Dennis Cooper - K3NVI - NAQCC # 0094

I'm first licensed 1960. My first rig was hb 6AG7 colpitts osc. into pi-net output 40/80m. The idea came from 1957 QST...One-Tube Transmitter for 40/80m. (Xtal controlled) hi hi. My receiver was a Lafayette (about $100, in 1961).
Got interested in qrp and have been a qrper since, mostly 5 watts cw. Throughout the years progressed through Heathkits to an SB102 in 1969. About 1979, after many Heathkits; hf and vhf....Treated myself to Commercial gear, Kenwood TS430S.
Had three children I sent through College, so my purchasing days were limited till the TS480SAT hit the market at Dayton. Yes, came home with a new TS480SAT, my present 'big' rig!
But in 2007m at Dayton I was attending the QRP hospitality suite, I entered a raffle for $20. Well, would you believe, I won the top door prize raffle. A $1000 gift certificate toward Elecraft equipment. I quickly selected the K2 and accessories ; just a little under $1000 worth. Built it in 6 months, works great. I use it on cw mostly and trying psk-31 lately. A little ssb, but TS480 works better on ssb in low sunspot cycle...hi hi. Recently have been operating a PKS-20 at ~3 watts on 20m, great transceiver, with an indoor dipole.
My QRP Equipment the past 15 years were and still have most are: (MOST FOR SALE)
Kenwood TS130v (QRP Version) with external VFO, speaker, runs 20w input all bands.
MFJ 9020, 20m cw only transceiver, 12 watts
MFJ 9420(??), the Travel Radio, for 20m ssb/cw, 12 watts, vfo.
An old NCG 15m monobander, (excellent receiver)..ssb/cw ?think 5-15 watts selectable
Still have a few kits, Pixie, Rockmite, etc, 80 m Ramsey tx kit, several more. Lots of parts.
Since I got the K2, TS480SAT, and TH-F6, do not need others (not being used).
Kids are all married, and now into the 5 grandchild...Retired and rekindling my interest in radio.
I am NAQCC #0094, ARCI #5714, FISTS #12862, QCWA (50 year award recently), 10/10 # 37476. Had G-QRP and MI QRP memberships but not active with them.
Started in 1987, going to Dayton and hanging out with 10/10'ers for couple years. But convinced my friend we should join ARCI, back in the early days in downtown Dayton...Met all the OTs of the Wolrd of QRP personally.
BIOS: Grad. Penn State YK in 1961, Associate Degree in Engineering
Later in life after 2 girls through college, finished my Bachelor Degree atElizabethtown College with a BS Degree, at age 47.
Senior Paper: "Sunspots and the Effect on Radio Communications" (My experience with sunspots and radios using qrp mostly).
Became a licensed Professional Engineer in PA, MD and OH
Hold an Extra Class and General Commercial Radio Licenses.
Taught E/E at Penn State York for 22 years, in evening Certificate and diploma programs.
LM QCWA, ARRL,NSPE, IEEE, YARC (York Amateur Radio Club).
Retired 2001 from State Gov't as a E/E Consultant, after 25+ years..
Play Radio, Bridge, Watercolor Painter/Instructor, Fishing and Traveling (stateside).