Ray Day - N6HE - NAQCC # 3700
Turned 65 in 2008. Started as WN4LFP in Maimi Springs, FL on 12/7/62 with a Globe Chief and a National NC-188. My Elmer was Chuck Bolvin (now a SK) W4LVV. WA4LFP in 1963 in FL and GA. WA2TEI in NY in 1969. W B 6 Jelly Filled Doughnut (9/26/75) in CA, then N6HE (8/12/77).
Rig is the fabulous TenTec Omni VII. Today's antenna: who knows? (constant experimentation) Probably will end up with a roof-mounted vertical and an SGC-230 antenna coupler.
XYL is Donna, W6DLD (since 2003)(General Licensee), ex-N6HTH (1982-2003)and ex-KA6AKL (1978-1982). We've been married for 40 years.
Graduated from Georgia Tech in 1966 as an Electrical Engineer. Member of TKE fraternity. Have worked for Pan Am and Continental Airlines, and have been a financial planner since 1982.
Member and past Secretary, President, FD Chairman, etc. (in the 70's and 80's) of United Radio Amateurs Club, K6AA. CW, QRP, and Field Day nut.
A-1 Op, Member of Los Angeles County Disaster Communications Service. Life memberships in ARRL, OOTC (#4302), and 10-X (#9729). Member of URAC (K6AA)(see above), Palos Verdes ARC (K6PV), DXCC (mixed and phone), SoCal DX Club, QCWA (#21270), ARLHS (#1562), FISTS (#12319), NAQCC (#3700) and Straight Key Century Club (#3910). Certified Volunteer Examiner with the ARRL.
Other hobbies: Photography, scuba diving, and international travel (preferably, all at once!).
All the best, Ray N6HE