Terry Hall - KE5YUM - NAQCC # 3102

A lot of info can be gleaned about me from www.qrz.com. I got started in ham radio for the purpose of honing CW skills. CW looked like an good way to get into the hobby and QRP radios did not appear to be that expensive. I learned Morse Code as a Boy Scout and felt that if I could sharpen these basic skills, I could have a great lifetime hobby. I have not been disappointed. I copy best at 10 wpm, though my personal goal is 20 wpm.
The rigs in the shack (a camper trailer that I stay in during the week) are a Kenwood TS-520 (a gift from a fellow ham) and an MFJ-9040 with tuner and power supply. Antennas include a G5RV and long wire. I am having great success with the long wire antenna, 140' long and about 25-30 feet off the ground. With the wire, I have made many QRP contacts, and I am checking off the states for the WAS QRP award. I look forward to using it in the monthly sprints. I use a straight key.
I have also developed an interest in building replica ham radios. I am studying plans for a 1929 Hartley transmitter for 80 meters which I hope to bring to life one day.