Steve Lybarger - NU7T - NAQCC # 0434

I was first licensed in 1979 as KA6IWC and later as N7ELV then to NU7T. In 2000, I turned my focus to DXing by buying a small 5 band beam for my 40 foot tower and replacing my straight key with a Vibroplex iambic. Operating at 100w or less, I worked 211 DXCC entities my first year. My favorite contact was, while running 5 watts, connecting with Bob in Pakistan.
Additionally, a 4 element 6m quad and an ever changing wire antennas adorn my back yard. My main rig is an Ten Tec Orion II with an Yaesu FT 847 for VHF. IC706 with a Force 12 Sigma 5 band vertical dipole and an Elecraft KX1 with 44' of wire on a 20' mast make up two portable stations. The latter I carry on my bicycle to various sites around town.
I am a retired desk jockey from the Reno Nevada Police Department. This was one of a number of occupations since graduating from Northern Arizona University with a Business degree.
I am also proud to have served as Section Official Observer Coordinator, Sheriff's Department Search and Rescue (command post communications), Reno Police Dispatch and a variety of Ham Radio volunteer activities.
Currently, my goal is to contact each state using 5 watts and a simple wire antenna at solar minimum. You might find me on 6m through 40m and in 160m contests. I don't have a favorite key. the GHD cootie key and assorted bugs are my favorites. Well, except for NAQCC Sprints during which I use the Vibroplex Special Edition "Know Code" straight key.
Check out our local QRP club, Reno QRP Group - W7FST, at My favorite award is the FISTS Elmer Award #37. In addition to the Reno QRP Group, I belong to Sierra Nevada Amateur Radio Society, FISTS #4676, ARCI #12844, SKCC #793, Flying Pigs #1294, MQFD #83 and of course, NAQCC #434.
Thank You, everyone, for going on-the-air and adding to the pleasures of our lives.