Jun 14, 2006 80/40/20M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 32 28 60 14 840 x2 1680 1 ~110' attic random wire W2SH 25 23 48 14 672 x2 1344 80M horiz. bisquare @75’ KD2MX 22 19 41 13 533 x2 1066 ~300' rndm wire @30' KA8MPT 19 18 37 14 518 x2 1036 G5RV @25' *W5TVW 21 20 41 16 656 x1.5 984 # 33' vert wire-MFJ1910@? KA2KGP 19 18 37 10 370 x2 740 40m. dipole @25' W3DP 17 15 32 11 352 x2 704 G5RV @25' N4FI 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 attic G5RV W9FNB 15 14 29 11 319 x2 638 ext dbl zepp @35' W9CC 14 12 26 11 286 x2 572 fan inv v @35' KD1E 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 20' gnd mtd vert KE3V 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 135' OCF @25' VA3RKM 14 12 26 7 182 x2 364 dipoles@18'-20M vert K4CZ 19 18 37 9 333 333 130' doublet @ 45' N4UN 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 40m Dipole @ 30' N9AKF 10 10 20 5 100 x2 200 120' random wire @20' K4NVJ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 88' dipole @35' KU2US 7 6 13 7 91 x2 182 1/4 w vert @5' AE5X 10 9 19 6 114 x1.5 171 40' rndm wire @25' W2LJ 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 G5RV @25' K5PAX 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 1m diam magloop @25' AB8FJ 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 ?? @ ??' WB7OND 9 9 18 7 126 126 80M fw horiz loop @45' NU7T 5 3 8 5 40 x2 80 40M v loop btm @6' W1SRB 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 mb dipole @45' KC8D 4 4 8 4 32 x1.5 48 80M zepp @35' WB1HGA 5 5 10 4 40 40 VBWFP @??' W6TRI 5 4 9 4 36 36 33' wire @??' *KI4DEF 4 3 7 2 14 x2 28 40M ef 1/2w @15' N2COD 3 3 6 1 6 x2 12 40M Spider mobile ant N3FZX 2 2 4 2 8 8 102' wire doublet @30' N2JJF 2 2 4 2 8 8 butternut vert @??' K6DBG 2 1 3 2 6 6 6BTV @25' KB3LFC 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 110' rndm wire @20' K7ZNP 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 165' windom @20' *WY7N 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40M dipole @20' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd 80-40-20 Antenna K4JPN 24 24 48 17 816 x2 1632 1 zepp-sloper@28'-3el@32' WA5HDL 3 2 5 3 15 15 3 phase collinear # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (portable operation) entrants: W5TVW WY7N KI4DEF Special Award (portable operation) winner: W5TVWSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Gee, I thought for a bit this was the Indiana QSO Party. My first 3 QSO's were with stations from IN. I didn't hear a thing on 20M when I checked the first few minutes of the sprint. Well, I did hear noise from my computer which could have been masking signals. I'll have to work on that before the next sprint. All in all, I just did kind of a laid back slow CQ effort and was rewarded with some new members answering my CQ's at slow speed. After all that's what these sprints are all about - helping those new to contesting. Activity seemed quite good tonight and with a little more effort I might have had a better score. 80M had some new kind of noise though and that limited me to 7 QSO's on that band. The other 25 were on 40M. Looking back now on the sprint, I must say I really enjoyed it. I think I like the ones where I am more laid back, and I still seem to get about the same results with less effort. I hope to see you in the milliwatt sprint next week although I'll have to use the QRP+ rig here, and it's noise limiting is terrible. I doubt I'll be able to hear anyone unless I figure out how to xmt with the QRP+ and listen with the TS-570. NU7T - I didn't hear anyone on 20m during the first hour. WB7OND - First Time, had great fun, broken in my brand new K2 KU2US - Could'nt hear East coast?? But made Qso's with central US and West Coast-go figure?? This sprint was quite fun, some QRN and QSB, and Vertical outperformed G5RV! I'll win one of these some day-hhi.. W6TRI - 20-m is a keeper for the sprints! Worked from hotel while on biz trip w/ FT817 and 33' wire thrown out 9th floor window w/ 33' indoor CP tuned w/ my new Elecraft T1 tuner that I picked up in Dayton. First time I've submitted a log as I've never been able to do much so early in the day on 40/80m here on the west coast in the sprints. K6DBG - 40m was just barely opening when I got started and I'm not sure 80 ever did - but I had good fun. Heard some 8's but never managed to get a QSO... KA2KGP - Nice turnout for this sprint. 40m was the best band here in WNY, only worked 1 on 80 & 1 on 20. Rig here is TenTec Argosy at 5 watts w/straight key. Ate a whole bag-o-cookies during this sprint! Looking forward to the Mw Sprint on June 20th. 73 to all. WB1HGA - Band conditions were not too favorable but enjoyed sitting in back yard playing radio. W5TVW - CONDITIONS SEEMED GOOD. I HAD A BUZZING LINE NOISE WHICH SEEMED TO MASK SOME WEAK SIGNALS. MOSQUITO REPELLENT WAS NEEDED. WAS SETUP PORTABLE IN SIDE YARD ON PICNIC BENCH. DID NOT TRY 80 METERS AS TIME WAS RUNNING OUT AND THE BAND CHANGE WOULD MEAN CHANGING RF BOARDS WHICH IS ABOUT A TEN MINUTE PROCEDURE. WOULD HAVE ALSO HAD TO RE-RIG THE VERTICAL INTO A 67' "INVERTED L" AND ADD SOME 67' RADIALS, ALL OF WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN A 15 -20 MINUTE JOB. "OK" IN A REGULAR CONTEST BUT TOO TIME CONSUMING IN A SPRINT! IT WAS FUN. N9AKF - I very much enjoyed this sprint! I appreciate all the ops who ran at slower speeds and it seemed to me that even the faster stations had slowed a bit from previous months. It took me about three QSOs to pick up on what seems to be the general QSO information-exchange format. After that, I began to feel like a real sprinter. I'd of never thought that a couple of months ago. I tried a CQ NA on 20 meters and heard a reply at my rcv noise level so could not qso that station. I heard nothing else on 20, maybe next month. I did more listening than xmitting. I was awed hearing so many QRP stations on the air at the same place and time, and everyones' signals were great! QRO no doubt can be indispensible at times, but qrp works ... amazing. I'm looking forward to the QRPp sprint on the 20th. 72, Bart KE3V - This was fun. I haven't participated in one of these sprints in about a year and was just getting warmed up toward the end. I have more practicing to do before Field Day next week. Keep up the great work guys! 72, Kevin N2COD - Just had enought time at the start of the contest to QSO my brother on 3 bands. Wish I could have stayed on the air! Maybe next sprint I'll rack up a few more points! Rig: Alinco DX-70TH at low power. Leg strap mobile straight key. N4UN - Again, lots of fun. I had planned to operate portable, but couldn't at last minute. Lots of QRM. Why so much 40 CW activity when we have a contest? Real QRM was in the shack from XYL's vacuum cleaner and 7yr old singing loudly. I would have done better outside :-). Thanks to all, Dick. KD2MX - 20 Meters was a bust here. The band was ominously quiet as I awaited 0130. Heard a snippet of a K6 calling CQ NA at the stroke of 0130 and that was it. Called CQ for about 10 minutes, heard nothing, and headed off to 40M. Conditions on 40M were more like 80M during the winter sprints. Most all my contacts were here in the East with a few Midwest stations. Best DX of the night was K4NVJ in AL and it was a tough go. I know there were a few stations calling me that I just couldn't dig out of the noise. Sorry I missed you. My QSO total was off a bit from last time, probably due to the lack of propagation. Maybe I should've headed to 80M earlier, although it was pretty noisy there. At least I managed to pick up NJ in the last minutes. Nice to work some new members and I hope to see them in coming sprints. VA3RKM - Another fun evening with lots of calls that were new to me. A couple of pleasant non-member QSOs with non-Sprint ops as well. The new K2 works well on the lower bands. It's great to have a CW filter. Almost had K5PAX, but no luck in the end. My tnx to K4CZ in NC for his patience in getting the exchange made. That's always appreciated in contests. W9CC - Much better conditions in the Hoosier swamp! Some loud signals for a change. 20 was fine but not many were there. Was just getting warmed up and the clock ran out. WY7N - I finally got on the air in my first sprint! It was great practice for Field Day. When I finally got everything set up there were only 15 minutes left in the contest. Look for me next week. I'll do it again, this time from CA. N3FZX - Finally getting the new K2 on the air. I really appreciate the lower speed sending. It's helping me improve. K4CZ - Kenwood TS-930s running 5w. I started on 20m but couldn't hear any NAQCC stations so switched to 40m. Worked 2 or 3 stations S&P and then decided to try running. I don't have much experience running in CW contests so I was a bit nervous. Propagation in NC was ok but not great (could hear many stations but most were much weaker than usual). I was doing my best to cope with the conditions but then the duct tape holding my headphones together decided to "unstick" so the headphones literally fell off my head during a couple of QSOs. A rational person might be thinking...QRP power combined with inexperience, less than optimal propagation and substandard equipment...K4CZ must have had a miserable time in the sprint. Well if all of us were "rational," we would probably just crank up the power or only operate during peaks in the sunspot cycle. Would make the hobby much easier...but also much less fun! Despite the challenges, I managed to work about 12-13 stations while running on 40m. After activity started slowing, switched to 80m (lots of QRN) and worked another 5 stations. I ended up having a great time in the sprint (at least in hindsight)...may even have achieved a personal best. Thanks to all the ops who patiently responded to my repeat requests and were willing to QRS (or wait for me to reassemble and put my headphones back on!) when necessary. 73, Barry W9FNB - Great fun as always! I was on a roll the first 40 minutes I was able to operate! (at least for me) 13 Q's...w/9 states plus 2 Ontario stations! The I stopped and chatted with K4BXN CRIT from NY for about 15 minutes maybe a little less. Then got called away till I worked John #2 at the top of the hour (2:00z)Tried 80Mts a little longer after John and I worked but only managed 1 more Q. Then that was all I had time for. CUALL NEXT TIME! W2SH - 40 meters was probably the workhorse band for most entrants, but I found its conditions unremarkable. On 20 meters, the only contest info I heard exchanged was a New Mexico station, whose call I missed. However, I was delighted to find excellent conditions on 80 meters. Alas, there was little activity there. I easily worked everyone I heard on 80, but that meant only seven QSOs. KI4DEF - Thanks to everyone who was operating during this Sprint. I was on the road all week on a business trip, but I threw a wire out the motel window into a tree and managed a few QSOs before the conditions (and my exhaustion!) got the better of me. Rig was my usual /p setup: AT Sprint II running off a 8xAA rechargeable battery pack (about 2.5W) with a straight key and SWA (EFHW). Lots of signals on 40m; pretty good condx at first, but QRN increased throughout with atmospheric activity (storms coming up). Looking forward to the extra mW Sprint this month--hope to hear some mW signals on Tuesday evening (the 20th) and again on FD (I know many NAQCC members are also QRP ARCI members--are any of you operating mW FD?). Hope everyone has racked up some rag chews this Spring, which ends 6/21/06 at 1226Z--still time to get in a few more! Until next month (no! next week!)... --72-- KA8MPT - I DID NOT HEAR A THING ON 20 METERS AND NOT MUCH ON 80. STAYED ON 40 METERS ALL NIGHT. THANKS TO ALL W2LJ - My son's T-ball game, and then a Knights of Columbus meeting limited my operating time to the last 20 minutes or so of the Sprint. I didn't even get to try 20 Meters as it was dead by the I got home. Maybe next month I'll get to put in a whole effort. 73 K4NVJ - 40 better. Not much on 20. KD1E - I got to operate less than 1/2 the time. Was doing fine until I worked VE3HUR. I copied his call wrong 8 or more times in a row. I'm sure he thought I was an idiot :-). Oh well. The new Junker straight key sure is nice to use. Rig K2 at 5 watts See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, Jun 14, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Bands Used This Month: 80 meters, 40 meters, and 20 meters Special Award: For the highest score from a portable (or mobile) station. Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on Jun 20, 2006. |