Jerry Bligh - 2U0BGE - NAQCC # 3045

Born in Aberdare South Wales in 1945
Moved to Alderney in 1952 and then on to college in Guernsey in 1956.
Worked for Tektronix Final Assembly until 1964
Started a 5+2 year Telecommunications apprenticeship with Guernsey Telecomms and worked my way up the system to become General Manager Sales & Marketing.
Married Christine in 1967, two daughters both married with five grandchildren between them and another on the way.
Retired in 2003.
I have always been interested in amateur radio but it was only when I
retired that I really had time to focus on it.
Apart from Family and Grandchildren my other hobbies centre arround classic cars, photography, Modelmaking including N gauge railways as well as tropical fish. So you can see I had to retire.
The next project this summer is the installation of a 36 foot telescopic
mast down the garden with a suitable beam antenna.