May 18 (KB3LFC's birthday), 2006 80/40M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd 80m-40m Antenna K4BAI 33 29 62 19 1178 x2 2356 1 inv v@45'-88'CF zepp@40' K3WWP 34 33 67 16 1072 x2 2144 2 ~110' attic random wire W2LJ 31 27 58 13 754 x2 1508 G5RV @25' AJ1M 35 30 65 14 910 910 # carolina wndm @45' KN1H 16 16 32 9 288 x2 576 380' ef wire @100' K4NVJ 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 88' dipole @35' KA2KGP 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 80m sagging dipole @35' *KD1E 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 28' gnd mtd vert *KB9BVN 12 11 23 11 253 x2 506 40m attic dipole W1PID 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 ?? @??' AF4LQ 13 13 26 11 286 286 77' endfed inv v @30' W2JEK 11 10 21 6 126 x2 252 ef hertz-dipole @??' N9KR 12 12 24 9 216 216 ef zepp @25' KI4DEF 8 7 15 7 105 x2 210 88' doublet @53' *N4UN 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 40m dipole @30' NU7T 8 5 13 4 52 x2 104 40m vert loop bottom @6' KB3LFC 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 110' rndm wire @ 20' WC7S 6 6 12 5 60 60 260' dpl @35' vrt @20' *KA5OAI 4 3 7 4 28 28 12' whip @20' W1OH 3 3 6 3 18 18 40m attic doublet %N3AQC 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 110' rndm wire @ 20' W5ESE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 300' hor loop @?' VA3RKM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40m dipole @16' # - Top score from a previous non-winner % - Club call op by Tom KB3LFC * - Special Award (First time in a NAQCC sprint with 5+ QSO's) winners: KD1E, KB9BVN, AJ1M, N4UNSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Wow, I was treated to an awesome light show the first half hour or so of the sprint as a thunderstorm moved through the area. I was sure glad my antenna was an indoor job as I was able to operate through the storm. There were some impressive lightning strikes and my lights flickered slightly a couple times. I was hoping the power would stay on and it did. There was a much better turnout than I expected. I figured many hams would be in or on their way to Dayton for the hamfest. In fact I kidded Tom this morning after we learned that the big QRP seminar at the hamfest was on Thursday that he and I would probably battle each other in the sprint tonight for #1 and #2. That was not the case as a lot of the sprint regulars, some members whom I haven't heard in a while, plus a few first time sprint entrants really made the bands active, especially 40M. I couldn't do much on 80M here with the storm QRN, but there was some activity there and I managed to make 7 80M QSO's. And a personal note to W2SH. It was nice to have an eyeball QSO with you early Wednesday morning on your way through here going to Dayton. We missed you in the sprint. See you next month. Oh as far as first-time-as-a-member entrants for the special award this month, I find the following in my log: N3AQC, N8VW, N3EF, KB9BVN, K9IS, AJ1M, KD1E, KC2JKU, N4UN. Wonderful! Welcome aboard - hope you'll be regulars from now on. Remember if you are on that list, made 5 or more QSO's, and send in a log per the rules, you are a special award winner this month. Well, I've said enough and I'll leave room for other soapbox entries. HI. W2LJ - It was great to see so much activity with the mass exodus to Dayton going on. Good to see some of the newer members as well as maybe a few new prospective ones? (Hint, hint!). Also, I got to try out a new straight key, a Bulgarian military copy of a Junker key. Well, at least they got the "junk" part right! I'm looking forward to seeing you all again next month for two Sprints - the regular monthly and the special "Milliwatt" Sprint! 73 KI4DEF - Thanks to everyone who operated this Sprint. I just got back home after a tiring 2-day business trip so I didn't operate very long. Lots of sigs but high QRN on 40m: S6-S8 here (40m rig Elecraft K1 at 5W). Quickly switched to 80m (rig AT Sprint 2 at 4W); far less QRN but fewer sigs and mostly weak. Had some fun and met some new folks--hope to hear you all on the bands for a chat (with a straight key for this month's challenge)! Until next month... --72-- KB9BVN - MY FIRST NAQCC SPRINT AND IT WAS FUN. WE HAVE TSTORMS IN CENTRAL INDIANA, MADE FOR A LOT OF NOISE ON THE BAND. I WAS USING MY KX1 AT 3W TO MY ATTIC DIPOLE. WISH I WAS AT FDIM, BUT CAN'T GO THIS YEAR. PREPARE FOR FIELD DAY!! KN1H - Got to try out a 1934 German Luftwaffe straight key I just picked up at the Hosstraders Hamfest in NH. Its a cosmetic mess but really works smoothly! 73, John Collins, NAQCC#1204 W1OH - Busy here getting ready for tomorrow evenings Field Day prep meeting for Falmouth ARA, but stole a few minutes on my KX1 to make a couple of contacts. Worked W2LJ almost as soon as I got on the air; wow, strong signal from NJ on 40M tonight! 40M conditions seemed pretty good. VA3NR was a little tougher as there was some local noise around his freq. Then N9NE was also pretty strong from WI.....and time's up for me! Back to work here. But glad to get my few minutes on the air - always great fun! And happy birthday, Tom! 72, geoff VA3RKM - Only a couple of contacts due to recovering from surgery. It was worth the effort. Happy Birthday, Tom! KA2KGP - Good turnout on 40m. & heard a couple of new members. 80m. was a dud with lots-o-QRN from a passing storm. All-in-all, it was a good sprint. See ya'll next month. KD1E - This was my first sprint. Boy was I nervous at first (sorry N9NE). It was fun. Band conditions in VT were a bit tough with significant QRN and some QSB. Sigs ranged from very strong (VA3NR) to right down in the mud (K0TK). K3WWP's single digit NR caught me off guard as I copied 29R (2NR). Nice to work AB1DR as my only 4 digit person. My rig basic K2, 5 watts, chinese military straight key (nice), 28 foot vert over 17 radials fed with a remote tuner. I TX while standing and RX while sitting (table height is wrong for both) so it was a lot of up & down. Logging for me is manual so I had to juggle the pen as well. Add to that my kids coming in to distract me and headphones that kept falling off my head and ... well, I guess I muddled through. 73! KD2MX - I was out for the evening but hoped to make it back in time for the last 30 minutes of the sprint. Didn't get in till 02:25 but went to try for one qso. 80M was dead quiet here, 40M not much better. I think I heard K3WWP on 40M as the clock struck 02:30. Conditions seemed pretty bad. I decided to see if anybody was around for the Western slot. Got on a bit after 0400. Heard NU7T on 40M calling CQ NA at between a 229 and 339. Gave him a call and I think he might've heard me but I just couldn't copy him good enough to make a go of it. He then disappeared. Hope conditions were better for everybody earlier. Hung around to nearly 0500... tried some CQ NAs but nada. I did catch a KL7 calling CQ. Just what I needed to complete WAS QRP! Called him and he answered!! Only then did I catch the /9 after his call, a cruel joke. He sure sounded like he was in Alaska instead of Wisconsin. See you next month. AF4LQ - Had fun in the Sprint tonight and it's nice to see it back on 40 for the summer. Operated most of the last hour and worked some new as well as familiar calls. Band was pretty good here in KY with good signals all around. Worked the last hour, running a Norcal 40A at 3w to an endfed inverted-V. Thanks for the fun and I hope to catch ya'll in the next one. NU7T - Some lightning QRN around western Nevada for the first hour or so. I ended the sprint with a 3-way QSO. My Bencher RJ-2 was the key of choice. Until next month, good luck everyone. Steve K4NVJ - All my qsos were with NAQCC members. Isn't that great? N4UN - This was my first Sprint. Lots of fun. The FT 817 at 5 watts and White Rook Hand Key did OK. I was only able to operate on and off for about 30 minutes during the period due to family responsibilities. Thanks to all that participated. N9KR - This was my first "official" Sprint and was great fun. Lots of QRN in southern Indiana but lots of signals as well. Looking forward to next month's event. W5ESE - I was only able to participate for a limited time this month. Rig used was a Small Wonder Labs SW+ at 2 Watts, and my old Radio Shack Straight Key from my Novice days. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, May 18, 0030-0230 UTC -OR- 0330-0530 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Although we received no logs from West Coast members for the added time period in April, we will continue the experiment this month. Anyone can operate either or both time periods. If you operate both time periods, only one of the two will count for your score. The other time period will be only for your benefit in helping you toward our Worked Members Award, etc. DO NOT submit a log or score for the extra time period if you work both. Bands Used This Month: 80 meters and 40 meters Special Award: To anyone who has NEVER participated in one of our sprints before AS A MEMBER and makes 5 or more QSO's in this sprint. I have a list of everyone who has ever either sent in a log or showed up in someone's log. Those on that list are not eligible. Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on May 24, 2006 (K3WWP's birthday). |