Thomas Klaschka - DM4EA (then DL4NSE) - NAQCC # 0834

SWL since 1978, 1st license (Y41NE) 1982, studied electronics/ comm.s, changed call to DL4NSE a couple of months after Germany got re-united, from that time nearly only qrp, rigs: SEG15D (former commercial/ military) 1.8-12 Mc, 10W, sold, bought a FT-7 (hopefully well known, still for sale), happy 703-owner now, still have to build in the additional cw-filter, made my own qrpp (30m DK6SX-design, Pixie, ONER, 80m-DG0SA-design) + z-match, working on a 40m-smd-kit, 5W-PA & have a (upto 20 Mc) DDSin stock to set up a tiny multiband-trx) didn't take a photo of my 703 since there're so many of them in the net, but insert a picture of my 30m-qrpp (1W) incl. z-match taken at the 2004 meeting of the DL-section of g-qrp, at the moment I've got an attic "long"wire, advantage of a wooden roof,fed via 1:9-balun, going to set up a 40-10-vertical this summer & a bit longer wires outside to improve my condx on 160/80 (..20 for EU). I like motorbiking, running and everything related with aeronautics, paragliding, parachuting. I´m married & we´ve got two wonderful children aged 4&6, so guess what, I´m permanently lacking of time ;o) so far fr the time being, cu sn flying the qrp-flag! 72, Tom, DL4NSE