Gregg Mulder - WB8LZG - NAQCC # 1444
Hello, I'm Gregg Mulder WB8LZG. NR # 1444. I was 1st licensed as WN8LZG back in 1972, while in high school. I became a QRPer early on, when my friend Jim Lundy (WB8KXZ) came home with a used Ten Tec PM2 purchased at a local swap. I already owned the "Cadillac of Novice Rigs" at the time, a Heath HW-16, but this QRP stuff was something extra exciting. Upon entering the NAVY, I soon found out it was a big advantage to being a ham. I got to stand my watches in the radio shack, rather than the Guard shack. I managed to find a used Ten Tec 509 Argonaut, and my Life in Radio became QRP forever. I also had the opportunity to work DX from some neat es semi rare locations around the world, Places u just can't get to otherwise. Like Guam, Git-Mo, Canal Zone, Midway, es some uninhabited Islands in Alaska. I've always had a love for field day and portable operations, so these situations help to give valuable insight and training for "quick-up, quick-down" emergency type operation. In the mid 90's, when rigs began to decrease in size exponentially, I put together a Small Wonder Labs SW40+ and began taking it on the family campouts. As my family grew, I got my sons interested in radio also, and found great pride and lots of fun as they too earned their "tickets". The kids really like Field Day, but they haven't become radio fanatics like their father. They're in college now, chasing after girls instead of radios. Hi Hi My second love in radio is kit building. Thought I would go into withdrawal when Heathkit went under, but got a fresh shot in the arm when Elecraft showed up on the scene. In between, in "the lean years" I was forced to go "scratch built", and I built one of the 2N2222 / 40 Meter transceivers designed by Jim Kortege K8IOY of Nor-Cal club fame. It was also mid 90's when I first started collecting keys. It all started with just a couple hand keys, then a bug, then another. Now I collect them only to restore a beat up and broken one. Once refurbished I like to cycle them thru actual on the air use. "Kinda like giving that silent key a second life". I also make my own replacement finger pieces, for keys with broken ones, from wood. My first set of these was out of necessity when I bought an old beat up Vibroplex at a swap that had the finger pieces broken off. Soon realized just how beautiful they are, and now I make them for all my paddles n bugs. Wanna peek? Visit my web page:
Last year was my 1st time to Dayton, es while there I joined QRPARCI. Great bunch of hams in that organization. That's about the time when I joined NAQCC too. I enjoy the monthly sprints, as it keeps the "contest juices flowing" and is super practice for the big ones. Super bunch of guys we have here participating in the sprints each month. My favorite bands are 40 n 15, but in the solar minimum I've been forced to liking 20 also. Favorite mode? CW of course! I do occasionally get on PSK31 es work thru AO-51, but 99% of the OSO's are cw. See u all in the next sprint, 73 Gregg WB8LZG