Apr 11, 2007 Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results After Log Deadline of April 17 2400Z: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 34 32 66 19 1254 x2 2508 1 ~110'rnd wire-20dpl in attic W5TVW 34 31 65 19 1235 x2 2470 135' dipole @50' *N8XMS 29 28 57 18 1026 x2 2052 # trap vert @7' *WD4LST 30 28 58 17 986 x2 1972 fld dpl @35' KA8MPT 28 24 52 18 936 x2 1872 HF6 vert @??' W2SH 27 27 54 13 702 x2 1404 80m horiz bisquare @ 75' *N2ZN 22 21 43 15 645 x2 1290 80 inv v@50', 40 sloper@50' *KD2MX 23 21 44 13 572 x2 1144 ~600' loop @30' KB3AAG 23 20 43 16 688 688 80M loop @30' W2JEK 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 80 efhz@25'-40 dpl@25' W3DP 17 16 33 10 330 x2 660 G5RV@25', R7000 vert@4' WA9WNE 18 17 35 9 315 x2 630 G5RV @ 50' N4LK 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 250' cf @25' *KW4JS 16 15 31 9 279 x2 558 88' dblt @50' N9KR 21 21 42 12 504 504 ef zepp @25' NG7Z 11 10 21 11 231 x2 462 inv L @75' WB7AVF 11 10 21 11 231 x2 462 121' OCF DP @90' KA2KGP 12 12 24 8 168 x2 336 5b gnd mtd vert W2LJ 12 11 23 7 161 x2 322 G5RV @25' N8XX 17 17 34 10 340 340 40M dpl@??' WU7F 10 9 19 7 133 x2 266 G5RV @25' *KC2EGL 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 mult band dipole @ 35' N4RS 13 11 24 10 240 240 ??@??' *WA7OET 9 8 17 7 119 x2 238 40M 1/4w vert KD2JC 15 14 29 8 232 232 dipole-loop @25-30' VE3GNU 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 G5RV @ 35' N1VWD 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 windom @30' K4UK 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 160M inv vee @??' K6XT 8 7 15 7 105 105 ocf dipole @55' K4JPN 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 80cfzepp@30'-40sloper@30' WD9HBC 7 7 14 6 84 84 140' mb fld dpl@15' N3IJR 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 137' windom @20' AA9WP 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40m bent sloping dpl @??' VA3RJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40M hamstick on apt balcony W1OH 2 2 4 2 8 8 40M doublet in attic VE3HUR 2 2 4 2 8 8 40M dpl @??' KN4LF 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 66' dpl @50' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 49 44 93 23 2162 x2 4324 1 several@40-50'incl 20m beam KG5U 32 26 58 17 986 986 several@65-70'incl 20m beam K5GQ 16 14 30 10 300 300 40 gnd mtd vert-20 beam@35' Check logs (received after deadline) - WA9TPZ, K0ZK # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Most 40M QSO's) entrants: K3WWP-19, WA7OET-9, WD4LST-30, N2ZN-12, N8XMS-29, KD2MX-16, KC2EGL-9 KW4JS-15 Special Award (Most 40M QSO's) winner: WD4LST - 30 The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason:SOAPBOX: K3WWP - WOW, what a superb turnout. 40M was so busy, I had a hard time finding room to call CQ, and when I did, folks were calling one after another. That had to be my fastest start ever, although I spent the first 15 mins or so on 20M and made only 3 QSO's there. I just can't thank all of you enough for making our 30th sprint such a gala occasion with so much participation. I'm overwhelmed. You're all a great bunch of people and I'm overjoyed to have you all in the club. Super!!! WA7OET - First sprint with my brand new Elecraft K2. LOTS of noise, the DSP really helped. N2ZN - Very noisy condx tonight; I actually took some off time to recoup from the noise headache I got. I probably only operated 1.5-1.75 hours. I actually have the same amount of QSO's and mults as my final score in the February sprint, but worked one more member and used a straight key instead of a bug. Maybe 20 meters will be back in shape for next month's sprint. 73 N8XX - First NAQCC Sprint. Excellent conditions on 40. Had only 45 minutes to operate, but things went great! I need to find my straight key so I can get the multiplier! WA9WNE - MFJ-9040 @ 5W K4UK - Conflicts didn't permit much operating time. Conditions were pretty good here in Virginia. KN4LF - I worked the test with a newly aquired U.S. Navy flame proof straight key! I worked the two hours alloted. I started the test on 20 meters but there was no Es propagation, so I heard zero stations on that band. I then switched to 40 meters but only made one QSO, as local lightning QRN was 30-40 db over S9. I also suffered QRN from QRO CW operators. Many of them did not QRL? before calling CQ on top of me. KA2KGP - Noisey conditions on all bands here in WNY as storm QRN gave me a headache! More activity on 20 m. this sprint. Thanks to all who dug me out of the mud. KC2EGL - I split my operating time between the NAQCC sprint and the SKCC sprint. Worked a total of 15 contacts between both events. (9 of the 15 in our NAQCC Sprint! - K3WWP) 40 Meters was jumping. Had a blast. Thanks to all who worked me. CU in the next sprint. Mike N8XMS - This was the first time that a NAQCC sprint fit my schedule. It was a lot of fun! W5TVW - FAIRLY ACTIVE CONTEST. SOME ACTIVITY ON 20 AGAIN! 40 VERY ACTIVE, SOME SLIGHT QRN HERE. LISTENED TO 80 LATE AND A COUPLE OF SIGNALS BUT MASKED BY STATIC. DID NOT EVEN TRY THERE. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER, BUT MY ARM ALMOST GAVE OUT. TEND TO GET "QLF" AFTER A COUPLE HOURS OF POUNDING THE KEY! KD2MX - The night started out strong with a quick bunch of Qs on 40M. Then I decided to check 20M as the band had still been open a bit before starting time. Called CQ a bunch with no response but I was hearing non-NAQCCers. I see from John's soapbox that somebody was out there but I had no luck...should've stuck with 40M. When I finally gave up and went back to 40M, I had a hard time (impossible) finding a hole to call CQ. Tough for me but a wonderful problem for the sprint! Finally got going again after a dry spell. Spent some time on 80M but there wasn't a lot of activity while I was there. It had been a long day so I packed it in at 0200. W1OH - Well, after a busy week (but hey! A new granddaughter!!!), you have to be careful when you sit down in a soft chair for a minute around 0000z and next thing you know, it's after 0150z!!! Yikes! Zoomed into the shack and made two contacts in quick succession - wow, the band sounds great tonight, very quiet, lots of signals! Ran downstairs for two minutes to start dishwasher and turn out the lights for the evening, came back, put the headphones on, started tuning for another contact, and BANG! S9 plus QRN suddenly!! After about 5 minutes (now about 0210z), decided the noise was here to stay (condo complex living :-( , so I shut down. Oh, well - at least I made a couple of contacts! Hope to see you next month! Thanks, NAQCC!! KG5U - This was my first NAQCC Sprint. There seemed to be a good turnout. Operators need to get out of the habit of sending their exchange info twice. It's not necessary and it wastes time. Most people will copy it right the first time and it reduces sending station's QSO rate by half. More stations need to listen/call on 80m, too. Conditions there were good, but there were only a couple of us down there. Maybe checking the band or calling CQ there on the hour and half-hour or something. (The issue of sending info quickly and efficiently is addressed in our contesting tips section. As far as 80M, there is always a lot of activity heard up here in PA - I made 12 80M QSO's despite spending most of my time on 40/20 - K3WWP) KD2JC - First timer for this NAQCC Sprint. Have to learn to stay up for these sprints. Nice sprint. W2SH - Conditions on 20 and 40 certainly favored the south with three quarters of my QSOs on those bands with Gulf Coast states. Had to ask WA8REI to repeat his QTH; lucky guy was in FL. 80 was a big disappointment with few stations heard and the furthest "DX" worked was only 270 miles away. N9KR - Real Fun Sprint. Very good conditions this time on 40 from Southern Indiana. Was using a homebrew transmitter @ 5 Watts & Drake R4B receiver. Still trying to get the straight key going. Maybe next month. KW4JS - Thanks to everyone I worked. 40 meters was hopping and developed into loads of fun. 80 meters on the other hand was dead at my qth. I was only able to pull out John, K3WWP between the static crashes. -Summer is coming!! (I'm honored - K3WWP) AA9WP - Rig Elecraft K-1 I was testing some power supplies and forgot about the contest. Got on for the last 45 minutes. Conditons where variable. Lot of static crashes as snow storm moving into the area. K4JPN - Got on late as grandkids came in from VA. Keys used were my old Lafayette Radio brass straight key and my old Navy straight key bought surplus back in the early 60ies when I was KN1VKW and later K1VKW. W3DP - Used K1(5W) on 40M and TS-570D (5W) on 80M The QRN was fairly heavy on both bands but signals were S9 on 80M which made copy easier on this band. Too bad the activity was light considering the number of members. I used an old railroad straight key similar to the J38 but it has ball bearing pivots! I like the 2 hour format. No RTTY was a pleasure this event! (FISTS has assigned around 12,000 numbers, and had 51 entries in their 2006 summer weekend sprint for a 0.4% turnout. The NAQCC has assigned 1802 numbers, and had at least 32 entries in Tuesday evening's sprint for a 1.8% turnout. Yes, that is light activity, but comparable to other organizations, and better than some. VE3HUR and KI4DEF did research on several other major club's participation in their own sprints and the NAQCC stacks right up there percentage-wise with all of them. We're proud of that! - K3WWP) KB3AAG - Had a real good time in the contest! I am not much of a cw operator (about 13 wpm) but all replied to my cq at a nice speed. If I don't mess up I will see you again next month. By the way my qth is surrounded by hills that are more than 300 feet higher than my antenna! Just goes to prove you don't need the perfect location for qrp to work. (Don't I know that to be the absolute truth! - K3WWP) W2LJ - A previous commitment got me started late and a nasty head cold had me shut it down early. Still, it was good to work a few new guys that I have never worked before. Thanks to everyone for participating. 73 de Larry See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, Apr 11, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: For the one making the most 40M QSO's in the sprint. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Apr 17, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |