July 20, 2005 80M/40M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd Antenna N9NE 44 31 75 17 1275 x2 2,550 1 C-4SXL / 176' dblt K3WWP 29 19 48 18 864 x2 1,728 2 110' attic random wire VA3NR 34 23 57 16 912 912 # EFHW/inv vee N2AUR 18 13 31 10 310 x2 620 40m dipole K4UK 22 15 37 15 555 555 160M inv v/trap dipole *W2LJ 16 13 29 8 232 x2 464 PAC-12 K2EKM 15 11 26 8 208 x2 416 88' dblt @ 20' K1QW 9 8 17 6 102 x2 204 Cobra ultra-lite jr. K4CHT 9 8 17 6 102 x2 204 inv vee @ 20' KA2KGP 7 6 13 7 91 x2 182 40m dipole *KB3LFC 10 5 15 6 90 x2 180 temp random @ 7' WA3FIR 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Inv L AF4LQ 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 ?? W5ESE 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 300' HOHPL W9CC 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 40m inv vee *VY2/W1OH 9 8 17 6 102 102 zipcord dblt # 30' W1PID 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 windom ocf dipole *AG4ZZ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 super ant SP-1 KA5HZV 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 inv vee @ 30' VA3RJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 hamstick on balcony N2COD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40m spider mobile whip W1TF 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 25' wire in gnd flr rm # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Portable Operation) entrants: KB3LFC, W2LJ, VY2/W1OH, AG4ZZ Special Award (Portable Operation) winner - W2LJSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Fishing? Sprint? Fishing? Sprint? Well, I'm the VP of the NAQCC, and I really should do the Sprint, I guess. So I left the fishing hole in time to get home about 2 minutes before the Sprint started. Conditions were good until skip got longer and started bringing in the static from somewhere. I was hoping to make 30 QSO's, but I couldn't work anyone at all in the last 20 minutes so I had to settle for 29 the second month in a row now. Still I'm pleased with activity tonight. Many new calls showed up in my log, but at the same time some of our regulars were absent for one reason or other. KB3LFC - Well, if you operated portable, as I did, the rules stated that you had to use a temporary antenna - no problem there as my "antenna" was about as temporary as you can get. I strung about 40 some feet of insulated wire from my temporary site to a small tree which allowed my wire to be about 7 to 8 feet above ground level (5 or 6 feet where it sagged). Despite the low antenna and running only 2 watts, I managed to make some nice QSOs, some in New England and Eastern Canada. I ran John's "Index Labs, QRP Plus" from a gel cell. (I'm still waiting to get my HW-9 from the repair shop). And a special message to Larry - "Larry, I had no mosquito problem despite having only one citronella candle. I bought a small envelope containing an insect repellent towelette and after smearing my self down the little critters steered well clear of me. However, in doing so I learned a valuable lesson, if you don't allow bug dope to dry completely before handling plastic ink pens, the outside of the pens form sort of a sticky goo that sticks to your skin along with the pen. Well, at least I never had to reach for a pen during the entire sprint." 40 meters was a lot of fun until some QRN took over the band during the last hour of the contest. Also, I had two stations ask me to repeat my NAQCC Number three or four times. So just for the record guys, it really is "NR 1." Great participation in this sprint, and for some portable stations, even the mosquitoes loved it! PS: There are only a few days left in July and I hope EVERYONE will make an effort to use the 30-Meter band and try for our 30-30 Award. This is truly a GRRRRREAT band for CW lovers and offers some fine DX too. KA5HZV - I only worked 2 stations tonight in the sprint, but still wanted to turn in my logs just to show I was in there. W2LJ - The rig this time was my K1 which has 40/30/20 and 15 Meters; so I was confined to operating on 40 Meters. I was in my backyard, operating the K1 off of a 12V SLA battery and was using my homebrewed PAC-12 portable antenna. I accomplished two things. First, I got eaten alive by insects. The citronella candles and OFF brand backyard bug fogger had no effect on the little creatures whatsoever! (Larry, that's not what is meant when we say a "Bug" Sprint - K3WWP) Second, I made enough contacts in this month's sprint to bring my total number of QSOs for 2005 to over 1000 for the year so far! Next month I'm indoors, no matter what! VA3NR - Tried 80m several times but not much action there. Also had some long stretches on 40m with no QSOs. Still fun. Tnx & 73. K4UK - Conditions on 80 Meters not very good here in Virginia. Lots Of QRN. Really got a kick out of having my CQ answered by W1OH in PEI. Maybe next time I'll try a later time period to see if 80 Meters does any better. VY2/W1OH - well, that was fun! Not the ideal setup yet - next 2 weeks vacation on PEI should be a better location. But, only 30 ft (oops, that would be about 9 meters, eh?) from salt water. Fair amount of QSB over the contest period, plus QRN from thunderstorms (not local, fortunately). Used the FT-897 @ 5w from the internal batteries; looks like I only used about half the capacity of one battery over the 2 hours. Looking forward to IOTA and ARS Sprint in a week or so! Thanks to all who worked me! KA2KGP - 40 M. had average conditions, where 80 M. was poor with heavy QRN & only one QSO. W1AW really wipes out operating on the "top end" of the 40 M. sprint band. Rig used was a Ten Tec Argosy II with external QF-1 CW filter & straight key. Heard many new members but only worked a few. N2COD - I had to work the evening of the sprint but got out in time to call my brother for a QSO from about 35 miles away. Heard a couple of other NA stations, but couldn't hook up before it ended & I got home. Lot's of atmospheric QRN as a rain storm was approaching over Lake Erie. I might work the next sprint from the mobile, the old knee-mounted mobile straight key is getting rusty! Rig: Alinco DX70TH (low power), MFJ Mobile Antenna Tuner, 40 M. Spider Mobile loaded whip antenna, WWII GI knee-strapped straight key. K2EKM - Was only able to operate a total of less than 1 hour this time, with most of the activity on 40m during the first 1/2 hour, seemed pretty quiet after that. Visited 80m several times but only found 2 stations there. Worked several new ones (to me) so seems that word of the group continues to spread! W9CC - QRN and QSB were bad - still it is fun! AG4ZZ - Antenna was Super Antenna SP-1 clamped to a picnic table. I added (2) 33 foot radials. The rig was an AT Sprint 3 powered by a 9 volt alkaline battery, and power out measured at ~ 2.5 watts, less as voltage dropped. All contacts were on 40 m - I had thought about trying the 80 m coil, but QRN from mosquitoes on the prowl chased me off. Didn't run up a big score, but had fun operating outside the shack! W1TF - Got home just in time to make one QSO. Still enjoyed the contest being there. N9NE - T-storm QRN was heavy as has been the usual case the past few weeks. Only one contact was made on 80 meters, that with VA3NR, so my multipliers were down from last month. After four weeks of drought here in WI, we received a few tenths of an inch of rain about 2 hours prior to the 'test, so I decided not to sit outside and get my backside wet :). The J-47 handkey and slower speeds make this a nice event, and I enjoy making contact with folks whom I don't usually work otherwise. OH .... congratulatiions to VY2/W1OH who hung in there to make a contact under adverse conditions! Magnum PEI? Thanks for the fun! W5ESE - Equipment used included a Small Wonder Labs SW+ for 40 meters at 1.5 watts, and a Ten-Tec TKIT 1380 for 80 meters at 4 watts. Activity in the middle of the country is a little sparse in this contest. Thanks everyone to for listening for my signal. Was great to hear both familiar and new calls. Welcome, and hope to hear you again next month. N2AUR - Outside? My antenna was outside - I was inside in my 89 degree shack! I feel like I worked every NAQCC member in Virginia. Kept looking for multipliers based on call signs only to find another station in Virginia. Oh well. Now that I'm getting in the swing of things, I'm having more fun and less anxiety . Thanks for another fun sprint. K1QW - Enjoyed the Sprint very much. Lots of fun with my new antenna and FT-817. Also had a chance to dust off the old J-38 straight key for once!! I'll be back for more, you can be sure. Thanks! VA3RJ - Conditions poor. Had to break for late supper 45 minutes into the sprint. CU in the next one! WA3FIR - Icom-706 @ 5w. Very high levels of static and some rapid QSB made copy impossible at times. RULES: Date and time: UTC (Z): Thursday, Jul 21, 0030Z to 0230Z Eastern Daylight Time: Wednesday, Jul 20, 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM Special Category: This month a certificate will be awarded to the top score from a truly portable station. That is you must be set up away from a house or apartment and be using emergency power and a temporary antenna. Entry Deadline: All entries must be postmarked or email dated before 2400Z on Jul 27, 2005. Other Rules: For rules that are common to all of our sprints, check General Sprint Rules |