Baltasar Perez Diaz - EA8BVP - NAQCC # 0008
Note from K3WWP: It's fitting that for our 3rd anniversary month we feature Baltasar who joined just after the club was formed back in October 2004. Here is a picture of Baltasar operating portable while visiting his brother in Buffalo, NY.
EA8BVP radio-biography, 32 years, Tenerife, Canary Islands.
Since I was a child, I've always been interested in radio. Like most radio hams, I like investigating and taking apart radios and rigs, and keeping the parts. Nowadays I continue doing it. Later I could study some subjects that helped me to have a better understanding about this wonderful hobby. Unlike most radio hams, I haven't had any Elmer, and I have learnt all I know by myself. Due to that, I did not become a radio ham until later and I have only had a callsign for 4 years: first EB8AKF (for V/UHF only), later EC8AYR (for some segments in HF only (mainly 15m and 40m CW)), and since October 2005 I am EA8BVP.
My radio preferences have always been QRP+CW+HF. The telegraphy has always appealed to me. I'm not a very good CW operator yet, but I try to make a daily CW QSO at least (like K3WWP) to improve my CW skills. I always like to calculate the distance between me and my contact, and it surprises me what you can do with a few watts.
About the other modes ... I like to study the theory behind the digital modes like PSK31 and RTTY, but they don't appeal to me. The computer does all the work and you only have to click over the signal and tweak the buttons. SSB mode is not my choice. I only operate that mode when somebody asks me to do it. I'm very shy using a mike.
I like taking part in contests whenever I can. I prefer the short ones, because normally I'm very busy. I have little experience in contests, but I've made very good contacts in them.
My shack is very simple. I have a Yaesu FT-7 @5W, an ATS-3 (by KD1JV), a HT FT-23R (2m FM) and a HF receiver Sony ICF-SW7600G. Recently I have bought a TS-480SAT too. It's nice to use a modern HF transceiver with DSP, Keyer, ATU, ...
About keys - I have manufactured keys: LTA GMC, Kenpro KK60 (these are straight keys) and a Kent SP-1. I have made two single horizontal lever keys for camping: one using CDs and the other using PCB.
My antennas are very simple too: dipoles (vertical, V inv), EFHWA ... I don't have a permanent antenna yet. I change them very often because I like tinkering with antennas.
Well, this is my radio-biography. Using these lines, I want to give thanks to everybody in the QRP+CW world for their work, and for keeping this wonderful hobby alive, especially the NAQCC gang.
72 de EA8BVP.
My club numbers:
NAQCC #8, EAQRP #461, GQRP #11481, URE #60726, EACW #222, SKCC #645, CTC #509