Jim Wilson - K5ND - NAQCC # 3098

After a hiatus from ham radio for over 20 years, I'm back. After the past two years working with an ICOM 745 handed down by my Dad, I've just put in play an Elecraft K3/10 watts. My antennas are a Butternut HF2V 80/40/30 meter vertical, ground mounted with a few radials and a stagger tuned dipole on 20 through 10 meters. I operate CW, hoping to improve my receiving speed and accuracy over time. If we've just had a QSO, thanks for your patience with my CW fist and receiving ability.
I was originally licensed in 1973 as WB0JXY with a conditional class license. In the mid-70's I wrote a couple of articles and a book for Wayne Green and 73 Magazine. In 1978, I started work for Heathkit as an educational writer. My big projects were the Amateur Radio General Class License Home Study Course and the Electronic Communication course. I upgraded to Advanced with call sign KB8CE, operating RTTY with a Teletype Model 19 and a Heath kilowatt amplifier. I eventually sold everything, in roughly 1981, and spent time going back to school while also advancing my career.
In 2006 I passed the Extra Class license and tried out the Vanity Call Sign system. This was really interesting and it's still hard to believe that I've now got a 1x2 call sign. I enjoy the hobby and what it's become over the years. I try at this point to keep it a hobby and just enjoy CW and the folks I meet. In 2008 I started working a couple of CW contests, with just a few contacts. I've enjoyed it a great deal. I've also started operating QRP, which has been a long time interest. I have a web site you may be interested to visit at http://www.k5nd.us It contains a blog about some of my ham radio adventures. It also has copies of the article I did for the ARRL web site titled "Rip Van Winkle Meets 21st Century Amateur Radio." NAQCC #3098 FISTS #12971