Dale Eccles - N9ND - NAQCC # 3338

I am a retired electronics/ service department technician. I was first licensed in April 1976 as WN9UDN and in October of 1976 I upgraded to Advanced class and became WB9UDN. In the summer of 1978 I went to see "the man" again and came away with the Extra class ticket. It was one of the few times that the FCC allowed you to choose your call, and I chose N9ND because I thought it sounded good on CW. I still think it does. I am a member of QRPARCI, FISTS and NAQCC. I have WAS, WAC and DXCC. Not QRP though.
I am presently using a Ten Tec Argonaut 515, a Yaesu FT817ND and a Kenwood TS450SAT. My antennas are a Mosley TA33 Jr WARC, a G5RV and a tunable vertical (on 40M). None of which are very far off the ground, especially the vertical.