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November 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#241)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     22   22  44   13  572  x2  1144  160M EFHW                                         
WB1GYZ    7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  100' Doublet open-wire feed                       
N1BRI     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  ocf dipole up 30ft                                
K1IX      3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  OCFD @ 35'                                        

W2 Division
KN2G     19   19  38   13  494  x2   988  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
K2OID    14   14  28   10  280  x2   560  80M OCF Dipole @ 40'                              
W2SH      9    9  18    7  126  x2   252  72' wire vertical                                 
KA2KGP    5    4   9    5   45  x2    90  G5RV up 25'                                       

W3 Division
K3JZD    29   27  56   16  896  x2  1792  40m Dipole @25', 80m EFRW @20'                    
KC3MIO   23   23  46   14  644  x2  1288  125' Doublet up 45'                               
W6WU     20   20  40   13  520  x2  1040  EFHW@40ft and 40M Loop                            

W4 Division
N2TNN    41   40  81   19 1539  x2  3078  160 meter loop up 55 feet                         
WG8Y     33   32  65   18 1170  x2  2340  10-80 OCF@50FT                                    
WX4RM    17   17  34   14  476  x2   952  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
K4JPN    13   13  26   11  286  x2   572  80 M CF Zepp                                      
KN4EG    13   13  26   10  260  x2   520  WINDOM @50 FT                                     
WT4U     10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
NA4O      9    9  18    7  126  x2   252  41'EF@20'                                         
AB4QL     4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  40 & 80 M dipoles @ 40'                       
KA8VZB    4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
KK4ITX    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  65FT EFRW SLOPPER                                 

W5 Division
N5GW     19   19  38   14  532  x2  1064  doublet @ 25'                                     
KE9DR     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  218' Delta Loop @ 60'                             
KI5FZV    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  VERTICAL MFJ-1622                                 
KE5YUM    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  80 meter dipole at 28 feet                        

W6 Division
K6GPB     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  G5RV 20 feet                                      

W7 Division

W8 Division
N8APO     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  66.6 ft vertical into tree, end-fed in shack      

W9 Division
K9NUD    33   32  65   20 1300  x2  2600  80M EFHW up 40'                                   
WB9HFK   23   21  44   14  616  x2  1232  EF 150 Ft. Wire                                   
N8HWV     8    7  15    7  105  x2   210  80m EFHW at 15 ft agl                             
KD9RFR    5    4   9    5   45  x2    90  DIPOLE 25'                                        
K9EYT     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  g5rv at 30'                                       
KA9FQG    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    
@W9GSM    1    0   1    1    1  x2     2  EFHW 40m 30' to 10'                               

W0 Division
KB0FXK    7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  43' vert.                                         
NN0SS     8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  inverted V @ 30 feet                              
AA5LH     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  40-10 Delta Loop @25                              
AA0W      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  OCF Dipole @ 30 Ft                                
NO2D      4    4   8    2   16  x2    32  80 meter doublet at 30 feet                       
N8LA      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  dipole @ 35'                                      

Canada Division
VA3KRJ   30   29  59   16  944  x2  1888  EFHW 20'up                                        
VA3NU    15   14  29   11  319  x2   638  40M EFHW @25'                                     
VE3UXJ    9    8  17    6  102  x2   204  75 ft  25 ft                                      

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division

W2 Division
WA2FBN    6    6  12    4   48 x1.5   72  EFHW sloper @ 25ft                                
KA2L      3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  indoor loop, 52', 300 ohm twin feed, on 2nd floor 

W3 Division
NN3E      2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
AA2MX    24   24  48   17  816 x1.5 1224  OCF diapole 25 ft.                                
K7EK     23   23  46   14  644 x1.5  966  135' OCFD @ 21' or 120' broadband inv-v @ 65'     
K3RLL     5    5  10    5   50 x1.5   75  Stealth After-Dark HOA Vertical                   

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division
K7VM      4    4   8    3   24 x1.5   36  Vertical @ 22'                                    

W8 Division
K8NGW    12   11  23   10  230 x1.5  345  43' gnd mtd vertical w/ 32 radials                

W9 Division
K9DRP    19   18  37   11  407 x1.5  610  80M EFHW @ 40 ft.                                 
WB9CYY   15   15  30   10  300 x1.5  450  Inverted Vee at 24 ft                             

W0 Division
WU0A      2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  Vertical at 18 feet                               

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
NQ1B      2    2   4    2    8         8  inverted-vee up about 50 ft                       
KB1M      2    2   4    2    8         8  20 M dipole                                       
$W1TER    8    8  16    5   80        80  40 mtr EFHW                                       

W2 Division
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  53 ft. end fed at 30ft                            
WA1GWH    7    7  14    5   70        70  40m dipole at 15 ft                               

W3 Division
KD3CA     2    2   4    2    8         8  132ft OCF Windom  @30 ft                          
K3WWP     0    0   0    0    0         0  ~110' attic random wire                           
KQ3Z      0    0   0    0    0         0  Doublet at 65' in the trees                       
@KB3ITQ  17   14  31    9  279       279  Random wire @ 30ft                                

W4 Division
AF4PX    23   23  46   16  736       736  Delta loop                                        
N4MJ     12   11  23    9  207       207  40 OCF at 40'                                     

W5 Division
KA6J      4    4   8    4   32        32  ground mount vertical with radials                

W6 Division

W7 Division
KF7Z     10   10  20   10  200       200  Dipole at 25'                                     

W8 Division
W8GG      7    6  13    7   91        91  trap dipole @ 35'                                 
WI8J      6    5  11    5   55        55  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
NF8M      5    5  10    5   50        50  6BTV (40) OCF dpl @35ft/bev (80)                  
WA8SAN    2    2   4    2    8         8  End Feed Wire @ 25 ft                             

W9 Division

W0 Division
N0QBX     2    2   4    2    8         8  Dipole at 30'                                     

Canada Division
VE3DQN    6    6  12    4   48        48  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           
@VA3NGE   1    1   2    1    2         2  Carolina Windom 10-80                             

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 74
Total participants:             90
Total QSOs:                     722
States + Provinces represented: 31 + ON + DX


NN3E - Thanks Everyone ... Happy Thanksgiving. CU next month

NQ1B - I have not done these sprints in many years, but want to become active in CW again and this seems like a good way to do it. Everyone please be patient with me as I pick up the exchanges again!

N1BRI - Been a while since I was able to make a sprint. Seemed a little quiet. Happy to be back. Thanks for the q's and Happy Thanksgiving to all! 72

K3RLL - Nice 20 minutes with some nice signals. Wicked QSB on 20m. NO2D strong here FL but lost me. 40m much better with some booming signals from PA, IL & NC tonight! Thanks for the contacts. 72 ... Don

NO2D - Not sure how to log a dupe, but felt that I should log it in case K4JPN did not log the first QSO. Worked tonight with Ten-Tec Delta 580, an old rig I have had for over 40 years. It is no longer really stable enough to deal with the sprints, but I enjoyed using it. Pete, no2d.

KF7Z - Conditions were long from the start but was able to pick up some east coast members, always a fun sprint. Elecraft K3s running 5 watts to a dipole up 25 ft in the middle of SW Wyoming 72 Danny

AA5LH - Wishing all a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving. Majority of Q's were on 20M. Not very active here in CO. Had fun & Take Care

K9NUD - Only one on 20M, lots on 40 til it kinda died, the rest on 80, which was a bit noisy. I had to stop early tonight, but appreciate all the QSOs. KX3 @ 5W with a Cootie

KK4ITX - Luck to get my one. Lots of folks on but I could not hear them, not unusual.

NA4O - Great sigs at the beginning, then most got weaker as the night went on. Then the CWT bombers started up and masked everything. But another good night even if a little shorter than I would have preferred. 5W from KX3 with Vibroplex Straight Key and my very compromised antenna.

WB1GYZ - I've been wanting to try something new for quite some time and tonight was the night. I hooked up a xtal ctrl'd GRC-109 military xmtr (with a mild but pleasing chirp) and thoroughly enjoyed an hour of old fashion operating. Thanks to all the great ops who found and answered me.

VA3NU - Conditions were good on 40M tonight. Deep QSB at times but recovered fairly quickly to enable copying a report. Some QRM from contest stations near the end so wrapped it up early. Larry 72

K6GPB - Started to make contact with WU0A but signal faded out. Hope we can complete next time. 72 es Happy Thanksgiving to all.

KB0FXK - Been a while since I operated a sprint. Tnx to the stations I worked tonight.

K7VM - My first NAQCC Sprint. Only logged a few but got the logging program set up and will be good to go next month.

KN1H - It seemed like a long time since the last Sprint! Very nice to work everyone tonight, sorry for the couple of QSOs I just couldn't make in the QSB and storm noise. 72, John, KN1H IC-7300, Nye Viking Master Key, 160M EFHW.

VA3KRJ - First sprint in a while and it was terrific. Conditions on 40 and 80m were pretty good tonight. Radio: Yaesu FT-818

AA2MX - Tough beginning, appreciated everyone who tried to contact me, later when 80 m opened up it got easy. Thanks for a fun sprint.

N2TNN - That was really fun with all the stations on the air. Great turn out and band conditions were not that bad for a change. See you next month. 73 Dean

W6WU - Thanks to Danny KF7Z for the only 20M QSO. 40 had huge QSB. Finished out on 80 where that band was in good shape. Fun as always! Thanks

K9DRP - Had a good time with the Argo V, despite the CWT guys muscling us off our frequencies. Got to work N2TNN who's given me several new POTA numbers of late.

AF4PX - WOW! 40 meters was working nicely till the CWT's started up and run us off!

N4MJ - Quiet night. Very few sprinters. Band was overtaken by CWT.

KN2G - 20 gave me 3 good contacts. Texas was booming into central New York. Then the band died in mere seconds. 40 was a real chore for me tonight with QRM. Lots of signals overlapping and unuseable. 80 started quiet but gained speed for me through the last 45 minutes. As always great fun with great ops. Have a wee head cold settling in and a few groggy moments tonight so thanks for your patience whoever I victimized! Happy Thankgiving to all and 72's

K3JZD - 20m Seemed Dead. 40m Nasty QSB. 80m Noisy & QSB. But enjoyed the contacts. Elecraft K4 at 5w. Have a good Thanksgiving. 72, Jody

K7EK - Great turnout and excellent signals this evening. 20m activity was almost nil despite being open. 40m was the go to band, however the latter part was totally destroyed by the walking dead (CWT). They don't listen. I sought refuge on 80m for the duration.

KB3ITQ - 1st NAQCC Sprint and highly enjoyed it!

KN4EG - So rusty and first time using the naqcc sprint logger software and a late start for me. Hope next time will be better. I missed logging a KB3 station that didn't have a number. Sorry! David/KN4EG

WG8Y - Hi all, 20m didn't last long for me.Worked CO and the band was gone. 40m was pretty god as was 80m. Some really great signals. Had 3 doubles tonite.KN1H,KN2G and VA3KRJ. Tnxs guys. Always a fun Sprint. Ran my K2 tonite at 5W into a 80/10 OCF apex at 50FT. 72 all from N.C. Mark WG8Y

K2OID - Tough night on 40 with my monoband QCX+, so QSYed to 80 with my new QMX+. Thanks to the many patient operators putting up with my shaky fist, but especially to AA2MX for pulling my weak signal "out of the mud". Still fun as always.

WX4RM - Good strong signals out there tonight on 40 meters. Tried 20 meters and only found noise. Thanks to all who pulled my signal out of the mud.

KE9DR - Lots of QRN, ruff nite, still fun. Thanks to everyone. 72 Bert, KE9DR

KE5YUM - No contacts this month. No activity on 20 or 80 in the allotted time that I had for the sprint. Maybe next month. 73, Terry FT 710 with CWMORSE camelback key.

KA2L - Setting up the log wasn't easy, spent the two hours between calling "CQ NA" and S & P...tried 80 and 20 (dead) and except for last twenty minutes when fast loud code showed up saturating 40 I was hypnotized. I never got a high RST, one was 229!

KA6J - Tough conditions tonight here in So Cent TX. Was only able to work the first hour. FTDX-10 at 5 watts into a 4BTV ground mounted with 25 radials.

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! We got back from trip to North Dakota just in time fer the sprint. 20m was open at the start but fading fast. Managed to get 3 QSOs there. 40 seemed a bit noisy but plenty of stns. I had trouble wid the logging computer. It kept freezing up on me locking out my port to the rig. sometimes i just want to THROW THEM AWAY! things were so much simpler with paper logs! I ran out of gas es had to pull plug early. 73 to all. See u next month. Gregg W8GG


W9GSM - First event for me. Very high noise floor on 40 m.

KA2KGP - Terrible bands here in WNY. Also had a power outage from high winds. Better luck next month. 73

WT4U - Heard nothing but QRN on 20m. 40 wasn't great, but managed to work some of the regular gang.

WU0A - Both 20 and 40 seemed shut down last night. I made some QRP contacts on 20 earlier in the day - but in the evening there was about zero activity on 20

K4JPN - Started on 20M, but only work NO2D in Colorado, Pete also found no one on 20M, then went down to 40M and things picked up. Tried 20M later, but again no luck, fortunately 40M was the main band and picked up a few on 80M. 72, Steve K4JPN

AA0W - Poor Conditions Signals were strong or weak. Only could hear parts of calls or exchanges.

KC3MIO - I decided to try my (tr)uSDX for the sprint, running 5 watts into a 125' doublet. I heard what I think was a CA station on 20 sending his NR, but I could not get the exchange information. I had to bail to 40 but still had only 3 contacts by the end of the first 30 minutes and was wondering about my choice. But I had 10 by the end of the first hour, including KF7Z from WY on 20 (I tend to go back to 20 in case there are stations there and I have occasionally been rewarded). A few more on 40 and I switched to 80 and picked up 11 more. 80 was very busy, but static crashes hindered copying even strong signals. Nice to work some new to me low numbers and a bunch of 11K+ numbers; welcome to the club! Happy Thanksgiving to all es 73/72.

WA2FBN - Poor band condx on 40 meters for the sprint. Trying to get my bug fist back again. Tnx to all who could copy me. 72 Ken - WA2FBN

N8APO - A weather front went through and conditions were not good at all here south of Cleveland Ohio but I gave it a try. Maybe next sprint will have improved conditions.

W2SH - I answered a CQ on 20m but the band closed before he may have replied. 40m had bad QSB and a couple of contacts disappeared before a full exchange could be completed. 80m was well behaved but could have used more activity.

N8LA - KX-3, 5W, 200' Dipole Up 35', Vibroplex Code Warrior with W8GG finger pieces, wired as dual paddle side swiper by AD0BI. I'M BAAACK!! Have not been in sprint for a number of months due to contending (successfully so far) with three types of cancer and eye problem requiring many visits to eye doctor. Also running unsuccessfully for president on IDIOT (I Do It Obnoxiously Too) Party ticket. High noise and low signal strength resulted in only two contacts on 40. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and all of your loved ones. Lou, N8LA

N5GW - All bands in fine shape at this point in the solar cycle this time of year - fun every day!

NF8M - Remote from Chicago. Op time approx 30 min. Tnx fer the QSOs.