February 15, 2006 80M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd Antenna *K3WWP 35 29 64 20 1280 x2 2560 1 ~110' attic random wire N2WN 30 25 55 19 1045 x2 2090 2 80M 1/4w vertical KI4DEF 28 23 51 17 867 x2 1734 # 4el 15m colinr arry @ 65' W2SH 31 26 57 14 798 x2 1596 80m horiz bisqr @ 75' KA8MPT 22 18 40 15 600 x2 1200 g5rv @ 25' - hf6 vert KD2MX 20 18 38 12 456 x2 912 ~300' random wire @ 30' *AB4KX 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 106' attic inv L N4FI 17 13 30 12 360 x2 720 110' random wire @ 20' VA3RKM 16 14 30 10 300 x2 600 80m dipole @ 18' N3AO 25 20 45 12 540 540 inv vee windom @ 35' KA2KGP 13 12 25 10 250 x2 500 80m dpl drooping fm 35' K2EKM 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 88' doublet @ 20' AB1DR 23 16 39 11 429 429 Double Zepp @ 30' *WA8REI 13 11 24 7 168 x2 336 indoor ef 86' wire W2LJ 11 10 21 6 126 x2 252 G5RV @ 25' K4NVJ 10 8 18 6 108 x2 216 88' dipole @ 35' K4JPN 11 10 21 5 105 x2 210 80m cf Zepp @ 28' AA5CH 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 180' cf Zepp @ 50' WA1GCT 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 gnd mtd vertical W9CC 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 80m inv vee @ 35' K9JWI 6 6 12 5 60 60 110' inv vee @ 35' *W5TVW 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 attic 40m dipole W5RCP 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 multiwire inv v @ 30' Check Log - Emailed after deadline: K4UK 23 22 45 14 630 x2 1260 160M Inv V & AB Dipole # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (indoor antenna) entrants: K3WWP WA8REI AB4KX W5TVW Special Award (indoor antenna) winner: K3WWPSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Well, this was the night we've been waiting for here in the Northeast. Finally some quite good conditions. Only my usual S9+ noise here kept me from doing even better tonight. Can't blame propagation conditions for anything tonight. My apologies to AG4IP (I think). I just couldn't copy you, but did hear you later working KI4DEF so I think you are the one I missed. Also apologies to anyone else I may have missed. It was nice to work a couple folks who seem to be in a lot of our sprints but I haven't worked for a while until tonight. I mean KA2KGP and KA8MPT. Oh and VA3RKM also. Also nice to work W5RCP down in TX and get a really honest RST of 119 from Ron. Too bad this wasn't last month cause this is my best score in a sprint so far. It sure is nice to finish on a high note and know I'm a winner. What do I mean when mine is the only score I've seen so far? Well every time I beat my previous best score in a contest, that is winning for me, since I compete against myself more so than against others. WA8REI - Great to work so many stns. Tried to work KA8MPT and N4FI, but S9 noise level and indoor ant. didn't help! Still, a ton of fun. Do I get a certificate??? Hi. 73/72 WA1GCT - Ten-Tec Scout at 5 watts into a ground mounted vertical. Was fun working the sprint, even with an S6 to S7 noise. Oh well, at least I got to hear and work some stations this month. Hope to be useing a different antenna next month. Look for you all in the March Sprint. KA2KGP - Nice sprint this month. Conditions were pretty good & heard lots of NAQCC members on the band. I think I need a new antenna, hope it warms up soon. Rig: TenTec Argosy at 5w. Straight key, as usual. K2EKM - Conditions seemed pretty good tonight. Unfortunately could only spend one hour in the sprint, as got a call from work about 8:50pm which kept me off the air for one hour. Hope next month's conditions are this good! 72 KI4DEF - Thanks to everyone who operated this Sprint. This was only my second 80m Sprint, and the first with a new antenna (thanks Chris NG3W). Ant seems to be working FB. Rig Norcal Sierra at 4W and straight key. First hour was very busy--most QSOs I have ever had during an hour. Second hour was very slow--high QRN and many strong sigs, had to dig out weak stns (tnx for those repeats!). All-in-all, lots of fun. Hope to hear everyone again next month. AA5CH - This was my first NAQCC activity and I look forward to others, hopefully with a few more contacts...hi! W5RCP - Although I only worked two stations, one of them was K3WWP so that made it ok with me. Hope to do better next month. N2WN - Nice quiet condtions overall and lots of activity (both NAQCC and FISTS) in the general area. Thought it was a bit quieter for NAQCC participation, maybe due to Valentine's Day. Had a nice QSO with Gene W5GXV, a FISTs member, and told him about our sprint, maybe he'll join in some time. I think Dan, N0TK deserves the "most persistent award", he called me a number of times before I caught his call and info. KL7V got my excitement up, forgot he was in OK (needed the multiplier) a QRP Alaska Q would have been special. I heard "ESE" once, but not good enough to figure out which one! First time using GenLog and had to figure out the differences from N1MM. Thanks to all! K9JWI - I managed only a half hour. Will do better next month. KD2MX - A fun night. What a different experience from the past two months! No black hole tonight. Propagation is so fascinating...who can figure? Condx started good and got better. It hurt to have to go QRT at 10PM...signals (K3WWP and KA8MPT) were booming in... plus I would've liked to pick up a few more Qs... KW4JS & K4NVJ were two of the tougher ones for me, down in the noise, but we were able to complete the exchanges. 73/72 until next time K4NVJ - Very quiet here in AL. I only had 50 minutes for the Sprint but it was fun. Some stations I had not worked before made it nice! 73, Joe K4JPN - Fun as usual, heard several New England Stations, but could not raise them. Rig K2 running 4W. 72 VA3RKM - After a few discouraging months this sprint was fabulous. Glad to work experienced contesters (John K3WWP and Stan K4UK for example), new calls to me, a YL (AB1DR), two non-members (AB4KX and VE3AB) and two fellow VEs (VE3AB and VE3HUR). Heard AR and OK but didn't work them. I'll check the FISTS member list and send a card via the FISTS buro to those I have not already sent one (LOTW and eQSL for everyone of course). AB1DR - Great fun!!!! This is the first log I've EVER posted :) Thanks for everyone's patience. I'm still new at this, So I hpe I didn't make too many mistakes. It was so nice to hear some call signs I knew from the Fox Hunt like W2LJ and W0AV. I messed up with my logging software and missed an exchange with N3Ao, #1193 so I'm sorry I couldn't log you. I have an excuse, I'm blonde. 72/73 Ann AB1DR!!!! W9CC - Band conditions weird as usual. W2LJ - I could only devote a half hour to the Sprint. I'm in the middle of teaching a Technician License class on Tuesday evenings and it was St. Valentine's Day - double whammy! But in the 30 minutes I devoted, I had a ton of fun. It was good to hear the regulars like Stan K4UK and Chas W2SH; and it was especially nice to here newer NAQCCers like Ann AB1DR and Paul KD2MX. The band's noise level was low and there were a lot of nice signals! Can't wait until next month! W5TVW - Conditions here were noisy and very poor. Heard very little activity on. Did manage 3 contacts during whole sprint. Maybe better luck next month! KA8MPT - Had great time. I had good signals coming from the Northeast and the Southwest most of the night TX s-9 and VT s-9.Antennas HF6v Vertical all band and G5rv up 25 ft . Rig Icom 718 at 5 w W2SH - There was no QRN and only slight QSB. Skip wasn't very long. I heard, but didn't work, two 5th area calls. KA8MPT (Ohio) was 20 dB over S9 and easily the loudest signal here (I've got to discover his mojo). Didn't get any Valentine's Day 88s (didn't send any either), but did work AB1DR. I very much admire those who use indoor antennas. (Tnx - K3WWP) I tried one many years ago in this small ranch house with its overhead crawl space that is only five feet at its peak. Results were very negative, probably because all the inter-room house wiring goes via the crawl space. Liking challenges, I may give it another try when the weather turns a bit warmer. Meanwhile, blessed with lots of tall trees, I chopped off the two quarter-wave vertical elements to get the bisquare working properly again. K4UK - Band in pretty good shape again this time. RULES: Date and time: Wednesday, February 15, 0130-0330 UTC (Newcomers - remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Bands Used This Month: 80 meters only Special Award: This month we're going to start recycling some of the Special Awards we've used before. We'll use the ones that had at least a few entrants and just forget about those that no one entered. With that preamble over now, this month's Special Award goes to the ham with the highest score who used an indoor antenna. To be classified as an indoor antenna, at least 50% of the radiating portion of the antenna must be enclosed within a building. That doesn't include any non-radiating feedlines. Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on Feb 21, 2006. Other Rules: For rules that are common to all of our sprints, check General Sprint Rules |