Ivica Bogdanovic - YU1QRP - NAQCC # 2095

Hello. 18.07.1999 C Class ham license and since 09.09.2007 On air with this call sign.
Got into ham radio in early 1998 because of electronics, in the mean
time passed exams and loved it even more. Sucesfuly built many electronic construction's and ham equipment, many years worked from club station YU1ACR and last couple of years with /QRP.
In my Shack you will find:ME (HI), FT-301S @5watts, many test equipment
and many built rigs and acessories (frq meter, lcMeters, power supplies
Antennas are: Moxon for 7Mhz fixed on RU and JA, 3,5Mhz dipole, 1,8Mhz 65m long INV-L. and rotary Moxon for all other HF bands.
Sometimes on air with AN-GRC/9 vintage but it's fun to work with it. Listening to local hamnet on Philips BX925A RX from 1963 year.
72+1 tu QRP It is SKILL, NOT POWER, and yes, it really does work.