November 2020 QRP/CW Sprint (#193)
Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page. Questions should go to him at .
KF0U Comments - As usual, a great sprint with lots of help to make sure we have it correct. I really appreciate all the help I get doing this every other month. Have a great Thanksgiving and see you in a few months. 73 de kf0u.
N2CN Comments -
The results are now final.
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
KN1H 29 29 58 16 928 x2 1856 400' END FED WIRE
K1MZM 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 160 meter doublet @50 feet
W1PQO 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 Dipole@25'
WB1GYZ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Sloping Vee
KQ1P 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole @ 30'
W2 Division
W2SH 23 23 46 17 782 x2 1564 270' cf dpl @ 45'
KA2KGP 21 21 42 13 546 x2 1092 G5RV up 25 ft.
W2JEK 20 19 39 13 507 x2 1014 End fed wire 110 ft long up 20 ft
K2CWM 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 Vertical (elevated)
KN2G 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 73 ft vertical
NC1A 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 OCF dipole 42 feet, inverted vee config
W3 Division
K3JZD 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 107' EFRW
AK3X 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 102 Ft Inv vee apex 27 ft
KC3MIO 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Doublet 125' @ 40'
W3TTT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Vertical fed wid ladder line wid tuner
W4 Division
N4PIR 35 35 70 22 1540 x2 3080 Windom @ 35ft
K4JPN 33 33 66 20 1320 x2 2640 80 M CF Zepp
KC5F 23 23 46 14 644 x2 1288 80m EFHW up 40 ft
K8LBQ 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 Inverted vee @ 30'
N4ARY 19 18 37 13 481 x2 962 Fan Dipole at 50'
W4NLT 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 84 ft end fed at 30 ft
WX4RM 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 6BTV gnd mtd vert
N4OW 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 HP6v Vertical Elevated 7 ft.
WT4U 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 80m end-fed Inv V @ 35'
WA4ZOF 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 80 mtr inverted V @ 50'
WG8Y 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40-80 dp 40ft & HF2V
NA4O 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 OCF@30'
W5 Division
N5GW 21 20 41 12 492 x2 984 Doublet at 25'
K5MBA 6 5 11 6 66 x2 132 Asymmetrical Hatted Vertical Dipole
KA5HZV 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 OCF Dipole @25ft
W5UAA 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Inv V @ 30ft
KA5NKD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 End fed @ 63'
W6 Division
K6GPB 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 End fed 65' wire @15'
W7 Division
WB7GR 12 11 23 9 207 x2 414 Gnd mtd vertical
KF7WNS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 232 ft OCF longwire
WY7N 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80M dipole @ 35'
AL7JK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Random length wire 90 ft long
KJ7KDB 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 24" dipole @ 30'
W8 Division
AB8RL 16 15 31 13 403 x2 806 G5RV
NF8M 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 6BTV (40) OCF dpl @35ft/bev (80)
KI8JY 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 80m OCF Dipole
WB8LZG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dipoles @ 30'
W9 Division
WB9HFK 23 23 46 16 736 x2 1472 150 Ft. Random Wire
KA9FQG 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 G5RV at 37 ft
W9CC 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 6btv
N8HWV 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 EFHW AT 15 FT
W0 Division
NN0SS 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 80 meter Inv Vee @40ft
AA5LH 7 4 11 6 66 x2 132 Delta Loop @ 25'
AA0W 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Dipole @ 30 Feet
W0LGU 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole@20'
KD0DK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 130 ft long wire @ 30'
Canada Division
VA3NU 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 88' Dipole @ 25?
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
WA2FBN 9 9 18 6 108 x1.5 162 EFHW sloper at 25ft
WB2LQF 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 INVERTED L @30 FEET
W3 Division
NN3E 4 4 8 3 24 x1.5 36 40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '
K3WWP 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 ~110' attic random wire
W4 Division
KJ4R 27 26 53 17 901 x1.5 1352 40m 33' vertical 80m 67' wire vertical
K3RLL 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 31 ft wire up and over garage roof
W5 Division
NF5U 6 6 12 3 36 x1.5 54 40m/80m trap dipole at 33ft
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7QR 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 W2AU balun dipole @ 30'
W8 Division
K8NGW 14 14 28 12 336 x1.5 504 43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials
N8XMS 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 AV-640 vert
W9 Division
K9DRP 30 30 60 14 840 x1.5 1260 EFHW 80 @ 40 ft
KB9ORH 7 7 14 7 98 x1.5 147 Vertical Ground Mounted
W0 Division
KD0V 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 Cf Zepp @ 30 feet
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W1ND 19 19 38 11 418 418 124.5' Random Wire up 35' Inverted L
K1IX 7 7 14 5 70 70 HB EFHW 250'
KB1M 5 5 10 2 20 20 40 M Dipole @ 30ft
W2 Division
WA1GWH 11 10 21 8 168 168 80M 1/4 wave inv L with grnd system
K2OID 8 8 16 6 96 96 80M OCF Dipole @ 40'
N2ESE 3 3 6 3 18 18 120ft.Dipole@35ft.
W3 Division
W4 Division
KB9ILT 53 52 105 24 2520 2520 End fed wire at 60 feet
WB4OMM 37 36 73 20 1460 1460 G5RV at 35 feet
K4BAI 33 33 66 21 1386 1386 40M dipole, zepp, 80M inverted vee
K9EYT 11 11 22 10 220 220 40ft 28ga wire 25 ft
N4MJ 12 12 24 8 192 192 80M OCF @ 25 feet
K4KBL 12 9 21 9 189 189 HeyndFed @ 50'
AB4QL 8 8 16 7 112 112 40 & 80 M dipoles @ 40'
KU4A 8 8 16 5 80 80 40m slp@40', DX-B @ 40'
WD4CFN 6 6 12 5 60 60 Doublet at 40'
AG4CC 2 2 4 1 4 4 Trap dipole at 18'
W2QL 1 1 2 1 2 2 Fan Dipole (Loaded on 40) at 13 Feet
W5 Division
N5AAS 12 12 24 8 192 192 Dipole @ 30'
K5WX 6 6 12 4 48 48 INVERTED VEE AT 40 FT
WI5H 3 3 6 3 18 18 OCFD @ 33ft 40M
W6 Division
W7 Division
W8 Division
WI8J 19 19 38 11 418 418 130 ft EFHW at 20 ft
WA8SAN 10 10 20 10 200 200 End Fed Wire @ 25 Ft
W9 Division
AB9BZ 1 1 2 1 2 2 EndFed @ 30ft
W0 Division
N0TA 13 13 26 8 208 208 Doublet at 25 ft
N8LA 4 4 8 4 32 32 Dipole @ 35'
K0NIA 3 3 6 3 18 18 135' doublet at 19'
Canada Division
VE3DQN 6 6 12 3 36 36 40/80m fan dipoles @40ft
VE3GNU 3 3 6 3 18 18 DXCC @ 35 '
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
KF6C 31 29 60 19 1140 x1.5 1710 40 Steppir DB18 at 50 ft. 80 dipole 50ft
W3KWH 16 14 30 10 300 300 Mosley pro-67 @ 55 ft
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | KN1H | K1MZM | W1PQO |
W2 | W2SH | KA2KGP | W2JEK |
W3 | K3JZD | AK3X | KC3MIO |
W4 | N4PIR | K4JPN | KC5F |
W5 | N5GW | K5MBA | KA5HZV |
W6 | K6GPB | - | - |
W7 | WB7GR | KF7WNS | WY7N |
W8 | AB8RL | NF8M | KI8JY |
W9 | WB9HFK | KA9FQG | W9CC |
W0 | NN0SS | AA5LH | AA0W |
Canada | VA3NU | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | WA2FBN | WB2LQF | - |
W3 | NN3E | K3WWP | - |
W4 | KJ4R | K3RLL | - |
W5 | NF5U | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7QR | - | - |
W8 | K8NGW | N8XMS | - |
W9 | K9DRP | KB9ORH | - |
W0 | KD0V | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | W1ND | K1IX | KB1M |
W2 | WA1GWH | K2OID | N2ESE |
W3 | - | - | - |
W4 | KB9ILT | WB4OMM | K4BAI |
W5 | N5AAS | K5WX | WI5H |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | - | - | - |
W8 | WI8J | WA8SAN | - |
W9 | AB9BZ | - | - |
W0 | N0TA | N8LA | K0NIA |
Canada | VE3DQN | VE3GNU | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | - | - | - |
BUG | KF6C | - | - |
K/K | W3KWH | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | WB7GR | - | - |
BUG | - | - | - |
K/K | - | - | - |
Prizes | K2CWM |
Logs submitted: 95
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 145
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1005
States represented: 39 + ON DX
N8XMS - I shut down after 30 minutes of high QRN and only 3 QSOs. A little bit frustrating but I can claim that I "worked everyone that I heard." Hopefully there will be better conditions and more participation next month. Thanks and 73, N8XMS
K4KBL - Only on for an hour this time...In recovery mode!
N2ESE - I quit after 1 hour too much Static on 40 and 80m. Only found 3 QSO'S. 73 Gary
N8HWV - Just brutal.
WI5H - Could not work long, but always fun to take part in the events. 72 .. CU AGN
W2QL - Other than N0TA, I heard another station calling CQ but could not make out the callsign. No 80 tx capability so didn't even listen to see if any activity on that band.
N4ARY - Stopped when the CWT started, but I had a good run on 40. 72 to all!
NF5U - Tough night here, first my logger would not pull up, had to reinstall, then my coax connecter developed a short. So I lost about 40 minutes at the start of the sprint. After everything was fixed it was very quiet on the bands. Worked TX, FL, WY. Hoping for better luck next month. 73's to all, Have a good Thanksgiving. Jerry
N4MJ - QSB caused lots of problems; nothing unusual for 40m. Had to leave early. Fun. Thanks to all who participated. 73, Happy Thanksgiving, and stay SAFE. n4mj//glenn
KF7WNS - Tough night, no members heard on 20, but was spotted by two JA's...pretty long band. Was happy to work AL7JK on 40m...thanks John. Till next time...72
WB4OMM - Wow, some night! Got on 40M and a check of the band appeared it was just about DEAD! A check of the online live HF Prop showed the MUF at 3 Mhz for all of the continental US!! WOW WEE! I made just a few Qs and all were in the New England area or TX (except one fine gent in OR and one in ON!). After 30 minutes, I went to 80M, started calling CQ....and Voila! NAQCC folks were there......some QSB, but the signals were mostly 559 some 579 and a few 599. Can't complain - I did pretty good for the night. Worked a few new folks as evidenced by those 10K plus numbers - glad to meet, work, and see you here! Also glad I was able to Q my old friend Curt, K2CWM. I had a blast! For those of you I might have confused.......yes, the "H T" at the end of the QSO was HAPPY THANKSGIVING! So to all of you....my best wishes for a SAFE and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday....see you next month! 72/72! Steve WB4OMM
NA4O - Heard only one station, barely, and logged it. KX3@5W, Vibroplex straight key, OCF dipole out 3rd story window.
N0TA - Worked the first hour on 40m. Thanks for the Q's.
WG8Y - Hi all,Only got on for a few minutes. Only heard faint signals on 40M so went to 80M. Only worked 3 stations. Maybe stay on longer next month. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y
K2CWM - Condx were not very good for me this evening, esp on 40m. Used my old IC-7000 at 5 watts to a vertical, using a Kent Str Key. Fun as always.
K1MZM - 40 meters was sparse tonight. Pretty good conditions on 80. Thanks to all.
W1ND - Been a while since working an NAQCC Sprint and I don't know why because I always enjoy them. 40M was dead to me. Very slow start on 80M, after 15 minutes after start time, I was wondering if I had the right date/time. Then poof, the band lit up. Once the CWT started, 80M was full.
KC5F - I didn't hear anything on 40, but 80 was good here the whole time. Thanks, all!
K9DRP - Lots of sigs tonight! And lots of fun. Used my Argo V with the bug.
K3JZD - Only managed 1 QSO on 40m. 80m was my money band this month. KX3 w/107' EFRW Jody - K3JZD
K9EYT - 40 was good tonight for a change skip was a little long worked mostly the north east from the Tampa Bay area. IC 706 5 watts to a 40ft wire in the tree's HOA stealth. tnx for the QSO's 72 Ray
KN1H - Thanks for another fun Sprint! Bands really long tonight, on 40M it seemed like I could work anywhere as long as it was Florida. No QSOs in my own call area at all. Always interesting! 72, John, KN1H
W3TTT - Used my QCX-40 with a long wire vertical (tunes 160-10). Heard a few signals that did not copy me back.
KJ4R - Poor conditions on 40 for the sprint. Looked after the sprint was over and RBN showed my signal in US at 3 to 4db SNR, while OE9GHV showed 10db. Heard better in EU than US on 40 tonight. 80 seemed pretty good here in SC with good signals and noise not too bad. Had fun as always. Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks for the contacts. KX3 to verticals and Vibroplex bug.
AB4QL - QSB was rough but still manageable. 40M was nil for me.
KJ7KDB - Still learning the CW ins and outs! Still looking for my first QSO. I will continue to practice focusing on receiving the code. But, it will be alot of send slower please. HI HI. 73, Tim
N7QR - 49th Sprint. KX3, 1958 Vibroplex Presentation, W2AU balun 40 meter dipole @ 30' in the trees. 40 was good. Nothing on 20 or 80. Was able to work the president, WB4OMM, who sends out the notices. Thanks for putting up with my less than perfect bug CW. CU next time. Russ - Portland OR
N5AAS - spent a lot of time running on 80, several strong signals. 40 was dead for me tonight. new tower in the works; can't wait to my little wire higher. thanks for all the Q's and repeats that helped to get the job done.
K3RLL - c.~ 1960 E.F. Johnson Speed-X Bug to 31 ft wire up and over garage roof. Reverse Beacon could barely hear me and that says something. I couldn't hear others and the wicked 40m QSB would suck up a strong signal in seconds. So, many thanks to those six highly skilled ops who did hear me! 72/73 ... Don
K8NGW - Lots of QRN and slow but heavy QSB on 40. I had to time my calls to happen at minimum fading. Clearly 80 meters was the place to be! Still had noise but the QSB was much less. I love these sprints!
W2JEK - Very poor conditions at the beginning, then the 80M band opened up. Heard KN1H but very weak and could not work him. Had a good time and lots of fun. 72/73 DON W2JEK
W4NLT - Nada on 20 or 40 so went to 80 for the action. Hi local noise level and some QSB was hard on my one good ear. Thanks to all for the QSOs.
K2OID - 40M in rough shape again this month. Wanted to use my 40M QCX+ XCVR but only made 3 QSOs. 80M was much better but had to use my Flex 6300 throttled down to 5W. Perhaps 40 will be more normal next month.
NN3D - Thanks everyone fer the QSO'S. Stay Safe es God Bless 72/73 Kevin
KC3MIO - I don't know if it was just me, but this was a very odd sprint. It took me almost 27 minutes to make my first confirmed contact. 20 meters was dead and I couldn't pick up anything on 40. In the first 90 minutes I had all of 6 contacts and was thinking of packing it in. But I stuck with it and stuck with 80 and made 9 more contacts in 23 minutes. Every contact was on 80 and all but three were in a 2 KHz range around 5630. Boy were those signals packed in! Thanks to all my contacts and apologizes for a few busted ones, and thanks again to NAQCC for a great job.
WB1GYZ - At first I thought that I had mixed up the date, or my wire was down agn, but it turned out to be NOC. NOC? Normal Operating Conditions. Notable sig was from KB9ILT.
K0NIA - Participated for about an hour. Had just put my doublet back up. Had to really work to get these three. Glad to see the slow climb out of solar minimum begin!
K1IX - Had connection trble during sprint quik fix but not a lot of activity, very relaxed op. tnx fer Q's 72
KB9ILT - Started on 40 where conditions were poor, then moved to 80 where things were much better. From NC I worked every state east of the Mississippi except KY,RI and DE. Crossing the river was difficult with only MN making it into the log thanks to KD0V and NN0SS. Nothing heard from our VE friends up north.
WI8J - Started on 80M and stayed there. WB4OMM, Steve, was strong into MI, but I guess I wasn't strong to FL. Thanks for trying to dig me out of the noise. Used the new IC-705 and had a good time with it. 72
K5MBA - Due to job demands, I have not participated in the sprints for over a year. I have since constructed a 16.5 foot Asymmetrical Hatted Vertical Dipole using wire due to HOA restrictions. The antenna is easy to put up and down. I worked the sprint for 1.5 hours on 40 meters only and snagged 6 contacts. It was a fun evening and thank you! 73's Bob K5MBA
WB2LQF - Terrible condx on 40m here in NY. Did not hear any signals in the first 30 minutes and quit. I'm limited to 40m and above with my antenna. I gotta figure out some kind of 80m solution because 40m doesn't always pop for these sprints.
N4OW - Very high line noise on 40 & 80 made hearing stations difficult. Turn out seemed very low or conditions were very bad. Not a good night for me. I hope for a better December effort. 72 de AL, N4ow
WA2FBN - Rough band condx tonite. Getting used to my new KN4YB DL-150 bug. Tnx to all who copied me thru the noise. 72 Ken
WA4ZOF - working on a one tube regen heard stations on 40 calling NA so i hooked up the CUB 40 to the inverted V - - QRP is amazing tnx to the ops that pulled me out of the QSB QRN. TOM WA4ZOF
WB9HFK - 80M only this Month. However, my QRN level was a bit higher than normal for some reason. Sorry to anyone that I could just not hear. Always fun to work old NAQCC friends. See everyone next month! 72, Mark WB9HFK
N8LA - KX3, 5W, 200'Dipole Up 35', Vibroplex Code Warrior Jr. Grateful thanks to all the wonderful people of NAQCC and Vibroplex, for the great prize of the Code Warrior Jr. and to Gregg, WB8LZG, for the beautiful tulip wood finger pieces for it that he sent me!!! I did not even know that I had won it until Gregg's gift arrived with his note informing me. The noise on the bands was worser than worst, it was the worsest! That condition was overridden by my enjoyment in using the Code Warrior Jr. Apologies to those I was unable to pull out of the noise and thanks to K1MZM for hanging in there with me for many minutes and sending his information many times until I was able to copy it. I give thanks for all of you and for all of the other wonderful people in my life. Vy Best 72/73, Lou N8LA
K6GPB - Did make initial contact with WB7GR on 40 meters but QSB and CWops CWT kicked in unable to get all of his information. Look forward to better conditions next month.
VE3DQN - Awfully slim pickin's tonight. Heard very few signals, and for an hour worked most of what I heard. Skip must have been long, from here in eastern Ontario I worked only FL, GA, and CO. Checked 80m a few times and heard nothing. CQ's brought no response.
AL7JK - Used my Hilltopper 40 with a 90 ft piece of 28ga wire strung over a tree limb in my front yard, and a homebrew tuner. The 40 mtr band was in fair shape, could easily hear qro stns from the western half of stateside. Ignored them, carefully tuned about searching for qrp stns, worked KF7WNS, Gary at the beginning, didnt find any other NAQCC stns. Continued searching until 0230z. 73 to all, cu on the bands. de AL7JK
KB1M - 40 seemed dead except to GA and FL and there it sounded to be on life support. Thanks for the QSO's, 72/73 Walt
AA0W - Poor Band conditions on 80 meters. Band came alive around 01:30 utc.
K4JPN - Tried 20M, but nothing heard, worked a couple on 40M, but 80M was hot even with the QRN 72, Steve K4JPN
WB7GR - First time participant. What a hoot. Seemed like a very leisurely event and I look forward to more. Didn't make any contacts the last 30 minutes; CWT made it awful hard to hear CQ NA.
KI8JY - Great propagation tonight in OH. Thanks to all! 73 - Dave
W1PQO - Tough night but the QSO with AZ (AC7FF), and WY (WB7GR) from Maine made up for it.
W2SH - 20m was dead. 40m had very few signals and I worked only three, departing soon thereafter for an early start on 80m. There the skip was also long, and I worked Steve, our prez, who was loud from FL. A short peek at 40m allowed me one QSO, and it was out to WY. Back on 80m, the long skip made signals out to 300 miles much weaker than usual.
N4PIR - Wow, my ears were tired from the static on 80m when the 2 hours were over! I had a great run, as I am just getting into doing the sprints. I started working CW QRP QSOs every day in Sept and I am having a lot of fun with it. I don't think K3WWP's record is in danger from me hihi but I'm on a personal best run. Thanks everyone!! 73
NC1A - not much luck this time...need better 80M ant - BLNT
WB8LZG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! Fired up the FTdx1200 last night at 5 watts. Was very noisy on ALL bands. Only worked 4 stns on 40 in 1 hour, all from the southland. I thought I heard K4BAI, es K4KBL calling but couldn't pull calls out of noise. After an hour, my ears had plenty, so I pulled the plug. Still fun trying. Sure hope condx get bettet for mw sprint next month. &3 Gregg
KQ1P - High QRN, S7+, was a problem on 80M and 40M had very deep QSB here. Not as much fun as usual but we gave it a try. Stay well. 73
NF8M - 40 meters was a bit weak. 80 in much better shape. Heard a loud CQ on the vertical which dropped 3-4 S units when I switched to the dipole. Figured it must be N8XMS, about 5 miles away and it was (we both use verticals). On for about 1.5 hours to move over to the CWT at 0300z. 72 all & CU in Dec.
VE3GNU - No Joy---lots of noise, weak, and fading signals---when heard at all! Jupiter @ 5 w. and Begali paddle. Thanks to all who were 'hanging in' to hear my signal! 73, Ernie
N5GW - KX3 to hb tuner, doublet & rake tine straight key. I did not bother to even check 20M, but went straight to 40M where there was moderate activity by QRPers. This band was good till the speedy big guys contest started, blowing us little guys away! So I moved to 80M where the QRP watering hole was clear.
KA2KGP - 20M. & 40m. were terrible & unuseable here in WNY. 80m. was the only propagation band here. Only 22 QSO's all sprint. Rig: IC-7000 at 5 w. into G5RV up 25 ft. w/ old WWII German Junkers straight key. Happy Thanksgiving & 73 to all.
AK3X - High noise on 40 meters made me decide to only operate on 80. For fun, back to basics with my OHR 100A 80 meter rig and Navy Flameproof key. Worked Maine to Florida and stations in between so conditions were good here. 72 to all and stay safe.
VA3NU - Rough conditions here. QSB and QRN. Shut down early as my antenna had erratic SWR? Very windy with some rain playing havoc on the dipole no doubt.
KA5HZV - ConX pretty poor in Texas tonight. Nothing heard on 20M and 80M was noise. Better luck next month(I hope). Ron
KA9FQG - 80m seemed to be in great shape with lots of activity. 40m was very sparse this month.
WT4U - 40 was good all day and then disappeared in time for the Sprint. Another weak showing, but always fun.