![]() | NAQCC News |
Jul 25, 2009 | NAQCC Web Site | Issue #099 |
In this issue: 1. August Challenge. 2. July Sprint Results 3. General Club News 4. Elmer Project 5. Latest Award Winners 6. News Items and Articles by Our Members |
1. AUGUST CHALLENGE: This challenge is the brain child of our president Tom WY3H. He challenges you to make at least 5 QRP/CW QSO's on any 5 different bands during the month. That's a minimum of 25 QSO's to satisfy the challenge. As you should do for every challenge, sprint, and award, read and understand the rules completely before you do anything. Here in the newsletters we just give a brief synopsis of what's going on. Full Challenge info here. ![]() 2. JULY SPRINT RESULTS: Once again quite a bit of the country experienced poor band conditions with signal levels down and noise levels up. Although things were not all that good here in WPA, I managed to make my 6th best total number of QSO's at 37. Bruce WY7N out in Utah had his best sprint ever with 20 QSO's which is very good from that part of the country. As a result of the poor conditions, our stats this month were down from the previous few months, but still very good as our sprints continue to get more and more popular in the QRP/CW world. All but two folks used our autologger to report their scores this month which made my job of cross-checking all that much easier. There are still a couple of things you can do to make it even easier though: 1. In the new multiplier column of your log, number the new mults consecutively and if it's not a new mult, put a hyphen (-) there. 2. Do NOT put a colon (:) in the time, that is 0127, NOT 01:27. 3. If you're competing for the special award certificate, be sure to fill out the two appropriate fields in the autologger as instructed in the rules for that particular sprint. Thanks in advance for following the above steps. Here now are the full statistics clearly showing the slight downturn in participation and results we had this month because of band conditions. STATS - current month, previous month, all time record, mo/yr (blue indicates a record set this month): Jul Jun Rec Month Logs - 54 57 65 5/09 & 4/09 Autologger logs - 52 52 59 5/09 Stns in logs - 87 92 110 5/08 Hour 1 QSO's - 333 393 564 9/08 Hour 2 QSO's - 257 350 476 9/08 Total QSO's - 590 743 1040 9/08 20M QSO's - 116 209 209 6/09 40M QSO's - 429 491 720 5/09 80M QSO's - 45 43 481 12/07WINNERS: 1st SWA East - K3WWP 1st SWA Central - W5YDM 1st SWA Mountain - WY7N 1st SWA Pacific - K6WLM 1st Gain - K4BAI Special Award (most call areas worked) Drawing Entrants: K3WWP, KD0V, WY7N, N4BP Drawing Winner: KD0V Congratulations to all including winners and non-winners. Actually everyone who participated and sent in a log is a winner because that shows the ham radio world that there are many folks still using and enjoying CW on the ham bands. That's one of our main goals here at the NAQCC. Very special thanks to those who reported their results even though they made only a few QSO's. Your reports are important also. We had 3 stations who didn't submit a log show up 6-9 times in the 54 logs we received and cross-checked. Hopefully those 3 and many others will be back next month AND submit a log. Remember submitting a log doubles the strength of your statement that you support CW operation. We welcome these hams who submitted a sprint log for the first time. We hope they will continue to participate and report their results: K6WLM, K9XE, KC2VFT, KW3U, VA3CWT, VA3PEN, W2VV, W9CPI, W9WOC, WB5FKC The following hams have participated in, and sent in logs for 30 or more of our 57 sprints to date: K3WWP - 57 KA2KGP - 50 KD2MX - 39 W2SH - 39 W2JEK - 38 WY3H - 38 W9CC - 37 K4BAI - 36 K4NVJ - 36 N4FI - 34 W2LJ - 31Many others have been in 20 or more of our sprints. We must be doing something right for these folks to keep coming back again and again. Thanks go not only to these folks, but to everyone who has ever entered any of our sprints. Full sprint info here. ![]() 3. GENERAL CLUB NEWS: ![]() Dennis will be on 7033 kHz starting at 1:30 PM EDT (1730Z) on each of the following days: Monday July 27, Monday August 3, and Wednesday August 5. If 7033 is busy he will slide up the band to 7034 or to the first clear frequency. In order to give as many NAQCC members as possible a chance to work W1AW, this info is only being published here in the newsletter. Please do not pass it to any non-members. W1AW generally draws a big crowd similar to a rare DX station when it goes on the air to contact hams. We hope to keep these sessions mainly for NAQCC members. We want to have as many members as possible work W1AW, so even if you have worked W1AW before, you're welcome to work them again. However please keep all QSO's short to give as many members as possible their chance. With the big antennas at W1AW and their state of the art receiving equipment, there should be no problem copying your QRP signals. We know you want to make it a QRP QSO on your part although W1AW will be running higher power. ![]() The USS Requin [sand shark] (SS/SSR/AGSS/IXSS-481, Tench-class submarine), is dry-docked in the Alleghney River in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania near the Carnegie Science Center. Her keel was laid down on 24 August 1944 by the Portsmouth Navy Yard in Kittery, Maine. She was launched on 1 January 1945 sponsored by Mrs. Slade D. Cutter, and commissioned on 28 April 1945 with Commander Slade D. Cutter in command. Initially, Requin carried heavier armament than usual for a fleet submarine, perhaps because Commander Cutter was one of the most decorated submarine skippers going to sea. She had an additional five-inch/25-caliber deck gun, as well as two 24-tube five-inch (127 mm) rocket launchers, which were intended to be used to provide offshore bombardment during Operation Downfall, the planned invasion of Kyushu and Honshu. ![]() ![]() Fred Soper, KC8FS 4640 W. Hallett Rd. Hillsdale, MI 49242 As all of you who have won any kind of certificate know, Fred has done a magnificent efficient job of mailing out our club certificates since he became our certificate mailer over a year ago. We know he will be just as good from now on with his additional duties. ![]() We'll start sending out our informational emails to all ops probably around the middle of August. Those will contain all the info needed by our ops for the event. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 4. ELMER PROJECT: From John K3WWP - Don't forget our NAQCC QRS Net that meets each Sunday evening on 7.122 MHz at 8:30 PM EDT. NCS is Karl N3IJR, our Elmer Project co-director. Alternate NCS is our President Tom WY3H. Karl will be sending a net report for each end-of-month newsletter listing check-ins for the month as well as other comments on the net. Remember also that Karl has a list of Elmer's who are willing to help on an individual basis, all you have to do is drop Karl an e-mail to ![]() Our Elmer project is starting to roll now, and we need you to keep up the momentum. If you are interested in helping out or need help with any CW and/or QRP matters contact: K5DUZ - ![]() N3IJR - ![]() Also see Elmer Project on the web site. ![]() 5. AWARD WINNERS THE PAST TWO MONTHS: 1000 MPW: #0058 - K7OLU 2XQRP: N8ZYA - 50 pts - Web site listing N8ZYA - 100 pts - Web site listing 30-30 Magnum: #0004 - GW0VSW Alphabet Prefix: USA #0008 - WY7N Suffix Words: WY7N - #0003 - SWA Category Suffix Words Honor Roll: WY7N - 50 - SWA Category Worked Members Advanced: K3WWP - Endorsed for 1300 points If you glossed over it above, please go back and read the news item about our new Awards Manager. It's very important if you plan to be applying for any of our club awards. Remember our incentive to work towards and earn our NAQCC awards thanks to Gregg WB8LZG. Gregg has donated a set of beautiful knob inserts for the K1 and K2 rigs. The Giveaways page in the main section of the web site has more info and a picture. You can win one by earning and applying for any TWO of the following NAQCC awards. It's first come, first served, so make haste. QSO-A-DAY 30-30 Alphabet Prefix Worked Members - Advanced Suffix Words Check the 'Current' page in the 'Awards' section of the web site for rules for these awards. Only new applicants on or after October 1, 2008 are eligible. Full List of all award winners here. ![]() 6. NEWS ITEMS AND ARTICLES BY OUR MEMBERS: This section is a forum for you to tell other members what you've been up to on the ham bands or to submit an article dealing with some aspect of CW and QRP operation or equipment. Send your news items and articles to our news editor Paul KD2MX at ![]() ![]() |
The publication of our next newsletter will be announced via email to all members for whom we have a valid email address unless you specifically have unsubscribed from the email. Past on-line newsletters beginning with issue #042 are now archived on the site. So if you missed seeing any past issues, you can check them out in the archives. Unless otherwise credited, all items are written by K3WWP. If you came directly to this newsletter, we invite you now to browse the NAQCC Web Site. |