Pete Watson - G4UUV - NAQCC # 3435

Hi guys, Pete g4uuv here, # 3435, I am 61 years old, now retired, I was first licenced class A in October 1983. My qth is a small town called Moreton, it is about 5 kms south west of the city of Liverpool UK, latitude is 53 degs - 24.3 mins nth, longitude is 3 degs - 7.6 mins west, IO 83 KJ or SJ 29, it is on the opposite bank of the River Mersey, it is in the borough of Wirral in the county of Merseyside, prior to boundary changes in the '70's it was in the county of Cheshire.
My interest is qrp cw, and my favourite bands are top band and 80 mtrs, although I work all hf and vhf / uhf qrg's, I have been known to work some ssb and fm, was heavily into rtty, packet, tcp/ip and amtor years ago, nowadays I like psk 31.
I am not a contester, I much prefer ragchew qsos', from time to time I do join in and give away points to contesters.
Station details, are as follows, main HF rig is Kenwood TS 2000, Icom 706 mk II g, presently on loan for evaluation to a G0 station, my backup rig is Kenwood TS 680 s, Kenwood TS 790 e multi mode for VHF / UHF backup rig is Kenwood Tm G707e sometimes used / mobile. My HF antenna is a 40 mtre length of twin telephone wire in horizontal polarisation for VHF / UHF, I have a Tri - Band Vertical.
I belong to the following Clubs and Societies: - RSGB, G-QRP 7473, FISTS 376, SKCC 107, CTC 1599, RAOTA 2289 and NAQCC 3435. I look forward to working you on the bands, Good Luck and Good DX, Fraternal Greetings de Pete g4uuv.
CW NAQCC 3435 is so - Fists - icated