April 19, 2005 80M/40M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd Antenna K3WWP 31 21 52 16 832 x2 1,664 1 Attic 110' random wire N1RR 39 19 58 28 1624 1,624 2 4sq vert array/2el yagi K4BAI 30 14 44 18 792 x2 1,584 # dipole inv vee K5PTC 27 16 43 16 688 x2 1,376 2-2 el 40m yagis W8TM 38 17 55 21 1155 1,155 Inv V W2SH 21 13 34 12 408 x2 816 horiz 80m bisquare W5TVW 16 11 27 14 378 x2 756 135' Zepp @ 50' K2EKM 17 9 26 13 338 x2 676 88' doublet @ 20' NJ2OM 25 16 41 16 656 656 Windom AE5X 18 12 30 13 390 x1.5 585 Dipole K4NVJ 16 9 25 10 250 x2 500 88' dipole @ 35' *AG4ZZ 14 10 24 10 240 x2 480 Top loaded vertical W4AMW 20 10 30 10 300 x1.5 450 Carolina Windom @ 35' K4UK 22 14 36 12 432 432 160M Inv V KA2KGP 10 5 15 8 120 x2 240 Dipole N4FI 9 5 14 8 112 x2 224 110' rdm wire/atticG5RV N2JNZ 15 6 21 10 210 210 G5RV Sloper @ 40' KW4JS 10 7 17 9 153 153 Horiz loop AF4LQ 10 7 17 6 102 102 130' Inv L W1PID 6 4 10 5 50 x2 100 ?? VE3WMB 6 4 10 5 50 x1.5 75 Inv L WI4L 8 1 9 4 36 x2 72 G5RV @ 40' K4CHT 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dipole @ 15' KB3LFC 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 random wire W1OH 2 2 4 1 4 4 40M attic dipole # - Top score from a previous non-winner * - Special Award (Old time rig) entrants: AG4ZZ Special Award (Old time rig) winner - AG4ZZSOAPBOX: K3WWP - Much better participation this month. Thanks everyone. I enjoyed working some new members and non-members who hadn't been in previous sprints. Also some who seemed to be new to contesting. I always enjoy slowing down for the newcomers to contesting. That's more of a thrill to me than running up a big score. Hope to see even more newcomers next month in our slow speed sprint. W5TVW - Had fun but QRN was severe and increasing. Also was interupped several times by XYL! Biggest annoyance was Spanish SSB right on top of everything and it was unyielding. Had a bit of fun anyway. My first NA contest tried. AF4LQ - I worked about an hour of the second time period this month and found things pretty slow here. Perhaps most had already worked the first period and gone home, I dunno. Worked 10 stations on 40, checked 80 and heard nothing there with heavy WX QRN so went back to 40 for more CQ "practice" (G). Hung it up after 20 minutes or so of that and called it a night but I enjoyed working those I did work and I appreciate the calls. Am looking forward to the next one. Rig was a K2 at 5W and antenna was a 130ft inv-L. K4UK - Didn't read the Rules close enough to see that I could only work a station once. But I guess others did the same, because a couple of them called me. - Hi! I ran my K2 at 5 Watts into a 160 Meter dipole which, due to high wind a month ago is now in an Inverted Vee configuration. The "key" was a Bencher Paddle. I did know of the Straight Key bonus. But didn't get my Navy "flameproof" key hooked up in time. Interestingly 13 of my valid 22 contacts were with FISTS members. So QRP is enjoyed by many of our FISTS members. Look forward to the next event. W1OH - Well, another busy evening, but managed to sit down for a few minutes and discover horrible S9+ noise all around 7.040. But 80M was not too bad at all, so made a big 2 (two!!) contacts! But fun as always! N1RR - My strategy was working well for the first 45 minutes. QSO rate dropped off and decided to changed tactics after first hour. I did not listen for DX on 80M, but will next time. Other changes required too. No one was "sprinting" on CW speed though ....... the club might consider changing the rules. (No, the NAQCC Sprints are not intended to be fast paced frantic contests like the NCJ NA Sprints. We exist to help hams develop their CW skills, including contesting. Our sprints are low-key, slow speed learning affairs - K3WWP) SO2R: TS850S/TS850S Hand switched to change radio TX. Ants: Cuschcraft 2L40 at 75ft stuck beaming NE, 80M wire 4-Square vertical array. VE3WMB - I was feeling a bit under the weather last night but decided that I had to make at least a few contacts in the NA QRP CW Club Sprint. Yesterday, as it turns out, was the anniversary of my first ever QSO, a quarter century ago. I started out with an HW-8 in 1980 and have been doing almost 100% QRP since then. Today, every CW QSO is just as magical to me as that first one. It was very nice to work some familiar calls in the Sprint : W2SH - Charles, who I met last year at FDIM (he had a potent signal on 80M) AE5X - John, who I have worked a couple of times in other events (nice Bug Fist BTW) K3WWP - John who happens to be NAQCC member #2. This was our first QSO but I have visited John's website many times and I read his QRP column in the FISTS newsletter. Thanks to all who were able to copy my slow and choppy Bug Fist Its been a great 25 years of QRP and Ham radio and I am looking forward to the next 25. NJ2OM - Activity was better than expected, after a dismal result in the ARCI Spring QSO Party. I was camping in the backyard, using a K2, running 5w into a windom. Worked a couple stations twice so had to subtract some points from my score. K5PTC - This was the first QRP Sprint that I ever participated in. A club member sent out the URL, I checked it out, and decided to try the Sprint. I expected about the same level of activity as the Spartan Sprint, but it was much less. As this was my first entry I am not sure if it is normal or if it was related to the VERY noisy conditions. (The NAQCC is still in its infancy while the ARS has been in existence for several years now. With the help of folks like you joining our sprints we should continue to grow and grow as time goes by. - K3WWP) Here in Houston the static crashes were around S9 and I had to use my beverages for almost every QSO. Thanks to all for the repeats. See you next time - !!! Bruce- N1LN (K5PTC - Pesky Texan Contesters) AE5X - I decided to go with 40 meters for this Sprint, given the recent QRN on 80m. Rig was the FT840 at 5 watts, dipole and Vibroplex. Conditions seemed pretty good and I worked a lot of non-members compared to past Sprints. A W8 station called me at one point and I accidently went back to him on the wrong VFO cuz I hit the A/B button instead of the CW Narrow button, dadgummit. That'll learn me not to try to log, fiddle with the radio and send Morse at the same time! W4AMW - I used the Vibroplex Original my parents gave me for my birthday in 1963. K2EKM - I found this sprint to be particularly gratifying for me. I had undergone total left hip replacement surgery two weeks ago, and have been home convalescing since then. Was great to be able to get on the air and have some fun! Only lasted a little more than an hour though, but it was a pleasure! Also thanks to John for his very nice note he sent prior to my surgery. It helped! Such a great group! KA2KGP - 40 meter QRN & QRM was a headache generator! I like these 2 hr. sprints cuz it's all my ears can take. I really gotta make a filter for this Argosy. Thankx to all who made the effort to dig my sigs out of the mud. K4NVJ - No procrastinating this time. 40M okay! W2SH - Another fine NAQCC Sprint. Restricted my operation to 80 meters in order to encourage activity on that band. I would prefer to see a one-band restriction apply to each two-hour operating segment, and I think that a participant might be allowed to operate a maximum of two two-hour operating segments provided that each segment is devoted to a different band. In this way the single-band operator would not at a disadvantage. An increase in activity would result first from the ability to choose one or another band, and second from increased operating time if an operator chose to operate on two bands. (Interesting comments, but moot now since the rules are being changed for the May sprint - K3WWP) AG4ZZ - Old rig category - Kenwood 520 power 3-5 watts. Power hard to stabilize on this rig at QRP levels. Ant was top loaded vertical. Nice to work both 80 & 40 in this contest. |