Jul 20, 2006 80/40/20M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results (Corrected): SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 30 25 55 17 935 x2 1870 1 attic rand wire/dipole W2LJ 23 23 46 14 644 x2 1288 2 G5RV @25' N3EF 23 19 42 15 630 x2 1260 # 20/40 dipole @50' *WA8REI 24 20 44 11 484 x2 968 slp dpl @35'/Hustler vrt K4BAI 18 14 33 14 462 x2 924 40m dp@40'/88'cfzepp@40' WB8LZG 17 14 30 12 360 x2 720 20/40 dipoles @30' *VA3RKM 19 16 35 9 315 x2 630 80/40 dpl @18'/vert NN8B 13 13 26 7 182 x2 364 G5RV @25' inv V shape K2NPN 9 8 17 9 153 x2 306 125' zepp @40' N9KR 16 14 30 9 270 270 ef zepp @25' KA2KGP 10 8 18 7 126 x2 252 ab vert K9EW 9 8 17 7 119 x2 238 dipole @40' KU2US 11 9 20 8 160 x2 320 5BTV vertical K4JPN 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80M cf zepp @28' N1LT 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 60' ef wire at 12' KW4JS 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 88' dblt @50' KI4CKT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 mb trap dpl/invL @25/20' NF8M 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 80m OCF Dipole @35' W1SRB 6 4 10 4 40 x2 80 mb dipole @45' W5ESE 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 300' horiz loop @20' W1PID 5 4 9 3 27 x2 54 136' ocf dipole @35' AF4LQ 6 6 12 4 48 48 77' ef inv-V WB7AVF 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40M dpl @100' KD2MX 1 1 2 1 2 2 ~300' ef rw @30' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna No entrants # - Top score from a previous non-winner N3EF * - Special Award (5+ QSO's per band) entrants: WA8REI VA3RKM Special Award (5+ QSO's per band) winner: WA8REISOAPBOX: K3WWP - Boy, that was a real fun contest for me tonight. I didn't do quite as good scorewise, but what a joy to work so many new members and older members whom I haven't worked in a sprint before. 20M was a bummer again with computer noise, but I did manage a couple of QSO's there this time. I've got to find time to fix the computer QRN before the August sprint. 40M was the real workhorse for me, and probably for a lot of you. 80M was its usual noisy Summer self, but QSO's were there to be had. I hate to think of the work it will mean for me, but I hope everyone who participated in the sprint this evening will submit a log. Remember submitting a log is very much like casting a positive vote for CW and QRP. The more results we show on the web site, the more it will show that CW and QRP are still very popular on the ham bands. NOTE: NZ0Z was giving out his power instead of his number which I gave him when we worked. I don't know if he changed for the rest of the contest or not, but you may count him as a 2 point member QSO. Also AG4ZZ emailed and said he was sending a wrong number for the first part of the contest. I'll make all QSO's with those two members uniform when I do the final cross-checking. No one will be cheated in any way as a result. KI4CKT - Enjoyed the contest.First time using TKIT enjoyed comparing the two rigs and getting a chance to put the new kit to use in the sprint. 73 W2LJ - I had a very enjoyable time tonight even with the horrendous QRN on 40 Meters! I thought 20 Meters would have had more activity and I was only able to scare up one QSO on 80 Meters with John K3WWP. Not my best score; but the Sprint put me over 1000 QSOs for the year. See you all next month - 73 NN8B - 80 meters was rough. Heard several stations calling but could not pull them out. AF4LQ - Had to cut it short after 40 minutes or so but had fun as always. Ran a Norcal 40A and DSWII-20, both at 3W, casual S/P. WA8REI - I operated on my front porch with the moths and skeeters. Ft-817 at 5 watts. Hustler 4btv vertical ground mounted on 20 and 40; 80 m. Sloper dipole 20 to 35 feet up. Great to work so many familiar calls, and always a lot of fun. CQ NA is confused with calling CQ North America. I had two stations think I was making a general CQ and proceeded with name, QTH, etc. I think it would be better to call CQ NAQCC even if it is a bit long. Whatsay? (No, that's much too long. And you will still get general qso's anyway. I've gotten them in every kind of contest you can name no matter what kind of CQ you call. Folks just don't honor or understand special CQ's. And hey, that's an extra QSO for you that perhaps no one else got - maybe an extra multiplier also, so don't knock it. I've won one or two contests in the past with those extra 'general' QSO's. - K3WWP) Did any of you end up in a general qso? (Yep, helped me make my goal of 30 QSO's. - K3WWP) Still, more fun than a flying pig belly deep in cold watermelon rinds on this hot day! QRN was wicked, as well as QSB. 20 was definitely on its way to the funeral home by 0100 z. 40 and 80 were horrible with s9 plus QRN. Tnx all for the QSOs. Hpe cu soon. K4BAI - Got on only for the last 47 minutes due to a tennis match in the early evening. Hope for full-time all band entry next month and hope I will get my SO2R setup going again. Disassembled everything for the trip to Brazil for WRTC. 73/72 KA2KGP - Got a couple of new members tonite, conditions poor on 80 but fair on 20 & 40. Typical summertime QRN. See ya'll next sprint. K9EW - 20m wasn't that great here in northern Illinois, but it was better than 40m which was loaded with QRN and high noise level. I just kept tuning up and down on 20m, listening for something I could copy. Only 9 QSO's, but it's always fun to see what will happen. This was the first Sprint with my new (old) KX1, and it's a great little rig. It's definitely going out for FOBB in another week. 72/73 to all. KW4JS - Band conditions in TN were very poor for this sprint. Thanks to all the stations I worked. KU2US - 20 meters was the work horse band for me. 40m and 80m were noisy, but still a fun sprint. The vertical is great for DX, but bad for short path. Oh well, up with the G5RV again..Heard CA on 20m but to weak to work this time. Made a lot of contacts with members ( and non-members) I have never heard before. It seems like more Op's participated this time. See Y'all in August.. KD2MX - Got home at 0215 from symphony rehearsal so I just had time for one qso. Didn't hear much on 40m but for KA8MPT who had a big signal. He had a lot of trouble copying me though so the exchange took awhile. It seems there is often a one-way path between his qth and mine. Forgot to plug in the straight key so I can't claim the 2x bonus so I'll compete for last place. At least I worked a member for the two points! Hope to be around for the full two hours next month. 72 to all until then. W5ESE - Used a Ten-Tec TKIT 1320 on 20 meters at 4 watts. Also used the straight key from my Novice days; a Radio Shack key I bought in 1975 when I was studying for the Novice test. Thanks, everyone, for the QSOs. Hope to hear alot of you in ARSQRP 'Flight of the Bumblebees' in a couple more weeks. VA3RKM - Glad to work several new (to me) calls this time. My thanks to WA8REI, whom I worked on all 3 bands and who gave me my 5 Q's on 80m in the last minute. WB8LZG - Great contest tonight. Lots of noise but lot of stations too. Where was everyone on 80? only heard 4 stations es could only work one. I don't have an aerial fer 80 so that's a hurdle. Rig was TEN TEC ARGO 509 at 2 watts out. Ants.were 40 m dipole at 30 ft. es 20 m dipole at 30 ft. Separating signals in the mud with the Argo proved to be quite the challenge with no CW filter. Used a Bunnell J-38 fer this one so I could brush up on my straight key. N9KR - Great fun on this one and good conditions from Indiana on both 20 and 40. Got to work the whole 2 hours. Used a keyer as usual, but may get brave next month and drag out old Betsey, my novice straight key. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, Jul 20, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Bands Used This Month: 80 meters, 40 meters, and 20 meters Special Award: For the highest score from those making 5+ QSO's on each band (80,40,20). Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on Jul 26, 2006. |