James Riedel - K6EEE - NAQCC # 0908

I have been a Ham since 1984 and currently hold an extra class license. Hobbies include amateur radio, RVing, and golfing. I work mainly the HF bands and often drop down on the CW portion to work qrp. I am active in emergency communications with the Hospital Disaster Support Communications System (HDSCS), which is an ARES group supporting 26 hospitals in our county. I am also membership director for the South Orange County Amateur Association.......a group of 170 hams. I am a member of ARRL and ARCI.
My station consists of an old Swan 400 (on the left), Icom 746 Pro, Icom 706 for mobile, My qrp rigs include a Heathkit HW 8 qrp and a Ten Tec Argonaut V. Currently my antennas are a G5RV along the roof line and a Alpha Delta DXEE in my attic. Hope to hear you on the bands............73 from San Clemente, California............the best climate in the world.
What's that strange looking object Jim has his left hand on in the picture? - K3WWP