NAQCC 2015 Anniversary Sprint Prize Drawing Drawing Details: As we did last year, our eleventh anniversary sprint prize drawing will be held in two tiers. In the first tier we will give away our top three prizes, and in the second tier, prizes 4 through 10 will be awarded. As was explained in the January newsletter, there is a throughout-the-year participation requirement for a member to be eligible for a first-tier prize. Here are the specific requirements: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. 3. Earn at least 9 participation points from January through September. Points are earned by participating in our regular monthly sprints and challenges and are recorded in the table seen here. (Up to two participation points can be made up by qualifying and applying for one or two of our regular awards. Click here to see the details about our awards program. Here are the requirements to be eligible for one of the second-tier prizes: 1. Be a member of the NAQCC at the time of the October sprint. 2. Participate in the sprint by making at least one QSO and send in the log by the submission deadline. Sometime after the sprint submission deadline a spreadsheet will be used to make a list of prize-eligible members. Random numbers, generated by a computer, will be used to select the winners. Once someone has been drawn for a prize they will no longer be eligible for any of the remaining prizes. Non-winners from the first-tier will be included in the second-tier. Prizes will be drawn in the following order: 3 - 2 - 1 . . . 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 After each winner is drawn we will make an almost-realtime announcement by updating this web page with a picture of the prize and the callsign of the winner. Email notifications will be sent to all of the winners within a day or two of the drawing and prizes will be mailed out using the addresses listed on QRZ.com unless we receive a reply to our email notification asking us to use a different address. ![]() On October 24th club member Noz, AD7TN, came over to the QTH of club President Paul, N8XMS, to assist with the drawing. The drawing proceeded smoothly and the results are shown below. Here are the results of our 11th anniversary sprint prize drawing: 3rd Place Prize Our 3rd place prize is a YouKits MT-1 Long Wire QRP Antenna Tuner kit from Vibroplex. (Vibroplex MT-1 Website) ![]() And the winner is: WD0K 2nd Place Prize Our 2nd place prize is a gently used Vibroplex Standard Iambic Paddle. (Vibroplex Standard Iambic Paddle Website) ![]() And the winner is: KB1UOH 1st Place Prize Our 1st place prize is a Vibroplex Standard Straight Key. (Vibroplex Standard Straight Key Website) ![]() And the winner is: W4DUK Here is a picture of Dave with his prize along with some comments from him: ![]() "Thank you very much! I've been using a Speed-X straight key for years, and look forward to putting this new Vibroplex to work. I also want to thank the NAQCC for being such a great champion of QRP CW!" 10th Place Prize Our 10th place prize is a Telegraph Anthology CD from the Antique Wireless Association. (AWA Website) ![]() And the winner is: K3JZD Here is a picture of Jody with his prize and some comments from him: ![]() "A Telegraph Anthology CD containing "Every Telegraph Article Ever Published By the AWA"? And then some? That's a lot of stuff. If I read all Winter, I might be ready for a test on what I retained in the Spring (which probably won't be much, so it would have to be a very simple test). But then I might miss a lot of NAQCC activities if I get too caught up in the reading, so I think I'll pace myself - give me several Winters :-) Thank you for the prize. And I also want to thank all of the NAQCC organizers and volunteers who do all of the work setting up and managing the operating activities, publishing the newsletters, managing the web site, etc, etc, etc. Your work is appreciated. Jody - K3JZD - #7936" 9th Place Prize Our 9th place prize is the book "The Railroad Telegraphers Handbook," by Tom French. ![]() And the winner is: VE3FMW 8th Place Prize Our 8th place prize is the book "Keys II: The Emporium," by Dave Ingram. ![]() And the winner is: K4KRW 7th Place Prize Our 7th place prize is the book "Vibroplex Collector's Guide," by Tom French. ![]() And the winner is: N8BB 6th Place Prize Our 6th place prize is the book "ARRL Antenna Compendium," Vol. 1. ![]() And the winner is: AD7TN 5th Place Prize Our 5th place prize is the book "Hints & Kinks For the Radio Amateur," 18th Edition. ![]() And the winner is: K6XT 4th Place Prize Our 4th place prize is the book "ARRL Antenna Compendium," Vol. 4. ![]() And the winner is: N5DUX Congratulations to all of the winners. We hope that you will enjoy your prizes and will continue to participate in our great NAQCC activities. 73 |