The Perry Bros. KA2RWL-KA2KGP-N2COD NAQCC #'s 0553-0555-0554

KA2RWL - Bob - My first contact was on a HW-7 and from there I stayed until I worked all 50 states using 1.5 watts, taking me 2 1/2 years to accomplish.
From there I went to a Century 22 and W.A.S. using 5 watts, this time it took me 2 years. I might be the longest held "novice" ticket in NY State?? First licensed in '82, I'm 45 YO and been "smokin' rigs" for over 23 years! Best 73's & 88's from the land of sand and sun on the shore of Lake Erie, ANGOLA N.Y.
KA2KGP - Tom - I'm a Deaf Operator & QRP nut, currently running a Ten-Tec Argosy II and a couple flea-power homebrew rock-mitters on 40 & 80 meters into a dipole & a trap vertical. I use a MFJ-PC Multi-Mode interface to help me copy CW signals that I can't quite hear. I have my "shack & shop" in a small barn out back that's filled with ham gear I've collected over the years. I enjoy hamfesting & homebrewing QRP stuff to play with. Give a listen for my 10m. beacon on 28.2828 from Forestville, NY Grid FN02jl.
N2COD - Mike - 50 years old, I've been a ham for 34 years, since 1971, when I joined the ham club in high school & got my Novice ticket. My first rig was a rock-bound Johnson Viking Adventurer pushing out 35 watts, which I still have. Currently running a Kenwood TS-430 capable of QRP at 5 watts out, and an Alinco DX-70TH in the mobile. I like to rag-chew on 10 meters. I also enjoy SWL & Scanner monitoring from high on the hill in Forestville, NY.