Archibald Hill - W5AG - NAQCC # 2636

I am relatively new to the hobby having been first licensed in November, 2007. I received my current call sign W5AG on 7/12/08. My equipment includes an ICOM 730 transceiver, a (seldom used) homebrew 10 meter amplifier, a B&W VS300A antenna tuner, a Hi-mound bug, and a (nonworking) DC40A QRP rig. My current antennas include dipoles for 40 and 80 meters, and a "temporary" 2-element W8JK wire "bamboo beam" up 20 feet. I have an interest in QRP work but as yet have mainly operated in the range of 50-100 watts concentrating on developing CW skill. I am often impressed to learn a distant station is operating at QRP power. I learned about NAQCC when browsing 73, Arch