NAQCC 2019 ANNIVERSARY SPRINT PRIZE DRAWING As we have done in the past, our fifteenth anniversary sprint prize drawing will be held in two tiers. In the first tier we will give away our top three prizes, and in the second tier, prizes 4 through 9 will be awarded. There is a throughout-the-year participation requirement for a member to be eligible for a first-tier prize. Here are the specific requirements: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. 3. Earn at least 9 participation points from January through September. Points are earned by participating in our regular monthly sprints and challenges and are recorded in the table seen here. (Up to two participation points can be made up by qualifying and applying for one or two of our regular awards. Click here to see the details about our awards program) Here are the requirements to be eligible for one of the second-tier prizes: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. A spreadsheet will be used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, will be used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they will no longer be eligible for any of the remaining prizes. Non-winners from the first-tier will be included in the second-tier drawing. Prizes will be drawn in the following order: 3 - 2 - 1 . . . 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 After each winner is drawn we will update this web page with a picture of the prize and the callsign of the winner. This page is designed to refresh itself every 15 seconds so that you can follow the action in almost real-time but if that doesn't work on your browser you might need to refresh the page manually. Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within a day or two of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a request from the winner asking us to use a different address. NAQCC 2019 ANNIVERSARY CHALLENGE PRIZE DRAWING Every member who participates in our regular October Challenge, completes at least one of the words, and submits their report by the required deadline, will automatically be entered in a special anniversary challenge prize drawing. A spreadsheet will be used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, will be used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they will no longer be eligible for any of the remaining prizes. This drawing will be held sometime near the 10th of November and results will be posted on this page. Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within a day or two of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a request from the winner asking us to use a different address. GOOD LUCK TO ALL! ![]() Sprint Drawing Results 126 NAQCC members have met the elligibility requirements given above and of these 33 have also met the year-long participation requirement and are eligible for the first-tier prize drawing. Every eligible member has been put into a spreadsheet and assigned a number. A second computer will be used to generate random numbers and "draw" the winners. As winners are chosen they will be revealed below. Winners will be contacted by email within a couple of days. 3rd Place Prize Our 3rd place prize is an MFJ-564 Iambic Paddle. (MFJ-564 Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: AA5LH Here is a picture and comments from Lee: ![]() "The MFJ will replace a 25+ year Bencher paddle. Plan on connecting it this afternoon. Look forward to the pleasure of new stuff. Thank you." 2nd Place Prize Our 2nd place prize is a 4SQRP Hilltopper 20 Transceiver donated by WB4OMM. (4SQRP Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: NF5U Here is a picture and comments from Jerry: ![]() "I would like to thank the club and Paul N8XMS for organizing such a great and enjoyable event. To win a prize for doing something that is so much fun is truly amazing. I would also like to thank Steve WB4OMM for donating this 4SQRP Hilltopper 20 qrp kit. I am going to enjoy assembling this kit. This rig will mate up with my MFJ qrp mag loop quite well. This rig will add additional portability to my qrp operation. Look for me on 14.059-14.065. 73's Jerry NF5U" 1st Place Prize Our 1st place prize is a YouKits 40m QRP transceiver donated by KC7DM. (YouKits YCW-40 Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: WA2FBN 9th Place Prize Our 9th place prize is an MFJ-107B 24-Hr Digital Clock. (MFJ-107B Website) ![]() And the winner is: WB2LQF 8th Place Prize Our 8th place prize is a copy of the ARRL book "Portable Antenna Clasics" donated by K1YAN. (Book Website) ![]() And the winner is: W5UAA Here is a picture and comments from Guy: ![]() "My current Go-Box includes an IC-7200, MFJ-993B and a ladder line fed doublet for 80M. Will be reviewing this book for a potentially better antenna for portable ops. Thanks again! Guy W5UAA" 7th Place Prize Our 7th place prize is an MFJ-105D 24-Hr Analog Clock. (MFJ-105D Website) ![]() And the winner is: WB8ENE 6th Place Prize Our 6th place prize is an MFJ-566M Micro Key on a heavy base. (MFJ-566M Website) ![]() And the winner is: KM4JTE Here is a picture and comments from John: ![]() "Here is a pic of me with my new MFJ-566M, my prize from the drawing of participants in the NAQCC 15th Anniversary Sprint. It will help me improve my CW sending, and I appreciate the encouragement for new operators, like myself. 72, KM4JTE" 5th Place Prize Our 5th place prize is a Kindle Tablet donated by one of our members. ![]() And the winner is: WD4OHD 4th Place Prize Our 4th place prize is an MFJ-403P Travel Paddle/Keyer. (MFJ-403P Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: WI8J Challenge Drawing Results The challenge drawing was held on November 11. Here are the results: 1st Place Prize Our 1st place prize is a Kindle Tablet donated by one of our members. ![]() And the winner is: KB1M Here are some comments from Walt: Received the Kindle Fire in mail this week. A very nice prize and I am very happy with it . At first I thought, what would I do with the new gadget ? But now find it very useful to to me. Thank You NAQCC. 2nd Place Prize Our 2nd place prize is an MFJ-561K Miniature Paddle Kit. (MFJ-561K Website) ![]() And the winner is: K1IEE 3rd Place Prize Our 3rd place prize is an MFJ-107B 24-Hr Digital Clock. (MFJ-107B Website) ![]() And the winner is: AC2C Congratulations to all of the winners. We hope that you will enjoy your prizes and will continue to participate in our great NAQCC activities. 73 We want to thank MFJ for giving us some nicely discounted prices for many of the prizes! |