all the wire still connected between the poles. For quite a while I'd been eyeballing them with the possibility of putting them into service as antennas. The poles are about 70 feet high, and between 4 of them there's approx 450 feet of wire up in the air! So tonight I gathered up the K2, a 12volt battery some coax es an alligator clipattached to a BNC connector. I "clipped on" to a hanging wire with an alligator clip, and spread out a few radials on the ground for the counterpoise. Plugged in the K2 and was ready to go in about 10 mins. Upon attaching the coax to the rig, I was rewarded with Lots Of Signals. I had a friend, Tim Marshall, along and he was very impressed when the 1st signal out was CQ from Ireland! Yes the antenna did work well , but not as well as in my dreams. (I imagined creating artificial ARORA's above the QTH fer miles, just by keying up at 5 watts!) Netted 20 QSO's tonight on both 20 and 40. I will definitely need to experiment with this one again in the future. Seemed to be a pipeline right into Downtown Texas! However I got great coverage from all over the USA. Another fine sprint. 73, Gregg KA2KGP - Terrible QRN here in WNY made a difficult sprint. I had to dig for sigs on 80 & 20 with 40 being the better band this sprint. N1LT - Heard quite a few stations but had other things to attend to so quit early. KD2MX - Not one of the better nights. I was looking forward to this month's Tuesday sprint as I had nothing scheduled and could work the full two hours. Only problem was I had been away a few days and thought the sprint was next week. Luckily I caught my confused self before start time but then a friend had a PC emergency that I had to check out. Still I was sitting in the chair with 5 minutes to spare. I planned on using the kx1 this time out but it suddenly started exhibiting some flaky behavior. I spent 20 minutes futzing before going to the ft-897. Conditions on 20m weren't bad but they weren't great either. N4BP had his usual huge signal and was mowing down the Qs. Went over to 40M when 20 began to dry up. QRN was painfully high and I'm sure it hid many signals so it didn't take long to work everybody I could hear. Tried 80m but nobody was home (above the noise anyway). Went back to 20m and got involved in a QSO. Then I packed it in a bit early to go deal with a totally screwed up computer. AE5BH - This was my first NAQCC sprint. I got on late due to a local thunderstorm that just wouldn't go away. It was hard for me because there were two sprints happening, (another) sprint was going on and the band was just so very crowded and my ears have not adapted to hearing that many signals nearby. The most challenging moment of the night was working John K3WWP. Admittedly, I was very nervous for some odd ball reason and to make matters worse, his signal was very very weak and there were some really heavy boomers very close by. I somehow dug deep to hear him and made the exchange. I think it helped that I knew he lived in PA and that his NR was a single digit. All in all I had a good time. I ordered a 300 Hz filter about 1 hour after packing up since my wife insisted and noted that it was impossible to understand how I could hear what I was hearing. She couldn't hear it but heard all the other clammering around it. I was just that focused I guess. My mind was fried after that though. I just couldn't pick any other signal out.... hoping the filter saves my brain from overload in the future. KB3AAG - Thanks for all the repeats guys. I had thunderstorms stuck on the fence behind the cabin and that is where my antenna is! Thunder crashing, lightning flashing, and lots of rain, sure glad I didn't try the outside thing! Still great fun! KA8MPT - This was my best score yet. Worked 40 m all night and had a great time working from a pileup at times, now that was fun!! W2SH - I took a chance with passing thunderstorms and ungrounded my antenna just before the start. First QSO was with the ubiquitous N4BP on 20m, but that band yielded me only one more QSO. 80m activity seemed sadly lacking. 40m was burdened with digital QRM and QRN and I got so frustrated by only averaging one QSO about every 10 minutes that I answered UT5FP's CQ on 7.043 mHz. At least I discovered that my 40m rf was going somewhere! After our QSO, Anatoly's signal increased to S8 but no-one else replied to his CQs. AF4LQ - I haven't been able to make the Sprints for awhile and it was a real treat to be able to make most of this one. As always, a lot of fun and it was good to work the old regulars and some new ones as well. Cndx's were pretty fair here in KY, 20 was open but few heard. Quite a few heard on 40, with a moderate QRN level that made a couple that I heard call just too far below it to pick out but otherwise fair to good signals from everyone. I ran a K2 at 5w with a Bencher straight key. Thanks to those who endured my sloppy fist. Changes have been made and I promise better sending next time. Best regards to all and I hope to c'yall next time. Thanks! (As I said to Mike on the air - Welcome Back - it's good to have him back in our sprints as he is one of our 'charter' members - K3WWP) WA3FIR(/7) - This contest was a little different for me since I was operating /7 in Arizona. It started out great on 20 but soon it seemed like everyone left. I moved to 40 but not much success. Probably due to the low antenna height. I heard several stations WB8LZG, K1EV, K3WWP, AF4lQ, KB3AAG, but could not connect. It was fun anyway! (Sorry I didn't hear you in our TS QRN - K3WWP) N9KR - Again, Real Fun Sprint. Good conditions on 40. Only had an hour to operate. Using a homebrew transmitter @ 5 Watts & Homebrew Rcvr. See everyone next month. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday June 13, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: Since this is Field Day month, our special award this month goes to the one making the most QSO's while operating out of doors away from their regular QTH. Prize: Beginning this month the NAQCC is awarding some kind of physical prize in each of our monthly sprints. This month thanks to the generosity of our members and of Dave, K4TWJ in particular we are awarding two of K4TWJ's books on key collecting. One will go to the MEMBER with the highest score overall, and another to the MEMBER with the second highest score overall. Note you must be a club member to win the books. However club officers (KB3LFC, K3WWP, W2LJ, K5DUZ, KD2MX) are not eligible. The books are: World of Keys and Keys II: The Emporium. Both books will delight any CW operator whether or not they actually collect keys. I (K3WWP) have them here and have read them cover to cover. I learned a lot about keys I didn't know before. Each key is accompanied by a beautiful photograph, several in color. One book was bought with member donations, and K4TWJ donated the other book. In case of a tie, the winner(s) will be determined by the following tiebreakers: 1. Most QSO's 2. Most 40 meter QSO's 3. Most 20 meter QSO's 4. Most 80 meter QSO's 5. A coin flip Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on June 19, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |