Ryan Pike - G5CL - NAQCC # 4001

NAQCC 4001
GQRP 10670
GQRP Master 149
FISTS 7762
SKCC 4760
RSGB since 1985
Only operate CW QRP from my QTH in Aylesbury, England (30 miles NW of London). My callsign belonged to a family member who was originally licensed in 1921 and it was reissued to me in 1999. I used to be a CW examiner for the RSGB morse service and only use a straight key in the shack. My equipment is an FT817, FT 857 (rarely used) and a simple 66ft End Fed Wire at approx 10m above ground. On the bands practically every day from 80m to 15m. Best QRP DX, VK4TJ earlier this year but have worked Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, Namibia and USA all with 5 watts.
My recipe for QRP success: Persistence, Dedication, an efficient aerial and a pinch of luck.
Hope to see you on the key!
73, Ryan G5CL