Other CW Organizations The following groups and organizations have programs for the teaching and support of Morse Code. The NAQCC makes no official endorsement of these programs but they are listed here as resources that you are encouraged to look into. If you represent an organization that is seriously dedicated to the use and promotion of CW on the ham bands and would like to be listed on this page please contact club President Paul, N8XMS, at ![]() Organization: The Long Island CW Club Link: https://longislandcwclub.org/ Comments: Although located on Long Island, this club uses teleconferencing to assist CW learners located anywhere. Organization: FISTS - The International Morse Preservation Society Link: https://fistsna.org/ Comments: Probably the oldest organization dedicted to the preservation of CW. This is the link to the North American chapter. Organization: SKCC - Straight Key Century Club Link: https://www.skccgroup.com/ Comments: A large club with a good-sized presence on the ham radio bands. They focus on straight keys, side-swipers, and bugs. Organization: CWOps Link: https://cwops.org/ Comments: Their CW Academy is a very popular program and many of their classes have a rather long waiting list. Classes are available for the beginner up to advanced high-speed operating. |