Feb 14, 2007 Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna *C6AKQ 53 25 78 26 2028 2028 1 dipole @80' *K1EV 28 24 52 16 832 x2 1664 2 40 loop @50' 80 dpl @50' *K3WWP 22 21 43 13 559 x2 1118 ~110' attic random wire *W2SH 21 18 39 14 546 x2 1092 80 hor bisquare @75' *N2ZN 22 20 42 15 630 x1.5 945 # 40 sloper@50' 80 inv v@45' KD2MX 16 13 29 12 348 x2 696 ~600' loop @30' W2JEK 14 13 27 11 297 x2 594 ??@??' *N2UC 16 12 28 10 280 x2 560 cf zepp @30' *W2LJ 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 G5RV @25' *K0PK 8 5 13 8 104 x2 208 80 zepp@50' 40 slp dpl@65' KB3LFC 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 ~50' random wire @20' WA3FIR 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 inv L @25' *N1PT 10 10 20 8 160 160 Carolina windom @50' W9CC 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 fan dipoles @35' KA2KGP 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 gnd mtd 5b vert KC2EGL 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 ab dipole @35' K3MZ 8 8 16 6 96 96 unb dipole @40' *VE3HUR 8 7 15 3 45 x2 90 27m end-fed on 80 @3m W1OH 7 7 14 5 70 70 40M attic doublet *WD9HBC 7 7 14 5 70 70 140' mb dpl @15' W1SRB 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 80/40/20 mb dpl @ 45' K4NVJ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 88' dpl @35' N9KR 5 4 9 5 45 45 ef zepp @25' KD9XH 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 48' rnd wire @18' WB8LZG 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 inv L @35' N1LT 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 ocf windom @35' N7QR 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40-dpl@ 20' W5RCP 0 0 0 0 0 0 ocf inv v @35' C6AKQ was operated by N4BP GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna $PJ4/K4BAI 24 20 44 16 704 x2 1408 2 element yagi up 90'. $-Late entry check log # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Most QSO's last 30 minutes) entrants: K3WWP- 5, VE3HUR- 3, N2ZN- 4, K0PK- 3, C6AKQ- 4, K1EV- 7, W2SH- 4, W2LJ- 3, N1PT- 1, N2UC- 3, WD9HBC- 1, Special Award (Most QSO's last 30 minutes) winner: K1EV - 7 The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: PJ4/K4BAI - 10 WA3FIR - 8 WD0T - 8 N1VWD - 5 WD4LST - 5SOAPBOX: K3WWP - My heart wasn't all in the sprint this evening. I was (and still am) worried about our weather here in Western PA. We're under the gun of a freezing rain storm, and I'm fearful of a power outage which would last several days if it should occur. But I stuck out the full two hours and was pleased at the turnout despite poor conditions and this bad weather over much of the Eastern USA. Thanks to all who expressed their concern about the situation here. I am moved and appreciate it very much. Barring any lingering effects from a little ice remaining on power lines we came through unscathed in this immediate area as of 12:20PM on the 14th. I apologize for being late in posting the results that came in shortly after the sprint ended. I think my first paragraph explains why. However I am trying to get caught up and I'm still up at 2:20 AM as I am posting this page now. I hope no one is too upset with me for being late. I got a kick out of working PJ4/K4BAI and C6AKQ (N4BP) on 40M. I believe those were the first DX stations I've ever worked in one of our NAQCC sprints. I want to publicly thank John, K4BAI and Bob, N4BP for putting their DX stations on the air in our sprint as they get set up for the ARRL DX Contest this coming weekend. I'm sure they could have been doing other things, yet they honored the NAQCC sprint with their presence. We appreciate that kind of dediction to the NAQCC. N2ZN - My bug skills are still not so great; maybe because I need a real bug. The "bug" mode on my keyer isn't cutting it. Maybe next month. Glad to work everyone; sorry if you tried to respond to my CQ and I didn't hear you-line noise was very high tonight on 80 meters. See you all next month. KD2MX - I had to check the rules to see how to score dx. Worked not just one, but two, dx stations (my first ever in one of our sprints) thanks to the efforts of Bob and John. 40m started out very quiet. Worked FL and then Bob in C6, who had a good signal that got stronger as the evening progressed. But that was it so I went to 80m. The band was ok, though not great, and activity seemed a bit sparse. Decided to check back on 40m and it was hopping. WD0T was very strong here and John had a good signal from PJ4. Heard a few 6s and 7s but wasn't able to work any before having to qrt at 10pm. An interesting sprint that started and ended with dx! WB8LZG - Nice to start out this one with the Bahamas, but I didn't hear many others on 40 meters. Had to QRT before end of test so didn't get any bonus Q's. Got a few Half Calls but couldn't make em out. See u next month. 73 Gregg C6AKQ (N4BP) - Very light participation. QRN too high on 80M to copy any signals. Only four Q's in last half hour. Rig: IC-706MKII @ 5W, Ant: Dipole up 80ft Location: Freeport, Grand Bahama K0PK - Conditions were rough w/QRN and QRM from other operating activities. Had fun despite not hearing many NAQCC members. Running SO2R with a hand key is a real challenge! K7YGB was my QRP Champ. Ernie was running 380 milliwatts and had a good sig in MN! 72 - Paul W5RCP - Listened and called CQ NA on 40M and 20M, but didn't hear a thing. All the action was on 80M and, unfortuneately, I don't have an 80M wire so there I was with a blank paper. I was using a IC-756 @5W (of course) into an off-center fed inverted vee up 35ft, fed with 450 ohm ladder line to a 4 to 1 balun. I modeled this antenna myself using EZnec and it usually works pretty well. Not last night, though. Hoping for a better score in March... Ron W9CC - Every signal was raspy, not a clean note in the lot. It was one heck of a winter storm. We got a foot of snow and high winds. Still it was fun as usual. W1OH - Got on for the 2nd hour. Tried 40M first, but only worked C6AKQ. 80M was much more productive, though I have some local noise that makes things tough at times. Heard plenty more than I could work. Fun to operate in the sprints, and I hope to make it more regularly now. Thanks, NAQCC!! 73, geoff K3MZ - Rig is K2 #3135 set to 5W. Conditions were sparse on 40m so I went to 80m and found some action there. With the storm coming, I decided to end the contest a little early and get some sleep. It was starting to sleet at the end of the contest. Nice to work some DX in this one. Thanks to N4BP for getting on the air from the warm (I hope) Bahamas. You had a very strong signal into VA. 73 :) PK (Paul - K3MZ K2 #3135) KA2KGP - A quite nite here in WNY. WX must be a factor, everything froze-up here with 3 ft. snow. Lots of snow-static noise. Rig: TenTec Argosy II at 5 watts into 5-band ground mtd. vertical, straight key. K1EV - Lots of strong QRP signals in there for this sprint, which was good, since the noise level here was running S4 to S9 throughout the contest. Heard a few stations that I just couldn't pull through the noise. Great signal from Bob down there in the warm Bahamas - long way from the snow and ice storm that those of us in the mid-atlantic and notheast were getting. Hope to hear everyone in the Flying Pigs Bacon Run this Sunday, 2/19. 73, Bill (And WE appreciate you and everyone else promoting OUR NAQCC Sprints in THEIR and other soapboxes also - K3WWP) N9KR - Fun Sprint. Great to include some DX. Trying out new homebrew transmitter (2n2222/2n3053/IRF510) & could only get on 40 this time. Looking forward to next month. 73, Bob. N7QR - Atlas 210x cranked down to 5 Watts, J-37 key First NAQCC sprint, will be back! W2SH - Started out on 80m to get a half hour in before the fox hunt began. Thereafter, sprint contacts basically occurred within only a 5kHz range, squeezed between the Fists and the Fox. 80m conditions were unexceptional and my signal reached only as far as Ohio. I only managed five QSOs on 40m, one of which was with John, K4BAI, operating from the Dutch West Indies. W2LJ - A previous commitment kept me out of the Sprint for the first 35 minutes. I guess because of that, I missed Bob and John as DX on 40 Meters. 40 Meters was the first band I tried when I got home; but by then it was deader than a door nail. So I stayed on 80 Meters for the entire Sprint. Due to the Nor'Easter raging up the East coast there was a ton of QRN - almost summer like conditions; but I had fun regardless. Thank you to all who participated. 73 de Larry W2LJ See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, Feb 14, 0130-0330 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: For the one making the most QSO's in the last 30 minutes of the sprint (0300-0330Z), but there's a catch. You must also have made at least 5 QSO's in the first 90 minutes. I'll do all the figuring to see who is eligible. You don't have to indicate on your entry anything about the Special Award this time. Be sure your shack clock is set to the right time. In cross-checking I notice some folks' clocks are 5 minutes or more out of sync with everyone else. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Feb 20, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |