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Already a member? Don't accidentally re-apply before first checking here.

Use the tab key or your mouse to move between fields; the ENTER key will submit the form.

If you encounter an error message when submitting, just send the required info in an email with the subject "NAQCC Membership Application" to database manager Brent, WT4U, at pix_email_wt4u or club president John, KK4ITX, at pix_email_kk4itx.

Your membership application will be echoed to the email address you provide.

Check back with us if you don't get an email with your member number within a week.

First and last name
properly capitalized, e.g. John Ham
On-air name
properly capitalized, e.g. Jack
Ham callsign
using all capitals, e.g. W1ABC
No callsign? Enter "SWL"
Email address
We do not share this
Mailing address
State or province
if you live in US or Canada, otherwise "NONE"
ZIP or Postal Code
if you have one, otherwise "NONE"
Grid Square
4- or 6-character, can be looked up here.
If you have your own website, enter your URL
Personal and ham radio-related, please
How did you hear about us?