NAQCC 2021 ANNIVERSARY SPRINT PRIZE DRAWING As we have done in the past, our Seventeenth Anniversary sprint prize drawing will be held in two tiers. In the first tier we will give away our top three prizes, and in the second tier, prizes 4 through 9 will be awarded. There is a throughout-the-year participation requirement for a member to be eligible for a first-tier prize. Here are the specific requirements: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the October sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. 3. Earn at least 9 participation points from January through September. Points are earned by participating in our regular monthly sprints and challenges and are recorded in the table seen here. (Up to two participation points can be made up by qualifying and applying for one or two of our regular awards. Click here to see the details about our awards program) Here are the requirements to be eligible for one of the second-tier prizes: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the October sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. A spreadsheet was used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, were used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they are no longer eligible for any of the remaining prizes. Non-winners from the first-tier will be included in the second-tier drawing. Prizes will be drawn in the following order: First Tier: 3 - 2 - 1 . . . Second Tier: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within 24-hours of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a request from the winner asking us to use a different address. 2021 17th NAQCC Anniversary Celebration PRIZE WINNERS NAQCC Anniversary Sprint Prizes - Drawing October 23, 2021 1st Tier - THERE WERE 34 OCTOBER SPRINT PARTICIPANTS WITH 9+ POINTS 1st LNR MTR-4B V2 Mountain Topper Radio ($350) - WINNER IS WT4U 2nd AME Porta-Paddle II w/base ($125) - WINNER IS AK3X 3rd MFJ-566M Micro Key ($40), DX Engineering $50 Gift Cert WINNER IS W1BLU 2nd Tier - THERE WERE 103 OCTOBER SPRINT PARTICIPANTS (The Tier 1 Winners were removed): 4th MFJ-566M Micro Key ($40), 4SQRP $50 Gift Cert - WINNER IS KQ1P 5th MFJ-566M Micro Key ($40), DX Engineering $50 Gift Cert - WINNER IS WA1GWH 6th MFJ-566M Micro Key ($40), 4SQRP $50 Gift Cert - WINNER IS W2SH 7th ARRL Gift Certificate ($50), NAQCC Coffee Cup ($15) - WINNER IS NF8M 8th MFJ-566M Micro Key ($40 each), QRP Guys End Fed Antenna ($20) - WINNER IS NF5U 9th 100 QSLs or 250 Eyeball Cards KB3IFH Gift Cert ($60) - WINNER IS VE3DQN 10th QRPKits/Pacific Antenna Kits ($40), NAQCC Coffee Cup ($15) - WINNER IS KA8UZB NAQCC 2021 ANNIVERSARY CHALLENGE PRIZE DRAWING Every member who participates in our regular October Challenge, completes at least one of the words, and submits their report by the required deadline, will automatically be entered in a special anniversary challenge prize drawing. A spreadsheet will be used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, will be used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they will no longer be eligible for any of the remaining prizes. Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within a day or two of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a request from the winner asking us to use a different address. NAQCC October Anniversary Challenge Prize List 1st MFJ-9320K QRP CUB TRANSCEIVER KIT, 20M ($130) 2nd MFJ-885 Digital SWR/Wattmeter ($120) 3rd ARRL Gift Certificate ($50), NAQCC Coffee Cup ($15) This drawing will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021 and winners will be announced in a group email. And what Prizes we have this year! Thanks to our donors for their generous donations of various products: LNR Radio, MFJ Enterprises, QRPKits (Pacific Antenna), 4SQRP, Astrid’s Embroidery, KB3IFH QSLs, the Green Swamp QRP Group, and Gifts4Hams. Links to those companies will be given below and we encourage our members to take a look at the many fine ham radio products that they have to offer. GOOD LUCK TO ALL! ![]() SPRINT DRAWING RESULTS Congratulations to all of the winners. We hope that you will enjoy your prizes and will continue to participate in our great NAQCC activities. 73 |