March 16, 2006 80M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd Antenna *W2SH 35 30 65 20 1300 x2 2600 1 80m horiz bisqr @ 75' *WA8REI 32 27 59 20 1180 x2 2360 2 80m slp dpl @ 22-35' *K3WWP 34 28 62 19 1178 x2 2356 ~110' attic random wire *K4BAI 30 28 58 18 1044 x2 2088 inv v @45' cf zepp@40' *K4UK 29 25 54 18 972 x2 1944 160m inv vee @ ?' *W2LJ 25 23 48 15 720 x2 1440 G5RV @ 25' *N2WN 22 18 40 17 680 x2 1360 80m 1/4 wave vertical *KD2MX 23 21 44 15 660 x2 1320 # ~300' random wire @ 30' *KI4DEF 22 22 44 14 616 x2 1232 88' dblt @ 53' N4FI 21 21 42 14 588 x2 1176 110' Random Wire @ 20' K4NVJ 15 13 28 12 336 x2 672 88' dipole @ 35' K4JPN 16 15 31 10 310 x2 620 80m cf zepp @ 28' *K4KO 21 20 41 15 615 615 80m dipole @ 60' *KA2KGP 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 80 M. dipole @ 30' VA3RKM 15 14 29 9 261 x2 522 80m dipole @ 18' *W2JEK 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 ef hertz @ ?' *KB3LFC 13 11 24 9 216 x2 432 ~250' random wire @ 20' K3MSB 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 40/80 dpl @ 50' *N4BP 16 15 31 10 310 310 Trap dipole @ 62' *KU4TN 12 12 24 6 144 x2 288 120' random wire @50' K9JWI 16 16 32 9 288 288 110' inv v @ 35' K8KFJ 14 14 28 10 280 280 dipole @ ?' *K9EW 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 dipole @ ?' WA1GCT 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Ground mounted vertical K2EKM 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 88ft doublet @ 20' W5RCP 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 inv vee @ 30' KI4CKT 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 mb dipole @ 25' *KB3MQT 5 4 9 3 27 x2 54 ~250' random wire @ 20' W6JDG 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 GAP titan @ 18' # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (sum of member numbers worked) entrants: W2SH - 17,928 K4BAI - 17,365 WA8REI - 16,111 K3WWP - 15,883 K4UK - 15,403 W2LJ - 13,340 KI4DEF - 12,420 KD2MX - 10,804 K4KO - 10,781 N2WN - 10,203 N4BP - 7,601 W2JEK - 6,688 KU4TN - 6,490 KA2KGP - 6,485 KB3LFC - 4,227 K9EW - 2,961 KB3MQT - 1,857 Special Award (sum of member numbers worked) winner: W2SHSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Well, that was fun. Good conditions again. Perhaps not quite as good as in February, but very close. I almost matched my February score exactly, but came up one QSO and one multiplier short. It was nice to work several stations I don't remember working in one of our sprints before. Hopefully our base of entrants is expanding and will continue to do so. I had my usual high noise level here (S9), and I missed one '8' station who called me. My apologies to you, whoever you were. Maybe we did work later in the contest. WA1GCT - Great time in the sprint. Band seemed to be a bit better here in the North East then last month. Now, if I could only get rid of the noise (S6). (Wish my noise were only S6 - K3WWP) N4BP - Received new membership number in time for sprint. But summertime static has arrived here in SFL making 80M near unuseable! Worked all the stations I could copy in about a half hour. KD2MX - The evening got off to a busy start and conditions seemed pretty good. Thankfully the horrendous QRN from last week didn't reappear. But activity or the band dried up after the first hour with a couple of unworked multipliers just disappearing. I didn't hear many stations during much of the second hour. The sprint did finish up here with a flurry of contacts in the last 10 minutes. Perhaps the band shifted slightly, it is all quite mysterious. I did however wind up with a few more QSOs than last month. I ran into a couple of newer members tonight but most contacts were of the two-or-three-digit member number variety. Where was the class of 1200? This was the first sprint to which I was able to dedicate the entire two hours. It is a very enjoyable and friendly event. I love being able to use a straight key and not feel like I'm holding things up. 73/72 to all until next month. KA2KGP - Good conditions agn this month made for a fun sprint. Nice turnout of NAQCC members, but I seemed to hook up with all the lower numbers, like 0001 & 0002, hi hi ! See you all next sprint. KI4CKT - Enjoyed the friendly crowd. Hope to work Apr. Herd lots of ops but got a late start. K9EW - QTH 35 miles west of Chicago. Only had half an hour tonight, but it was still fun. The band was pretty decent here for a change. Running 5w from an Argosy 525 to a Cloud Burner dipole. I like the special twists in each of these sprints; they make it more fun. Thanks to K3WWP for a big 2 NAQCC points. (You're welcome - HI - K3WWP) 72/73, ed K3MSB - B&W 5100B / SX-101A / J-38 key / 5W VA3RKM - A pleasant way to pass a weeknight. Thanks for the Qs! K8KFJ - Unfortunately, I missed the first 40 minutes of the Sprint but sure had fun in the remainder as there was lots of activity and 80m sounded in good shape here although rather short skip. It was nice to work #1 and #2. HI K9JWI - Quiet band, good signals and activity. K2EKM - Only made a brief appearance in this sprint (5 min at the start, and the final 15 min). Conditions seemed good down here, as there were still a lot of stations that I heard during the final 15. See you next month. 72, Bill K2EKM W6JDG - Thank you for the later time period here on the left coast, it sure helped me get into the game. My noise level was at S9 which is not unusual for 80 meters here. This is the first sprint that I have been able to make contacts, possibly due to better timing. W2LJ - It was nice to be able to devote the full 2 hours to the sprint this time. 80 Meters was nice, although you can tell the seasons are changing because there was more atmospheric QRN than past months. I had a great time; but I have to admit I was disappointed in a couple of instances where guys would start calling "CQ NA" on a frequency without even so much as a "QRL?" ahead of time! Not cool. The highlight of the evening was getting into a QSO with AC4YN and explaining the Sprint to him; and having him lower his power to complete the exchange at 5 Watts! That was nice! 73 til next month de Larry KI4DEF - Thanks to everyone who operated this Sprint. Rig AT Sprint 2 at 4W and straight key. I had to replace my collinear array from last month after it was torn apart in a storm. New doublet seems to be working FB. Got a late start tonight due to net activities. Band seemed to be in pretty good condx throughout (QRN not bad here, altho' Stan K4UK had me QSY due to QRN at his end). Some very strong signals (especially K3ESE--good job LL!). I hope everyone is enjoying the St. Patrick's day challenge--these QSOs have taken me over the top (finally, some R's! hi!). Hope to hear everyone again next month--and for a rag chew between March 20 1826Z and June 21 1226Z. Let's fill the bands with CW this spring! (see new Spring Rag Chew Award) --72-- K4UK - Conditions were pretty good here in Virginia. Missed the first 24 minutes due to a phone call. 73, Stan KB3LFC - After having missed the Feb. Sprint, which I heard offered some fine conditions on 80-meters, I really looked forward to this sprint and I wasn't disappointed when it finally started. Despite a badly drooping random wire I managed to garner 13 QSOs, 11 of them were member stations. During the sprint I spent some time operating our club station, KB3MQT, so as to give some of you (who heard me) a chance to add 1,100 points to your club member numbers total. Conditions were pretty good for 80 and overall, I think we had some great participation. A few people have asked when we will add 40-meters to the sprints. The answer is: beginning with the April sprint and running through and including October. Anyhow, it was a great sprint and personally, I'm looking forward to the April event. Thanks to all who participated. K4NVJ - Another good time. Thanks John, Tom, and the NAQCC. N2WN - Only had an hour to play this time around. Only 10,203 total for the special award. Had fun and worked a few non-members, interest is spreading I think. Thanks to all! 73, Julius W2SH - "Beware the ides of March." Well, 80-Meter conditions were pretty darn nice! Here in New Jersey the noise level was low and there was very little QSB. Propagation was pretty classic, with the strongest signals from 100-300 miles away, next from those closer in, and beyond 300 miles, signal strength slowly dropped off as the distance increased. Florida (N4BP, of course) was as far as I worked, and I didn't hear a single station from any farther away. KU4TN - Thanks for the contacts. Hope to hear everyone next month. W2JEK - Rig was my Yaesu FT-840 running 5 watts to my end fed hertz. Key is a Signal Electric. RULES: Date and time: Thursday, March 16, 0130-0330 UTC -OR- 0430-0630 UTC (Newcomers - remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) The added time frame is mainly for our West Coast members. However anyone can operate either or both time periods. If you operate both time periods, only one of the two will count for your score. The other time period will be only for your benefit in helping you toward our Worked Members Award, etc. DO NOT submit a log or score for the extra time period if you work both. Bands Used This Month: 80 meters only Special Award: With apologies to FISTS for plagiarism, this month's Special Award goes to the person who has the highest total of NAQCC member numbers in his log for the sprint. For a simple example, if you work KB3LFC (#0001), K3WWP (#0002), and our club call KB3MQT or vanity call (#1100), you have a total for the Special Award of 1103 points. Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on March 22, 2006. Other Rules: For rules that are common to all of our sprints, check General Sprint Rules |