Dick Sylvan - W9CBT - NAQCC # 2062
I was first licensed in 1947 as class B (General) Upgraded to Class A (Advanced) in 1948. Ex Navy shipboard Radio Operator USS Bayfield. APA-33 Also served aboard USS Winston AKA94 as Electronic Tech.(ET3)(Korean era) Graduated from RM school San Diego CA and ET school (Treasure Island CA 1953) Operated club station K6NCG while in ET school.
Main rig is a Kenwood TS850SAT with 3 W9INN Multi band Dipoles. (HF rigs and antennas are selectable ). Also have individual QRP rigs for 10M, 15M.,20M, 30M and 40M 4Watts output QRP rigs are 3 MFJ's, Ten Tec T-Kit, HTX100 4W, QRPp 1W, For 2M I use a Icom IC-V8 at 5.0W to a colinear ground plane vertical up 30 ft. I also operate the Icom V8 mobile from the car.
Profession is Industrial Design Consultant (45 years.) BFA Industrial Design.(Now Retired) Now spend time as a Ham Radio Cartoonist.
I have monthly cartoons in the K9YA Telegraph www.k9ya.org and a cartoon is published in color in RSGB RadCom magazine every month.
(NOTE from K3WWP: Dick's cartoons will also be appearing here in the NAQCC newsletter. Watch for one in each even numbered newsletter. Thanks to Dick for letting us be one of the three publications that feature his cartoons. We are honored.)
Active on 40-30-20-15-12-10 meters phone and cw. Also active on QRP & QRPp (1W)
Check out my website http:www.k9ya.org/w9cbt for further information. Also check out my monthly cartoons that appear in the K9YA Telegraph newsletter. www.K9YA.org A very interesting Ham Radio E-Zine covering a wide variety of ham radio subjects. Subscriptions are totally free! Delivered monthly to your computer There is also a link on my website to the K9YA website where you can subscribe free.
I belong to the following organizations OOTC, QCWA, ARRL,RSGB, RCC, SOWP#5670-M, QRP/ARCI#10429, Fists CW Club #3417.Flying Pigs QRP club #792, and most recently NAQCC #2062
Other awards; WAS, WAC, A-1 operator club, RCC, QRPp-DX, 1000 Mile per watt club. QRPp WAS