Lou Giovannetti - KB2DHG - NAQCC # 1326
Licensed as a NOVICE in 1987 upgraded to TECH the same year and then to GENERAL in 1990, I enjoy Amateur Radio to it's fullest. My station is a mixture of vintage and modern equipment. I mostly operate HF and enjoy DXing. I have an ICOM IC-745, a YAESU FT-101EE with matching FL-2100F amp, a vintage QRP EICO 723 60 watt CW transmitter mated to a DRAKE R-4B receiver. My 2 meter operations are handled by an ICOM 228H. Antennas are a MOSLEY TA33 3 element Beam up on a 55 foot tower, also draping from that tower is my home brew inverted V dipole for 40 & 80 meters, and a 5 element Cushcraft 2 meter beam. I have earned my AMATEUR EXTRA CLASS license in 2004 and have been enjoying the new privileges. I am a member of the ARRL and occasionally write for QST. I am also a member of the Yonkers Amateur Radio Club and participate on the Marconi Net most every night on 3.872.MHz.
I love CW, QSLing..and doing Field Day!
My other hobbies involve ALL Auto motorsports, Vintage racing, driving & racing my Porsche 911 and collecting vintage slot cars.
Here are pictures of me in my shack and at Field day! My motto, "If you don't know CW, You Don't know DIT" Keep the bands and the hobby alive... Get On The AIR!