Kenneth Cayer - K1SHR - NAQCC # 3421

Greetings and thank you for taking a minute to read this bio. I was licensed in May 1960 and have enjoyed this outstanding hobby for the past 49 years. I no longer chase DX with the enthusiasm I had years ago but instead enjoy rag chewing on 17 meters and CW on the low end of 80 & 40 meters. I also enjoy working QRP with home brew equipment.
I retired in 2003 after working 37 years as a field service engineer for a major fortune five hundred company.
I have always enjoyed woodworking and have put together a nice woodworking shop where I make custom furniture, cabinets and wooden model cars and trucks. Other interest and hobbies I enjoy are the martial arts; I hold a first-degree black belt in Karate and am currently studying Tai Chi. I am certified in Ushi style Reiki. Photography is a passion of mine; I did it professionally for many years now I just take photographs for pleasure. I like to fish, both fresh water and salt water and have several grand children that are always eager to go fishing with grandpa. My wife and I enjoy gardening and look forward to spring each year, she takes care of the flowers and I tend the vegetable garden.
The station consists of a pair of Kenwood TS430s and an Icom 718 for the HF bands. An Icom IC2000 serves my needs on 2Mtr. FM. Needless to say there is a nice assortment of miscellaneous goodies such as Astron power supplies, swr bridges and a MFJ 986 antenna tuner.
The antenna farm is a 60 foot Rohn tower with Mono banders on 10, 15, and 2 meters. A Cushcraft D3W, a 20mtr rotatable dipole. A Diamond F-23a 5/8 Vertical for 2 meters caps off the top of the array. Several dipoles are strung out in the back yard and give the song birds an obstacle course to navigate......NAQCC #3421, FISTS #14332, 10/10 #15355, SMIRK # 763, FP # 2129, SKCC #3530, ARLHS #1615.