February 16, 2005 80M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bonus Final Awd Antenna K3WWP 26 20 46 15 690 x2 1,380 1 attic 110' random wire AA4XX 25 19 44 15 660 x2 1,320 2 80M dipole @ 65' N4HAY 22 20 42 14 588 x2 1,176 3 40m dipole @ 62' AG4ZZ 23 18 41 14 574 x2 1,148 140' doublet @ 45' K2EKM 23 19 42 13 546 x2 1,092 88' doublet @ 20' W2LJ 23 19 42 11 462 x2 924 G5RV AF4LQ 18 15 33 12 396 x2 792 130' inv L W8UE 16 15 31 12 372 x2 744 carolina windom @ 25' AE5X 16 14 30 11 330 x1.5 495 80M dipole @ 65' K8NQQ 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 inv V K4NVJ 13 8 21 10 210 x2 420 ?? N4FI 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 random wire @ 20' AF4PP 15 14 29 12 348 348 80M dipole @ 55' *N4UW 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 80M ocf dipole at 30' AE4Y 15 13 28 11 308 308 dipole KB3LFC 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 ~225' rnd wire @ 16' KI4FW 8 7 15 8 120 x2 240 ?? KA2KGP 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 vertical W5ESE 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 80M horiz loop K8LEN 6 4 10 6 60 x2 120 ?? * - Special Award (MPW) entrants: N4UW Special Award (MPW) winner - N4UW with the following QSO Call Worked Power Distance MPW N4UW AA4XX .02W 214 mi 10,700SOAPBOX: KB3LFC - Several "good' excuses for a low score: Had the aftermath of the flu, had to go to the bathroom TWICE, had to separate the dogs from fighting, had to stop the boys from fighting, got a phone call from my favorite cousin 1/2 hour before end of contest, OK,OK, lousy excuses I know. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this contest and it was good to hear some old radio friends. I was quite impressed by the fact that some operators slowed down to work some VEEEEEEEEERRRRY slow ops and in one case, John, K3WWP, took time out to explain to a non-member (and very slow operator) what we were doing. Honestly, being an impromptu Elmer is more important than racking up points in a contest and is in keeping with the true spirit of Amateur Radio. Now the bad news: Due to an e-mail glitch I lost some logs and membership applications that were sent to me. If you sent your log and do not see it in the next few days, please send again. Sorry for the inconvenience. K3WWP - I just kind of hung out around 3562 and called slow CQ's, hoping to work those who are just getting into contesting. I think it's more important to help others than it is to be selfish and just go for a big score all the time. As a result, my QSO's were down, but it was a very satisfying sprint for me. Also I tried out the GenLog program, and it made logging a snap with it and the up to the minute member list I made up and provided via the web site. Although at the rate I was making QSO's, I could have used stone and chisel to do my logging. HI. It will be interesting to see how the new time frame fares with our members out in the western half of the USA. Hopefully it will give them more of an opportunity for making QSO's. One last comment: My friend John, K4BAI said he wouldn't be in the Sprint since he had to work. He kidded me that I'd have to get on and call CQ as a beacon instead of him. I kidded back that my beacon doesn't shine as brightly as his. HI. Actually my results showed that as my CQ's only attracted 23 QSO's. W8UE - Ran out of contacts after 0400Z W2LJ - This sprint was another fun time! It was interesting to see how new calls came into play at the beginning of the second hour as stations were just jumping in at the "beginning" of the second time slot. As I was running 5 Watts, so I didn't have any amazing MPW QSOs. Maybe next time I'll milliwatt it! Good to hear all the familiar calls and to finally work our esteemed founder, KB3LFC ! KI4FW - Tnx for running this great lil organization. N4UW - 2nd outing on the 80 mtr sprint, but 1st log. Didn't work too many, but had a blast. Thanks to all for enduring my keying and weak sigs, especially N4HAY, (150 mW) K4NVJ, (50 mW) and AA4XX. (20 mW) Paul, AA4XX, was S-9 here, so I thought I'd have a shot at working him at the lowest power out setting of the Omni-VI, which is 20 mW, according to the WM-2. Was surprised and thrilled when we completed the exhange. Never did any serious milliwatting before, so >10,000 MPW is a new achievement for me. Thanks for a fun contest and club, and am looking forward to more. AE4Y - Things started out well, but after the first 30 minutes I started having trouble finding anyone new to work. I may try a later time segment next month to see if I can work more stations out west. AA4XX - Hi Tom, It was fun working you and the Gang last nite. As always, thanks for your efforts! It was good to hear some new calls as well as old friends during the SK Sprint. Conditions were pretty noisy and propagation was generally limited to stations close in. A special thanks to W5ESE in TX,who patiently repeated his call several times. AE5X in NY was making nice music with his bug. Sure was great to hear so many straight keys, too! Thanks to KB3LFC, K3WWP, and W2LJ for sponsoring the 80M Sprints. W5ESE - I enjoyed the contest, though propagation didn't seem very good, at least here. I used my Ten-Tec TKIT 1380 this time, which I built late last year. Enjoyed using it in the Sprint. Thanks to everyone for the repeats. AF4PP - This is a check log only. (Naw, we'll count it - K3WWP) Rig was an Omni 6 @ 5w to an 80M dipole at 55 feet. No straight key -- computer keying/loging with TRLog. Good condx w/15 QSOs and w/12 unique SPCs. Had fun and have applied for a club number. Plan to participate in future events. N4FI - I'll try and cu next sprint, tom K2EKM - I really enjoy this club! It is nice to have sprints during the week, as it is becoming increasingly difficult to find time during the weekends. Tried the Novice portion several times with no success. It would be nice to get more Novices involved in QRP. I have been frequenting the Novice portions of and on, and have had some very nice ragchews there. Some really good cw ops are Novices, who for whatever reason have not taken the General exam. How could we get them involved in this club? I know they would enjoy it. Rig: Ten Tec Argonaut V @5w to an 88ft doublet, up 20 feet. Used my novice Speed-X key. KA2KGP - Lots of QRM from FISTS qso's. Everyone was crowded into the 3.555 to 3.565 segment, no NA activity heard in the Novice Band?! No sigs heard on colorburst 3.579, anybody use this anymore? Love these weeknite sprints! AF4LQ - Operated about an hour and a half and had a great time. Used a straight key this time and I probably gave new meaning to the term QLF, hi. Need to practice. I did hear some very good straight key fists that were memorable, AA4XX and and K3WWP being two that I recall. Rig used here was an OHR500 at 4w, antenna was a 130ft end-fed wire configured as an inv-L. Thanks for a fun event and I'm looking forward to the next one. N4HAY - Great contest! 80meters in fair shape in NC. I need to put up a better antenna! AE5X - Thanks to those of you who heard my bug and called me anyway. I was using my ATS-3, 9v battery, 80m dipole at 65 feet and a Vibroplex bug I bought years ago at a port call (Navy) in Pearl Harbor. I hadn't used it in years but dusted it off a few days before the contest to adjust it and try to re-learn how to send with it! Despite operating later than usual with the new staggered format, I didn't hear any W6 or W7 stations - maybe they were coming in later. I had to QRT after 45 minutes. I also didn't hear any other bugs. I'm looking forward to the next Sprint. K4NVJ - I got off to a good start but it slowed down, to a crawl. Had a good time. Format, time, day of week all good for me. Thanks to John and Tom |