Sep 21, 2006 80/40/20M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 36 31 67 20 1340 x2 2680 1 attic rand wire/dipole *K1EV 36 33 69 16 1104 x2 2208 # gap titan vert-fan dpl@40' *KD2MX 30 24 54 20 1080 x2 2160 ~300' ef rnd wire @ 30' *W2LJ 31 26 57 16 912 x2 1824 G5RV @25' *K3MSB 32 28 60 15 900 x2 1800 mb dipole @ 50' *W2SH 30 25 55 16 880 x2 1760 80m Horiz Bisquare @75' VA3NR 40 33 73 21 1533 1533 135'wre@30'-dpl@30'-vert KB3LFC 26 22 48 14 672 x2 1344 random wire *K4UK 29 24 53 12 636 x2 1272 ab trap dipole @ ??' KA8MPT 21 18 39 16 624 x2 1248 G5RV @25' KD1E 21 19 40 14 560 x2 1120 23' gnd mtd vert W1PID 20 16 36 11 396 x2 792 ocf windom dipole @??' AJ1M 26 23 49 16 784 784 Carolina windom @45' K4JPN 16 13 29 12 348 x2 696 40m sloper @30' *VA3RKM 17 15 32 10 320 x2 640 vert-dipoles@18' WB7AVF 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 dipole@??'-74' wire@??' N4FI 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 attic G5RV-rnd wire @ 20' *K4NVJ 15 11 26 10 260 x2 520 88' dipole @35' VE3XT 18 16 34 15 510 510 hb 26' 6b vert K8KFJ 15 14 29 8 232 x2 464 40m vert-80m dipole @ 30' W2JEK 13 10 23 10 230 x2 460 40dpl @25'-80efhertz @25' WB8LZG 20 18 38 11 418 418 dipole @30' *NU4I 13 10 23 9 207 x2 414 130'loop/40mdpl in attic N1LT 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 ocf windom @35' W1LIC 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 G5RV Jr @20'-80m dpl @25' *VE3HUR 14 13 27 8 216 216 80m 27m ef wire/40m dpl @9' W1SRB 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 mb dipole @45' *W5ESE 8 7 15 5 75 x2 150 300' HOHPL @20' VE3GNU 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @ 35' KI4CKT 5 4 9 3 27 x2 54 mb trap dipole @25' KC9GMN 4 2 6 2 12 x2 24 Homemade dipole @30' KK5NA 2 2 4 2 8 8 88' dipole @ 50' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna *K4BAI 50 41 91 23 2093 x2 4186 1 TH6DXX@50'-40Mdpl@40'-zepp@40' # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Most Canadian QSO's) entrants: K3WWP-4, K4BAI-5, VA3RKM-4, K4UK-6, W2LJ-4, K1EV-4, K3MSB-4, K4NVJ-4, KD2MX-2, W5ESE-3, NU4I-3, W2SH-3, VE3HUR-2 Special Award (Most Canadian QSO's) winner: K4UK-6SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Wow! This may be our best sprint ever. 40 and 20 weren't all that great, but 80M was a real star. I worked several members who I don't think were ever in our sprints before. There was just a lot of activity. I made my best score ever and I'm sure others did also. I know Tom KB3LFC almost doubled his best score. Still even with my best score I'm sure I'll be down in the standings when all logs are received. The best I can hope for is to still keep my streak going of having never been beaten by anyone else using indoor antennas. ADDENDUM after all logs received: Ooops, I guess I was wrong about my results, although K4BAI would have beaten me if he were in the SWA category, as would VA3NR had he used a straight key. Anyway thanks to all who participated and sent in their logs. It wasn't a record number of logs, but I think participation overall was a record or at least in the top 3. The 33 logs submitted showed 69 different stations participating and 630 QSO's for me to cross-check. There were 2 DX stations in the logs. I worked WP4AOO in Puerto Rico, and W2SH worked a German station. Both DX stations were worked on 40M. KC9GMN - This was my first NAQCC Sprint. I heard a lot of stations on 40M, and only a few calling "CQ NA". I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to next month. 73 Bob VA3NR - Good activity and lots of mults. Tnx QSOs & 73, Chris. WB8LZG - 40 metres was in nice shape fer this months sprint. Worked lots of Q's, had a hard time finding those elusive Canucks. Only worked 1 Canadian station. Nice to hear so much activity in the sprint. Had so much fun that I forgot to use my straight key. So no mult fer me this month. Maybe I'll break out the bug next time. 73's Gregg VA3RKM - Good signals on 20m but not many ops were there. Always glad to work our American cousins! KK5NA - Ran across the NAQCC Sprint while I was hunting 'WAS' Bear.... Never found the bear and only made a couple of contacts...but great idea for a contest. Pretty noisy bands here last night. Thanks for all the fun things you guys come up with. Joe K8KFJ - Didn't find as much activity as I had hoped but I always enjoy this operating event. It was nice working both NAQCC #1 and #2. W1CFI had a nice 1w signal here on 80m from MA but we need him to join NAQCC. HI Many thanks for the continued sponsorship of this event. W2LJ - It's nice to see 80 Meters coming back for the season! 80 turned out to be my workhorse band for this month's sprint. I think we had a good turnout; at least it sounded like we did. My highlight was getting a "clean sweep" by working Charles W2SH on 20, 40 and 80 Meters. Thanks to all who participated. See you next month. 73 de Larry K1EV - My first NAQCC sprint was a lot of fun. It was great to hear so much activity and to run across familiar calls. "Started on 20, but that died quickly; switched to 40 and eventually to 80. Conditions were pretty good here in NE." "Great idea to encourage straight key use, but I sure was out of practise. Rig was K2 @ 5W" "Hope to hear everyone again in the Bear Hunt and next month's sprint. 73, Bill KI4CKT - Enjoyed the contest. 20 meters band was pretty much closed for me. I herd one call on 20 meters. A lot of activity on 40 meters and I think some on 80 but didn't try to work that band this time. I enjoyed using my TKIT 1340. I am just starting to appreciate how to operate it in a contest, many tks to the ones that hung-in-there for the QSO. 73 K3MSB - Enjoyable contest; bands not too noisy. Running my IC-746PRO and a J-38 straight key. K4NVJ - Good condx on 40. Did not hear much on 20 and 80 was noisy. tnx es 73 KD2MX - This was the best sprint in months. It started off on a good note as I finally made a couple of 20 meter sprint contacts. The band was open but there were only a couple of signals. I wonder if it was a lack of activity or just selective propagation. 40M was in pretty good shape and 80M had lots of action. It was a pleasure working many new calls tonight. There just wasn't time to work everybody that I heard which is a good sign that we had many participants. It was also nice not having to dig deep for every contact. And I was able to beat my previous high score. Not much happening north of the border though. Worked only VA3NR. I did hear Bob, VA3RKM, but he was busy and I couldn't find him again later in the evening. W5ESE - My first time to participate in a while. Good to see that this event is holding it's own. Thanks to everyone for the contacts. My key is an old Radio Shack straight key from my Novice days. Rigs used were a Ten-Tec TKIT 1320 on 20m, a Small Wonder Labs SW+ on 40m, and a Ten-Tec TKIT 1380 on 80m. 73 Scott KA8MPT - Started out on 20 heard nothing went to 80 conditions not much better so off to 40 and had a pile-up. Finished up on 80. NU4I - My first attempt at this Sprint but not my last. 40m was not spread out enough, and 80m just didn't have many stations calling. It was too bad that on 40m, 7040 was covered up by a very strong signal involved in a normal QSO. It was like old times hearing all the real "fists" for a change! W2SH - Made only 2 QSOs on 20 meters during the first 25 minutes vs. 13 QSOs on 80 meters during the last 25 minutes. The 70 minutes in between was spent on 40 meters where my 80-meter cloud-warmer antenna gives mediocre performance over short and medium distances. However, on 40 meters it resembles a small misshapen rhombic and works like a champ for Europe. DJ2ML called me. Thanks, Fred, for the DX multiplier. KD1E - I FINALLY got to operate the whole contest. Rig K2 5 watts, Junker straight key. Conditions seemed pretty good with lots of signals especially during the first hour. During the 2nd hour, I slowed my CQ calling to 10 wpm or so and picked up a few more stations. KB3LFC - This was without a doubt one of the best sprints ever in terms of participation, scores and band conditions. I made my best score ever, but then so did just about everyone else. Good going to all. Tom See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, Sep 21, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Bands Used This Month: 80 meters, 40 meters, and 20 meters Special Award: For the most QSO's with Canadian stations. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Sep 27, 2006. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. |