NAQCC 2017 Anniversary Sprint Prize Drawing Our anniversary sprint prize drawing will be held on Sunday evening, October 22, at 8:00 EDT (2400Z UTC). Drawing Details: As we have done in the past, our thirteenth anniversary sprint prize drawing will be held in two tiers. In the first tier we will give away our top three prizes, and in the second tier, prizes 4 through 10 will be awarded. There is a throughout-the-year participation requirement for a member to be eligible for a first-tier prize. Here are the specific requirements: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. 3. Earn at least 9 participation points from January through September. Points are earned by participating in our regular monthly sprints and challenges and are recorded in the table seen here. (Up to two participation points can be made up by qualifying and applying for one or two of our regular awards. Click here to see the details about our awards program) Here are the requirements to be eligible for one of the second-tier prizes: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. A spreadsheet will be used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, will be used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they will no longer be eligible for any of the remaining prizes. Non-winners from the first-tier will be included in the second-tier drawing. Prizes will be drawn in the following order: 3 - 2 - 1 . . . 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 After each winner is drawn we will make an almost-realtime announcement by updating this web page with a picture of the prize and the callsign of the winner. You will probably need to refresh your browser periodically to follow the action. Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within a day or two of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a request form the winner asking us to use a different address. ![]() Every eligible member has been put into a spreadsheet and assigned a number. A second computer will be used to generate random numbers and "draw" the winners. As winners are chosen they will be revealed below. GOOD LUCK TO ALL! 3rd Place Prize Our 3rd place prize is a Vibroplex Code Warrior Jr. Paddle. (Code Warrior Jr. Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: NN0SS Here is a picture and comments from Steve: ![]() "The UPS driver was among the Halloween trick and treaters when he delivered a Vibroplex Code Warrior JR key last evening. This will be a great key for portable operations and daily use. I also will be able to convert it into a side swiper (cootie) key with a wire jumper when desired. Thanks to all the NAQCC volunteers who organize the great events for the club. It is very enjoyable to work the sprits each month and meet other hams who have an interest in QRP operation." 2nd Place Prize Our 2nd place prize is YouKits HB1B QRP transceiver. (HB1B Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: N9SE Here is a pictue and comment from Marty: ![]() "The mail carrier delivered the HB-1B today. It’s a nice little rig. I look forward to using it frequently on outings." 1st Place Prize Our 1st place prize is an MFJ-259C Antenna Analyzer. (MFJ-259C Webpage) ![]() And the winner is: VE3DQN Here is a picture and comments from Don: ![]() "Many, many thanks to the NAQCC and MFJ for the gift of the MFJ-259C antenna analyzer!! Not only is it a great product that I've seen used by my friends, but winning it is so timely for me. I've just moved to a new QTH and am in the middle of multiple antenna projects, including antenna options for portable operation. This is a great addition to my modest station." 10th Place Prize Our 10th place prize is the book "Solid State QRP Projects" by Ed Noll, W3FQJ. ![]() And the winner is: K9JWI 9th Place Prize Our 9th place prize is an MFJ 107B digital 24-hour clock. ![]() And the winner is: K9QEW Here is a picture and comments from Daryl: ![]() "I can make good use of this clock when I travel to Arizona for the Winter. 73s and Thanks for the gift." 8th Place Prize Our 8th place prize is a $25.00 MFJ Enterprizes gift certificate. (MFJ Website) ![]() And the winner is: KA9FQG Here are some comments from Mark: "The $25 gift certificate from MFJ arrived this week – thank you! I look forward to deciding how to best use this prize… and it will definitely be put to good use. Thanks to everyone who makes the NAQCC such a great club!" 7th Place Prize Our 7th place prize is a $25.00 MFJ Enterprizes gift certificate. (MFJ Website) ![]() And the winner is: WB4OMM 6th Place Prize Our 6th place prize is an MFJ-813 QRP Power/SWR Meter. (MFJ-813 Website) ![]() And the winner is: KB0ETU Here is a picture and some comments from Phil: ![]() "Thank You to NAQCC and MFJ. I will definitely make good use of it." 5th Place Prize Our 5th place prize is an MFJ-9201 QRPocket Tuner. (MFJ-9201 Website) ![]() And the winner is: KB1M 4th Place Prize Our 4th place prize is an MFJ-9340K QRP Cub 40-meter Transceiver Kit. (MFJ-9340K Website) ![]() And the winner is: W4OEP Here is a picture and comments from Steve: ![]() "Thank you so much for this nice surprise. I am an avid kit builder and look forward to pairing this MFJ-9340K with the Inverted Ell on the MFJ 1910 Telescopic Mast shown behind me in the attached photo. Please pass along my sincere appreciation to Martin and the folks at MFJ Enterprises for their wonderful support of amateur radio and NAQCC." Congratulations to all of the winners. We hope that you will enjoy your prizes and will continue to participate in our great NAQCC activities. 73 |