CW Practice Buddies Information on this page is provided by Brion VE3FUJ. Contact Brion at ![]() We are trying to set up a list of Code Buddies and request participation. So far we have these volunteers followed by an explanation of the buddy system. Steve W1SFR Hi, I'm located on the "West Coast" of central Vermont. I've been licensed since February of 2012 and have a General license. I am proficient with a straight key, paddle, bug or cootie key up to 24 WPM. To make a schedule or to discuss what you would like to work on, what speed, etc. I use a KX3 and an OCF dipole hung up about 80' in my sugar maple trees. I can be reached at ![]() Dennis WD9DWE Hello, and greetings from Pekin, Indiana. I can operate on 80 thru 10 meters with a straight key and G5RV antenna. I am available evenings and mornings... most any time. I can be reached at ![]() Paul N8XMS I use a straight key or paddle (sometimes a bug) and I'm good to a little over 20 wpm. I will gladly QRS to any speed that the person needs and I am fairly flexible with my available time for a sched. I can be reached at ![]() Stewart KE7LKW Hi, I am NCS for the PNW80 QRS net out here in the PNW. QTH is White Salmon, WA - 65 miles east of Portland Oregon on the Columbia River, just north of Hood River, OR. I would like to help someone with improving CW code proficiency. I can be contacted at ![]() Rick N6IET I am NCS for the FRN QRQ nets Sunday evenings covering the West Coast. QTH is Los Angeles, near the UCLA campus. I enjoy straight key (< 15 wpm), bug (16 or 21 wpm) and paddles (< 30 wpm). I'm available every Monday morning on 80 meters (3545 or 3556 kHz) and on 40, 30, or 20 meters other mornings or evenings. I can be contacted at ![]() Chris W4ALF I am an Extra licensed ham, QTH in KY near Cincinnati, OH. I enjoy Straight Key (to 20wpm) and Paddle (to 25wpm). I am also a new CWops CW Academy Advisor and enjoy helping others with the code and in the process honing my own skills. I am good 10-160M. I am avail eves and weekends and pockets of time during the day. You can reach me at ![]() Brion VE3FUJ Hi I go by name of Brion. I'm Located abt. 85 miles NW of Toronto On. I've been licensed since 1964 and have held advanced Amateur since 1966. I use a straight Key from 2 to abt 18 wpm. I've held the same Call since 1964 I can be contacted at ![]() Code buddies are expected to have a reasonably nice fist and a willingness to devote some time to help others develop a nice fist as well as proficiency in sending and receiving. High speed is not essential, accuracy is of higher importance. We need to know at what speeds you like to operate, and the means for someone to get in touch with you to arrange a sked, your e-mail address, call, qth, a word or two about yourself and name you go by . That info could go direct to ![]() |