NAQCC LOCAL CHAPTERS The North American QRP CW Club currently has six active local chapters - Western Pennsylvania, Illowa, Florida, Downeast Maine, West Florida, Long Island - but we would be more than happy to expand on that list. Chapters are more or less independent local gatherings organized by NAQCC members in a geographical area and subject to a list of guidelines from the NAQCC. They provide opportunities to have fun with "eyeball" activities and to promote our parallel passions of QRP and CW. If you are interested in forming a local chapter please read through the chapter guidlines shown below and contact Club President John KK4ITX. If your chapter is planning a portable operation activity and would like to have it promoted on the club email list or in the newsletter, send an email with the subject "NAQCC Portable Operation" and with the exact wording of the announcement to Club President John KK4ITX, about a week before the operation. Please be sure to include the UTC time for the event and not just the local time. A report about your chapter activity should be submitted for publication in our newsletter. Please send them to Paul N8XMS. NAQCC chapters located in the United States are welcome to use the NAQCC Club call, N3AQC for their special operations. Please contact call sign trustee Paul, N8XMS, to schedule the use of N3AQC. Downeast Maine Chapter: Jeff Hanscom - KA1DBE Email: ![]() Florida Chapter: Nikki Smith - KM4SBQ Email: ![]() Chapter Website: http://wb4omm.com/naqcc-fl-chapter Illowa Chapter: (The "Quad Cities" area of IL/IA) Tim Rogerwall - N9BIL Email: ![]() Chapter Website: https://sites.google.com/site/naqccillowa2/ Long Island New York Chapter: Howard Bernstein - WB2UZE Email: ![]() Western Pennsylvania Chapter: John Shannon - K3WWP Email: ![]() West Florida Chapter: Ron Wright - N9EE Email: ![]() Chapter Website: facebook.com/groups... Green Swamp Chapter: Gary Mentro - N3OS Email: gmentro@gmail.com NAQCC CHAPTER GUIDLINES 1. The primary purpose for a local NAQCC chapter is to provide opportunities for in-person ("eyeball") activities that NAQCC members can participate in. Examples of such activities include: - Portable operating activites from local parks, historical sites, etc. - QRP gear build-a-thons. - Meeting for breakfast at the local donut shop for ham radio conversation and activity planning. - Providing code practice sessions and/or QRP mentoring for beginners. 2. All local chapter activities should involve our passions of QRP/CW using simple wire antennas. Other operating modes are not encouraged. 3. Local chapter activities should avoid conflicts with other scheduled NAQCC activities. 4. Local chapter activities are primarily for NAQCC members and are not to fall under the auspices of another club or organization. Of course non-members can be invited to the activities but the goal would be to encourage them to join the NAQCC. 5. If so desired, a local chapter may choose to establish a website for itself to promote activities and aide in communication amongst members. If at all possible the URL for the website should include "naqcc" in it. (For example, dakota-naqcc.com) The webpage should prominently display information about the NAQCC and provide links to the main club website. 6. In addition to any local promoting that might be done, all chapter activities should be promoted through our NAQCC email list (send announcements to John KK4ITX or Paul N8XMS) and/or our monthly newsletter (Paul N8XMS). In addition, reports summarizing chapter activities should be prepared for inclusion in the monthly newsletter (KD2MX or N8XMS). 7. There is no hard-minimum for the number of activities that a chapter must hold. But to remain as an actively listed chapter several (at least 3 or 4) activities should take place each year. If activity dips much below this level the chapter should probably be closed down. SOME "NUTS AND BOLTS"... 1. There is no official minimum number of NAQCC members needed for a local chapter but experience indicates that 3 or 4 members is a practical minimum. (There will always be someone who is not able to participate in a particular activity.) 2. One person must be the spokesperson for the local chapter. This person's contact information will be listed on the NAQCC club website and in the monthly newsletter. He/She will be responsible for sending out activity announcements and summary reports, and fielding any inquires that might come in for the chapter. 3. The name of the local chapter should somehow reflect the geographical area where it is located. 4. A simple graphic logo for use in the newsletter should be created for the chapter. 5. The establishment of a local chapter is a rather informal process. Just read over these guidelines, talk it over with your friends, and if you are interested in going forward with it contact club President KK4ITX. We can quickly take it from there. A COUPLE OF OTHER THINGS... These guidelines will continue to evolve as time goes on and as more local chapters become established. For example, someday we might be able to have a chapter category for sprint entries with competition between chapters. Your suggestions would be appreciated. If you have any questions please contact NAQCC President - John KK4ITX. KK4ITX 2024-09-30 |