Oct 11, 2006 80/40/20M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna W5TVW 27 24 51 18 918 x2 1836 1 135' dipole @ 50' *N4BP 34 25 59 21 1239 1239 # 40/80 Coax Trap Dipole @62' *W2SH 23 21 44 10 440 x2 880 80m Horiz Bisquare @75' *K3WWP 21 18 39 11 429 x2 858 ~110' attic random wire *WD4LST 17 14 31 11 341 x2 682 40m fd @35' *KD2MX 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 ~300' ef wire @30' *K4UK 15 14 29 10 290 x2 580 160m inv vee @??' WB8LZG 13 11 24 8 192 x2 384 dipole @30' *W2JEK 12 11 23 7 161 x2 322 40m dpl 80m ef hz @25' W2LJ 11 9 20 7 140 x2 280 G5RV @25' K0LDS 12 6 18 9 162 x1.5 243 Hustler 5b vert on roof @??' KB3LFC 11 8 19 6 114 x2 228 random wire KA2KGP 10 9 19 6 114 x2 228 ab trap vert K4AHO 7 6 13 7 91 x2 182 102' dblt inv v @40' K4NVJ 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 ?? @??' KA5OAI 11 8 19 7 133 133 12' vert @20' NU7T 7 3 10 6 60 x2 120 40m loop bottom @6' WA3RML 5 5 10 4 40 x1.5 60 40m dipole @20' W1SRB 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 mb dipole @45' W1OH 5 4 9 5 45 45 40m attic dblt AL7QS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 26' gnd mtd vert *K0MDS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 carolina windom @25' AA9WP 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40m dpl @20' K3OQ 2 2 4 2 8 8 81' attic loop GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna WU7R 10 0 10 8 80 x2 160 1 Yagi @ 40' # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Best score with most call sign numbers worked) entrants: K3WWP-7, WD4LST-8, N4BP-10, W2JEK-5, KD2MX-6, K4UK-8, W2SH-7, K0MDS-2, Special Award (Best score with most call sign numbers worked) winner: N4BP-10SOAPBOX: K3WWP - I said this last month and was proved wrong, so I'll try again. This month I know I'm right though. The only thing I can hope for from this month's sprint is to keep my streak of never having been beaten by anyone with an indoor antenna. We had some members with BIG HIGH antenna systems in this one, and we should see some great scores despite terrible conditions. More comments after other logs are received. Apparently for whatever reason on their part, the SKCC scheduled a sprint the same time as ours. Our dates for 2006 were set way back near the beginning of the year and posted on the web site, and all our dates for 2007 are posted on the web site. Hopefully this will not happen again. ADDENDUM: Whew, I feel like Sherlock Holmes after a very tough case following the cross-checking of the logs. 16 of the 24 logs received had some kind of error(s), several of which resulted in score changes. I hope I figured out all the proper corrections and changed the scores properly. If you dispute any corrections I emailed to you, let me know and we'll try to work it out. I want to be completely fair to everyone which is why we do cross-checking in the first place. K0LDS - MY FIRST SPRINT, HAD A BALL! THANKS MUCH, I LOOK FORWARD TO JOINING (AND IMPROVING MY SCORE-HI). WD4LST - Thanks for all of your efforts. 72, Pete K3OQ - My first time in a NAQCC event. Only had about an hour to play, had fun although there was a LOT of local QRM and some SSB very loud on the band. KA2KGP - Interesting nite with SKCC sprint also running concurrently with this one. Hunting contacts for both sprints was fun. Both 80 & 40 m. were in gud shape, but 20 was a dud, just contacted my brother on 20 m. less than 1/2 mile away. N4BP - Worked 10 callsign numbers AA9WP - Finally broke the ice and jumped into this contest. Not much score wise as I only got on for the last hour. Conditons poor with very high noise level. Looking forward to the next one. Rig: Elecraft K1. KD2MX - This sprint was about half as good as last month, or so my QSO and multiplier count says. I planned on giving my mostly new KX1 and "new" J-38 straight key a workout but spent the first 30 minutes wondering if the KX1 was suffering a major malfunction. 40M was all but dead, except for a strong path to N9NE in WI, whom I worked 20 minutes into the sprint. Barely made one other qso before deciding to move to 80M where I found the sprint to be in progress. Evidently,everybody gave up on 40M before I did. Lo and behold the KX1 was working and 80M was in decent shape. No chance at a clean sweep of call areas tonight with 40M being down but it turned out to be another enjoyable sprint. W2SH - What a bummer! My score looks to be exactly half of last month's. I went hunting for another piece of K4KO bear meat on 20m hours before the sprint, and the band was awfully quiet, so I didn't waste any sprint time there. As usual, 40m had lots of non-CW QRM, and from NJ the skip seemed long. I worked a pair of bayou boys, W5TVW and N5IB, and their signals only got louder, being 599 and 579, respectively, near the sprint's end. As is usually the case for half the year, 80m was where conditions were best. QRN was low, QSB was very slight and QRM was non-existent. So where were the signals? I worked everyone I heard, mostly stations at less than 400 miles distant. Methinks it time to reinstate the 80m-only sprints we had in the winters of 2004 and 2005 in order to stimulate activity on an underutilized band that is so user-friendly. (I agree, but I think we might be in a small minority. 40 seems to have worked very well for the southern and western USA stations as I look at the logs for cross-checking. - K3WWP) WA3RML - IC703 @5wts to 40M dipole; 1993 Vibroplex "Original Standard" bug; WX was nice - I operated outside on the back patio with a lantern for light; My first NAQCC Sprint. Not many contacts, but still had fun. K0MDS - This was my first NAQCC Sprint as well as my very first attempt at CW contesting, so I'm sure it was rough on stations who worked me. I heard a lot more stations than I worked but couldn't manage to attract their attention. It was fun even with the low score. W2LJ - Maybe my worst score ever! Came home an hour into the contest only to find crummy band conditions. Maybe better luck next month. 73 de Larry W5TVW - No activity at all heard on 20 meters. 40 was fairly busy but conditions kind of 'so-so'. 80 meters very noisy here impeding good operation there. Signals were very hard to read thru the crud coming thru. K4AHO - Using 706MK IIG with pwr turned down to 4 watts, using simple wire antenna all bands... 102' doublet Inverted V with center at 40 feet. Tuned with a Viking KW Marchbox... Had a great time but the last contact with W4TVW was a real stretch... 73 Jim W1OH - After a very busy month without much spare time, finally had a few minutes to jump in and make a handful of contacts in the sprint. Thanks to John and Tom for these fun NAQCC sprints! 73, geoff WB8LZG - Gud contest tonight, lots of station heard. Seems I had a beeline to LA es FLA very strong sigs from the southland. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, Oct 11, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Bands Used This Month: 80 meters, 40 meters, and 20 meters Special Award: For the best score with most call sign numbers worked. If someone works all 10 numbers in the sprint and has the highest score among all who have worked all 10 numbers, he gets the award. If no one works all 10 numbers, then the best score with 9, 8, 7, etc. is the winner. So when you apply for the special award, tell us how many numbers you worked. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Oct 17, 2006. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |